Cannabis News
  Kim Cites Concerns Over Marijuana Eradication
Posted by FoM on December 15, 2000 at 20:16:18 PT
By Rod Thompson 
Source: Honolulu Star-Bulletin 

cannabis Law-abiding Big Island residents have valid concerns about marijuana eradication efforts, Mayor Harry Kim told the state Board of Land and Natural Resources last night.

"There are people who are totally law-abiding, productive, good people who are truly disturbed by the noise of the helicopters," Kim said. Yesterday's hearing by the Land Board concerned the state program of spraying marijuana plants with herbicides, using long hoses dangling from helicopters.

The hearing was mandated by the Legislature. The board will decide later whether to order changes in procedures.

Kim told the board he fully supports eradication but also supports medical use of marijuana for chronic pain.

Then he turned to a description of Big Island lifestyle for the urban members of the board.

Thousands of people depend on rainwater caught in tanks for their home water supply, Kim said. "Any perceived threat of contamination (from herbicides) of this water is very frightening," he said.

People from a noisy urban environment do not understand that noise from helicopters can frighten rural people and their animals, he said.

Puna community leader Jon Olson said he is against marijuana. "The last thing we need is one more substance to abuse," he said.

But in contradiction of denials made by state officials, Olson said, "I have seen helicopters fly over and spray in subdivisions."

Rural Hawaiian Acres resident Judy Richardson said she shot video of helicopters deliberately buzzing her house after she made video of them at neighboring properties.

Cinny Wenner of Volcano said helicopters fly over their house up to six times a year eradicating wild marijuana. Through skylights in her ceiling, she sees them pass "not that high" above her house.

Some told board members that some officers conducting the eradication are not law-abiding.

"All of us have firsthand knowledge of marijuana being pocketed," said hemp legalization activist Dwight Kondo.

Board member Colbert Matsumoto told Kondo people should report the offenses to police.

No law enforcement representatives testified at the meeting.

Note: Spraying of herbicides and copter noise disturb Big Island residents.

Source: Honolulu Star-Bulletin (HI)
Author: Rod Thompson
Published: Friday, 15 December 2000
Copyright: 2000 Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Address: P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu, Hawaii 96802
Fax: (808) 523-8509

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Comment #5 posted by Rev. Jonathan Adler on December 17, 2000 at 23:06:07 PT:

State Agents Poison Pot Mania in Hawaii!
Another reporter who decided Jon Adler's testimony and street theater was not news. I had fun sitting there watching the law enforcement guys squirm as I surveilled them with binoculars from under my disguise! It was fun to see their faces when they realized I was the guy who stopped the local vice from flying choppers for next year with Roger Christie. We made them send $265,000 back and now there will be a good harvest. I feel great when I realize we have won and the news is getting out. See Hawaii Tribune Herald Sunday 12/17/00 front Page Today "Medical Pot Law is Ailing.." Yeah! Aloha, Rev. Jonathan

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Comment #4 posted by Dan B on December 16, 2000 at 21:05:09 PT:

Lehder, I think you win the prize for funniest comment currently appearing on Cannabis News. Dead-on accurate, too. Thanks.

Dan B

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Comment #3 posted by Lehder on December 16, 2000 at 11:34:58 PT
What would Freud say?
Statist pogrom ... "of spraying marijuana plants with herbicides, using long hoses dangling from helicopters."

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Comment #2 posted by dddd on December 15, 2000 at 23:23:42 PT
Poison Rain
When you think about the concept of the WoSDs',being the excuse for aerial application of poison rain on Hawaii,and Colombia,and elsewhere,,,,and you compare it to the actions of other branches of government that are supposedly responsible for the environment,such as theEPA,,,it all become even more absurd.
They can evidently look the other way on this shit,and at the same time,support the pile of crap about second hand cigarette smoke.

I guess all this should be no suprize,since diesel vehicles are,(I think),still exempt from air pollution laws.


PS,,,my thanks to Observer for introducing me to the word "pogrom".....thank you

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Comment #1 posted by observer on December 15, 2000 at 20:43:38 PT
State Marks Territory, Property by Spraying
Statist pogrom ... of spraying marijuana plants with herbicides, using long hoses dangling from helicopters.

For more information on the poisons being pumped onto the heads, literally, of our communities and children, see:

Fighting Drugs with Choppers and Poison, and
Colombian Police Spray Herbicide on Wellstone...

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