Cannabis News
  Marijuana Linked to Decreased Alcohol, Opioid Use
Posted by CN Staff on February 11, 2017 at 08:24:50 PT
By Kelsey Drain 
Source: Newsweek  

cannabis USA -- Many people would typically open a bottle of post-work wine around 7 p.m., but, according to the 2016 report from Eaze, orders for medical marijuana spiked nightly at the same time.

The company examined its data from more than 250,000 cannabis consumers in 100 cities across California, in addition to more than 5,000 unique survey responses. The survey showed that 82 percent of people point to marijuana as the reason they drank less alcohol.

In the U.S., an estimated 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Out of the thousands of Californians surveyed by Eaze, as many as 11 percent said they’ve quit drinking altogether because of marijuana.

Additionally, the research showed that 95 percent of medical marijuana consumers who’ve turned to opioids for pain management reported using less fewer opioids—thanks to cannabis.

Scientists are still studying the long-term effects of frequent marijuana use. Medical Daily previously reported that it has been linked to increased risk of Alzheimers and osteoperosis, as well as weakened heart muscles and worse verbal memory. Poor sleep and worse vision are also potential side effects of frequently consuming cannabis.

It seems that everyone has their poison, and even though more people are turning to marijuana, they are still given choices of “delivery methods.”

For example, Eaze found that consumers who are drinking less alcohol and consuming more cannabis are more likely to order vapor cartridges. Meanwhile, those who used to rely on painkillers will probably order the traditional marijuana “flowers”—which are “what most people think of when referring to marijuana.”

The report also reveals California’s most popular marijuana strains for 2016, as well as medical marijuana’s popularity by gender, generation, and location.

Source: Newsweek (US)
Author: Kelsey Drain
Published: February 11, 2017
Copyright: 2017 Newsweek, Inc.

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Comment #2 posted by FoM on February 11, 2017 at 18:33:43 PT
The Next Big Brain Cancer Drug Could Come from MJ

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Comment #1 posted by HempWorld on February 11, 2017 at 10:44:05 PT
This is what I've saying for years and years, over 2 decades actually and... from experience! Are you experienced? Jimi?

Also, I am really surprised that this comes out in NewsWeek a mainstream anti-marijuana rag.

Was this a mistake?

And yes, here you can read what I was sayin' 20 years ago!

Jus' sayin'

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