Cannabis News
  Marijuana Munchies May Hold a Key to Obesity
Posted by FoM on April 11, 2001 at 14:40:30 PT
Source: WebMD 

medical Those who try marijuana (and inhale) know that smoking it can bring on an acute snack attack known as "the munchies." Scientists from Italy, the U.S. and Japan now say that pot may stimulate the appetite by interacting in the brain with a key hunger-controlling hormone.

The discovery suggests that in mice and probably in humans, the appetite-regulating hormone leptin, which is produced by fat cells, may suppress hunger by controlling brain levels of cannabinoids, naturally occurring substances that are also found in marijuana.


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Comment #7 posted by ras james rsifwh on April 12, 2001 at 07:50:12 PT
God Wanted Dead or Alive
Jorma Nash, you made the I-man laugh!
Give all praise and thanks to Jah Rastafari!

Let me play with the I-DEA.

For Creating an Evil Herb!

This evil herb is known as Cannabis Sativa and has been outlawed by the worlds first world-wide super power. That's right this One World Governmnet, the USA, has declared Marijauana evil and illegal.

Reasons given for Marijuana being illegal and evil are: (1) It has never killed anyone like the One World's favorite drugs, Big Tobacco and Alcohol. (2) Cannabis Sativa is not addicting like Big Tobacco and Alcohol. (3) Cannabis Sativa is a weedy plant and any idiot can grow control over production, distribution, and profits. and (4) It is the Sacred Sacrament of the Hindu Religion (Cannabis is God's Mind) which is an overstanding that does not come out of the Jewish-Muslim-Christian traditions and understandings.

Caution! God, the evil creator of Cannabis Sativa, is Everywhere and knows Everything. He is unstoppable...But the dump shits in Congress are going to try.

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Comment #6 posted by Cuzn Buzz on April 11, 2001 at 19:55:52 PT:

Hmmm, there was a nice book out years ago titled "Flowers in The Blood" about the receptors which are tailored specificaly for substances our society seems to be under some evil spell to prohibit.
God not only created all the wonderful neuroaviation chemicals, he made us capable of enjoying them!
God rocks!
Praise Jah!!!
Praise Jah some more!
And pass the smores!

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Comment #5 posted by jorma nash on April 11, 2001 at 19:03:38 PT
one very simple question...
...that never seems to get asked:

if these chemicals are found natually in human brains,
why must they be considered Evil
when they natually occur in plants?


reminds me of a poster i saw once,
something like:

wanted: GOD
(front mug shot, side mug shot)
for creation of a controlled substance

considered omnipotent and extremely dangerous
approach with caution

"There is as much chance of repealing the 18th Amendment as there is for a hummingbird to fly to the planet Mars with the Washington Monument tied to its tail."
------------Morris Sheppard, the congressman from Texas who co-sponsored the original legislation, in 1930.

(alcohol prohibition ends: 1933)

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Comment #4 posted by ras james rsifwh on April 11, 2001 at 16:06:55 PT
There is much more to this subject than Dr. Kunos is able to bring to the table. True when smoking herb, munchies do occur with chocolate, chips, etc.; but munchies also occur with salads and other healthy foods like broiled fish, etc.

Also, I do not over eat when smoking the sacred herb. I delight in the tastes; and focus on the wonders of the food as opposed to thinking about "problems" and then unconciously over eat.

I have also noticed that when I come home from work and I am starving that if I take a walk in the woods and smoke the sacred herb...I totally lose my cravings for food and marvel at the wonders of nature. Then when I return home several hours later, I enjoy taking the time to prepare a delicious salad. As I eat...I marvel at the tastes of the Almighty's vegtables. But if I don't smoke the herb, I tend to eat fatty and unhealthy foods.

I-man don't need scientists to fumble around in the dark for many years in order to know what is already overstood by the Rastaman. Give all praise and thanks to Jah Rastafari!

With Cannabis, I tend to stay active, eat healthy, and stay trim. Without Cannabis, I tend to stay inside more, eat fatty foods, and bulge at my waiste.

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Comment #3 posted by meagain on April 11, 2001 at 15:00:09 PT
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!1
420 light up the world with blackcat fireworks yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Order fireworks online even better hurryyyyyyyyyy

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Comment #2 posted by Cpt. 420 on April 11, 2001 at 14:58:40 PT
Mission Contol
Urgent pass the word post this everywhere pleeeeeease

April 20th
THe 420 Holiday

Take time out and show your support for legalization by letting off lots off fireworks at 4:20 Pm
Check laws in your area b4 you light up!

Tell all your friends.U may participate right from your home.

Got Blackcats?????


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Comment #1 posted by FoM on April 11, 2001 at 14:49:30 PT
Marijuana Munchies May Hold a Key to Obesity
This is the complete title and it cut out the full title because I left parenthesis when I posted it. It also cut out the author.

Author: Neil Osterweil, WebMD Medical News

I just wanted to post the right info for you all.

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