Cannabis News
  Hundreds Of Military Veterans Just Got Free Pot
Posted by CN Staff on September 22, 2014 at 05:34:07 PT
By The Associated Press  
Source: Associated Press 

medical Denver -- Hundreds of military veterans received free marijuana during a special giveaway in Denver designed to show that pot can help ease their pain.

Members of Operation Grow4Vets said the Saturday event aimed to offer veterans an alternative to prescription drugs to help with anxiety, pain and other problems. The organization also says it gave out 400 bags of marijuana-infused products at the Denver Cannabis Giveaway.

"We're really here to help them with their medical conditions," including post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury, the group's founder, Roger Martin, himself a veteran, told - KDVR-TV "There's a wide variety of ailments. Anything that involves pain."

Stephanie Burton, a veteran Army nurse, told KCNC-TV - - that she struggles with PTSD, and marijuana helps her sleep at night. Afghanistan veteran Brian Nance, 29, said he used marijuana to wean him off morphine after he fell 40 feet into a ravine and broke his back.

"I've been using cannabis, and it's been helping me," Nance said. "If I don't have to take a pill for four to five hours, for me, that's a big deal."

But pot critics questioned whether the event was safe. Colorado this year rejected marijuana as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, so the condition is not on the list of ailments for which doctors can recommend medical marijuana. But it is legal in the state to give away pot for free. And Colorado allows any adult over 21 to buy the drug in recreational stores.

Bob Doyle of the Colorado Smart Approaches to Marijuana Coalition said organizers of Saturday's event were reckless to give away a drug that can also cause paranoia and may have other unforeseen side effects.

"Obviously things that we would not want somebody with PTSD to be experiencing," he said.

Grow4Vets now says it is launching a new project called Save 1,000 Vets that aims to provide 1,000 veterans with a free lifetime supply of marijuana-infused goods.

Information from: KCNC-TV

Source: Associated Press (Wire)
Published: September 21, 2014
Copyright: 2014 The Associated Press

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Comment #1 posted by observer on September 22, 2014 at 15:33:19 PT
Government's Take on ''Military Men''
The pattern was set at least by 1588 in the aftermath of the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

Sharp government/military minds of the time realized that there was no way that the English government could pay all those English sailors what was promised to them. Solution? A variation of the "smallpox blanket" biowar technique. Sailors were ordered to remain on-ship, in-port for months after the Armada was defeated. Ostensibly (government liars always have a cover-story to ready to dissemble) just in case the (thoroughly defeated) Armada should return. (Of course the Armada didn't return.) The real reason was to make sure those irritating salary-expecting sailors who were held in the dank, wet, cold, ships would catch dysentery and die and (God) save the Queen from having to pay those pesky salaries promised to the sailors. "No man - no problem!" went the thinking and the brave English defenders were killed by their own government, roughly 7,000 of them in this manner. Problem solved.

So I imagine that giving vets an effective medicine like cannabis will be met with extreme prejudice. The US Govt wants vets to die asap, it wants them to commit suicide if possible. This kills two birds with one stone: both taking out a potential enemy (the vet) as far as domestic freedom and liberty political activity or resistance. It also saves the US Govt a bundle in paying what is owed to the vet.

Governments always promise young men this and that if they go and kill for government - the surviving cannon fodder is lucky indeed if government pays what it promises. (Remember the Bonus Army.) Government would sooner make vets go away, because of the cost savings. Like the English sailors who defended England from the Spanish Armada. Disposable. Like what Kissinger said:

"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." -- Henry Kissinger

That's what government leaders from at least the time of Queen Elizabeth (probably millennia before too) have thought of military men. I sure wish people would ignore the clap-trap politicians use to lure them into the military. It isn't for their own good.

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