Cannabis News
  Pair Claims Win in Pot Case Mistrial
Posted by FoM on December 22, 2000 at 09:33:11 PT
By Wayne Wilson, Bee Staff Writer  
Source: Sacramento Bee 

medical Medical marijuana advocates claimed victory Thursday when a Placer County jury deadlocked at 11-1 for acquittal on all five pot counts at the trial of Steve and Michele Kubby.

But the movement's standard-bearer didn't escape unscathed: Steve Kubby was convicted of possessing two illegal substances found during the January 1999 search of his home.


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Comment #3 posted by FoM on February 04, 2001 at 17:56:12 PT:

News Brief
Sentencing Delayed on Kubby Drug Possession Counts

Source: Auburn Journal (CA)
Author: Gus Thomson, Journal Staff Writer
Published: February 4, 2001
Copyright: 2001 Auburn Journal
Address: 1030 High St., Auburn, CA 95603

The sentencing of former Libertarian Party gubernatorial candidate Steve Kubby on two felony drug possession counts was postponed Friday until March 2.

A mistrial was declared in December after a Placer County Superior Court jury couldn't decide whether he was guilty of marijuana possession for sale charges. But Kubby was convicted of felony possession of peyote buttons and a magic mushroom stem.

The sentencing before Judge John Cosgrove was postponed after defense attorney Tony Sera said he would be unable to attend the hearing Friday.

CannabisNews Articles - Steve Kubby

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Comment #2 posted by anonymous on December 23, 2000 at 18:23:42 PT
Not a slam-dunk.
This was not the slam-dunk I was hoping for. Steve still winds up a convicted felon, for possesion of fractional doses of psychedelics.

Slapping him with felony charges for the mushroom fragment and the peyote button was piling on, pure and simple. Does anyone know if the defense presented any evidence about what fraction of an effective dose the State seized?

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Comment #1 posted by Ethan Russo, MD on December 22, 2000 at 12:29:43 PT:

At What Cost?
"Prosecutor Christopher M. Cattran said after the verdicts were read that his office hasn't decided if it will pursue the matter."

How much of the taxpayers' money did they squander already on this showboating trial? I hope that local people will vocally oppose reopening this sorry chapter in American jurisprudence, if that is not a contradiction in terms.

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