Cannabis News
  Marijuana Exhibit at Oakland Museum
Posted by CN Staff on July 04, 2016 at 11:06:21 PT
By The Associated Press 
Source: Los Angeles Times 

cannabis California -- It's been known as Mary Jane, ganja, Chronic and even the sticky icky and has been featured in countless movies, including one that warned of its dangers, "Reefer Madness." Now, marijuana is the subject of a contemporary history and science exhibit.

"Altered State: Marijuana in California," a one-of-its-kind museum exhibition focusing on the topic, is open through the summer at the Oakland Museum of California.

Set against the backdrop of a California ballot measure this year asking voters to legalize marijuana's recreational use, the exhibition features artwork, political documents and posters, scientific displays, and interactive and multimedia exhibits all meant to provoke questions and conversations about the provocative plant.

"We have designed an open and participatory experience to engage anyone who has an opinion or wants to learn more about the complex issues and information about this topic," said Associate Curator of Natural Sciences Sarah Seiter.

"We're interested in presenting a forum for all sides of deep community conversations about marijuana, its history, politics, culture and impacts on our state," Seiter said.

The exhibit comes at a time when 35 states already have medical marijuana laws on the books and four states and Washington, D.C., have legalized weed for recreational use.

It is organized into 10 different areas of focus — Cannabis Science, Medical Marijuana, Profitable Pot, Sacred Ganja, Criminal Dope, Creative Grass, Evil Weed, Politically Loaded, Youth and Weed, and Recreational Reefer. It was a two-year project with about 100 collaborators.

"Weed has a lot of fans," Seiter said. "We didn't want to open ourselves up to criticism. We wanted to do our homework."

Highlights of the exhibition include live and preserved specimens of cannabis on loan to the museum, a walk-in installation by artist Cybele Lyle that alters viewers' perspectives of space and time, and a "Cannabis Confessional" that allows visitors to share their private, anonymous thoughts about marijuana.

"All of us as individuals and as staff have very personal and emotional reactions to pot," said Lori Fogarty, the museum's director. "I think a lot of that depends on where you are in your life and your own personal experiences. What we were striving to do is move the conversation beyond those purely emotional reactions to a broader understanding."

The exhibition runs through Sept. 25.

Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Published: July 4, 2016
Copyright: 2016 Los Angeles Times

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Comment #7 posted by Sam Adams on July 05, 2016 at 09:01:21 PT
my name
and no, my name is definitely not Sam! I should change my sign-in, it's just something I quickly typed in at the beginning without thinking. I realized some years ago that Sam Adams was not a cool guy. He liked to rile up the poor masses to fight the English and then go pound beers while they died on the battlefield.

Not only that, Sam Adams was Speaker of the House of the Massachusetts legislature and bears the blame for causing Shay' Rebellion after the Revolutionary War. The crooked bankers and real estate barons of Boston tried to rip off the farmers of western mass. who had fought the war for them. They loaned them money in one currency, and demanded payment in another, then sent a judge to repo their farms when they couldn't pay.

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Comment #6 posted by Sam Adams on July 05, 2016 at 08:57:00 PT
post WWII
HW, hey my attitude is we don't know everything, I'm open minded. I just saw a mainstream TV show the other night on all the thousands of Nazis that were brought into the US after WW2. I've read the Elkhorn Manifesto.

I guess my point is, it doesn't matter if there are Reptilians behind the suits or not! The behavior of the people running the show is just as reprehensible whether they be mammal or walking gators!

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Comment #5 posted by HempWorld on July 04, 2016 at 18:06:47 PT
Thank you Sam Adams!
Is that your real name? Ha, ha.

Ok, yes, I appreciate your intelligence and discourse on this platform, and, for many years, now.

The voice of reason and intelligence, thank you, Sam!

You have, apparently, not listened to the entire interview, or say part 2 or 3, nor have you checked out Bill Tompkins credentials.

Ok, so now, I don't want to get too defensive, because, in the end, if you do the work, your homework, so to speak, then truth is all that remains.

Unless you like to live in a bubble. But I know you (Sam) don't. Ok?

I have finally come to a conclusion (40+ yrs.) of a long study of what is actually going on.

Thank you all.

If you wish to remain ignorant, do nothing.

If you wish to know, do some research, you don't even have to leave your chair, except to eat/drink and go to the b'room.

It is all up to YOU!

I thank you, I love you and I bless you!

Big things coming soon to all of you!

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Comment #4 posted by Sam Adams on July 04, 2016 at 17:53:45 PT
I don't know HW - it sounds like a combination of the movies "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "V". I loved V, the original 80's TV series.

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Comment #3 posted by HempWorld on July 04, 2016 at 16:50:27 PT
Cut to the chase...
Ok, here is part of the transcript of the 1st interview I want you to listen to in its entirety. But to save time, here you can read what Bill Tompkins is stating on Jeff Rense Show:

"Rense: Yeah, the Germans didn't have that obstacle. But there are, obviously, people out there right now that are saying, “What the heck? If they had this technology, how did they lose the war?”

Tompkins: Okay. That's an extremely good question. The easiest way to answer it is that they actually did not lose the war. We didn't win the war. What happened was the Germans were contacted by all of the U.S. Navy and all of the military intelligence groups in the United States. They went in and made arrangements to take a substantial number of German scientists and bring them to the United States. It was called the Paperclip Project.

Rense: Yes, thousands of them. Yeah, there were lots of them.

Tompkins: It wasn't like there were 6 or 7 of them. Like you said, there were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds. Now, these Germans, then actually were assigned into the thing called NASA. And they essentially made up 80~90% of NASA. But that was just the first stop.

Rense: Wow!

Tompkins: They continued to distribute out to every top U.S. bio-medical and systems corporations that were in aerospace. They then worked in these companies and they worked to the extent that they took over the finance of these companies. And, of course, the Bilderberg and the Trilateral were all involved in this.

But the point is that Germany had four years before they lost the war, they decided that this tremendous opportunity that was given to them to have all of these advanced space systems, they said, “We're going to move into Antarctica.” And at that particular time the Reptilians, extraterrestrials, had three large caverns under the ground, under the ice, down in Antarctica. And they had two small ones.

And so they gave the two small ones to the SS and they then made arrangements so that the Germans would design and build massive submarines as transports. They had no torpedoes on board. They were just large transports.

Rense: Right. Right.

Tompkins: And they started moving the top UFO construction, because Germany went into the construction of these various types of UFOs that were given to them. They started taking this four years before the war ended.

Rense: Really?

Tompkins: So they had a massive number of slaves – slave labor – that they moved down there too. And the families for all of the German SS went down there with them.

Rense: Well, these caverns . . . now I have footage of the original 1938-39 German expedition to Antarctica.

Tompkins: Yes."

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Comment #2 posted by HempWorld on July 04, 2016 at 15:53:23 PT
Happy Independence Day! ?
I am really sorry to burst your bubble!

Or, our collective bubble.

Independence from what? I say after getting 'the news' today!

OMG, we are all living a total joke!

Frank Zappa please come back!

Marijuana legalization in our own concentration camp!

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Comment #1 posted by HempWorld on July 04, 2016 at 15:45:42 PT
OT Nazi Germany, did NOT lose the war!
Sorry to put this here, but I just got the TRUTH from a 90-old whistle-blower who had a long career...

Here is a link to a 50 min interview, where he details at 6 mins. in what I state in the Subject above.

Then he talks about a secret world-government and that basically, with the exception of China and Russia, we are living in the 4th Reich.

Dear FoM, I hope you are not upset, this is REAL, this is not a joke and I am posting it here because I want everybody to know the real truth, so we can stop beating around the bush. (pun intended)

Listen to the interview, part 1, then there are part 2 and 3. If you listen to the 1st interview then you will understand that I am not joking.

If you leave this information up, your site may be taken down, but that is a risk we all have to take with public comments etc.

Thank you all and God Bless and Godspeed!

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