Cannabis News
  LA and Orange Counties Ban Medical Marijuana Shops
Posted by CN Staff on November 24, 2010 at 07:08:08 PT
By Garrett Therolf, Los Angeles Times 
Source: Los Angeles Times 

medical California -- Supervisors in Los Angeles and Orange counties moved in sync Tuesday to ban medical marijuana dispensaries in unincorporated territories. The bans, affecting an area with 1.5 million people in L.A. County and 120,000 in Orange County, were approved in 4-1 votes in both counties.

"Attracting crime and other nuisances, these facilities have a negative impact on the communities where they've operated — leading more than 100 cities and nine counties in California to pass similar ordinances," said Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, who wrote L.A. County's provision.

In Orange County, Supervisor Shawn Nelson voted against the measure because he said it would exacerbate the black market for the drug. In Los Angeles, Zev Yaroslavsky was the lone no vote.

"This is not some sort of scheme or scam. This is not some sort of joke," Yaroslavsky said, noting that he had seen marijuana help friends afflicted with cancer.

Gary Kearns, a 59-year-old Los Angeles County resident suffering from AIDS, was among many members of the public who came to speak against the ban. "I submit to you that compassion is an element of successful public policy, and I would suggest that the intent of this ban is not compassionate," he said.

Yaroslavsky said the board should instead focus on dispensaries that operate illegally without a permit and wrote a motion to step up enforcement.

That measure, approved unanimously, directs county staff to take advantage of their ability to fine illegal dispensaries $1,000 a day. Although the county has used other tools in attempting to close unauthorized shops, assessing hefty fines has never been done, according to county staff.

"I'm going to say there's two bad actors," Supervisor Gloria Molina told county staff. "There's the lousy marijuana suppliers who are illegally setting up and making all the medical marijuana look bad and … [there's] you all. If you would enforce the rules, these folks wouldn't be out there operating illegally."

Molina said her office has been flooded with calls from residents saying that the illegal dispensaries have brought crime and blight.

"Why don't you use everything you have to get them the hell out of unincorporated areas?" Molina asked county staff. "I'm going to support the ban right now because you guys aren't assisting us in getting rid of the illegal operators. All of the residents are complaining, and in my area, it's really bad."

County officials said a tally of illegal dispensaries was unavailable.

Another factor in the ordinances' passage was the city of Los Angeles' recent aggressive push to shut down dispensaries that don't comply with a city ordinance that took effect four weeks ago. Some supervisors expressed concern that dispensary owners would be searching for a new home.

In Orange County, the Sheriff's Department submitted a report that found dispensaries responsible for an uptick in robberies, burglaries, weapons violations and money laundering.

Orange County supervisors had never regulated medical marijuana. But in Los Angeles County, Tuesday's votes marked a change in course. The ban reversed the county's four-year-old policy on dispensaries, which were allowed with strict location prohibitions: They could not be within 1,000 feet of churches, day-care centers, libraries, playgrounds, schools and other sensitive areas.

To date, L.A. County has not approved a single dispensary in an unincorporated area. Two were rejected and three are still pending.

The bans in both counties must be read again at a future meeting for final approval, and are expected to go into effect at the end of the year.

Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Author: Garrett Therolf, Los Angeles Times
Published: November 23, 2010
Copyright: 2010 Los Angeles Times

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Comment #25 posted by Hope on November 25, 2010 at 17:11:39 PT
Storm Crow, I agree!
That is good news, and something to be thankful for.

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Comment #24 posted by Storm Crow on November 25, 2010 at 13:32:12 PT
A nice bit of Thanksgiving news!

UPDATED: Medical Marijuana Patient Keeps His Housing Subsidy

San Miguel County Commission reverses a decision to drop the 70-year-old cancer patient from the subsidy program

A 70-year-old cancer patient who uses medical marijuana will keep his federal housing subsidy for a rental home in the northern New Mexico city of Las Vegas.

Robert Jones had been dropped from the subsidy program over his participation in New Mexico's medical marijuana program.

But San Miguel County Attorney Jesus Lopez says county commissioners, acting as the county housing board, reversed the decision Wednesday at a meeting in Las Vegas.

Lopez, as hearing officer for the issue, recommended Jones be reinstated to the housing program. He said the vote at the end of a two-hour hearing was unanimous.

Jones joined New Mexico's medical marijuana program in October 2007 when he was diagnosed with cancer.

The retired political consultant said he told county housing authority officials he used marijuana before signing a statement agreeing to follow a rule not to participate in drug-related criminal activity.


The article has earlier articles attached to it, so you can read the full story.

I'm willing to bet that the county commissioners got a LOT of flack about their decision to evict Robert Jones and that is why they changed their minds! I hope that this is the beginning of a trend!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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Comment #23 posted by Hope on November 25, 2010 at 11:54:14 PT
Lol! Runruff.
I think it means they got "deviled" in the sense of being mashed, and worried around, and messed with.

Kind of like the gov used to "Devil" you as regularly as possible.

But you, unlike these eggs, keep popping back up whole and undeviled... which causes a great state of bedevilment on some of them, I'm sure.

I have to say. Mr. Hope has put the fragrance of a fine feast of turkey and dressing in the air.

(Thankfully the boiled egg aroma of a few hours ago has subsided.)

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Comment #22 posted by runruff on November 25, 2010 at 11:01:21 PT
Deviled Eggs?
Is that anything like Satanic Spawn?

What do the DEA do for Thanksgiving? To whom do you suppose they give thanks?

I have an idle mind!

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Comment #21 posted by Hope on November 25, 2010 at 10:51:52 PT
Deviled eggs...
He does not want any unsolicited advice.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #20 posted by Hope on November 25, 2010 at 10:24:33 PT
Mr. Hope is dealing with the many mysteries and eccentricities of the boiled egg, as well as it's importance to the traditional holiday feast.

His turkey and it's dressing are in the oven.

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Comment #19 posted by FoM on November 25, 2010 at 09:02:47 PT
Happy Thanksgiving! Make sure you tell Mr. Hope a big Ho Ho Ho from me and Stick. Oops wrong holiday! LOL!

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #18 posted by Hope on November 25, 2010 at 07:17:14 PT
Trying to help Mr. Hope make his first
Thanksgiving production.

Dressing is a philosophy, I told him .... not a recipe.


I hope you all are having a good one.

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Comment #17 posted by FoM on November 25, 2010 at 07:12:14 PT
You're so funny. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Linda!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #16 posted by runruff on November 25, 2010 at 07:10:42 PT
Aye, Stevie me boy,
we 'ardly knew ye!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #15 posted by FoM on November 25, 2010 at 06:29:02 PT
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
I hope everyone has a wonderful day with family and friends. Be careful while traveling.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #14 posted by Hope on November 24, 2010 at 18:36:32 PT
Surely there are some C-Newsers
in those areas. Or they know someone that lives in those areas and would have an idea of how true that report is or not.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #13 posted by Hope on November 24, 2010 at 18:34:35 PT
I have doubts about the veracity of that report.
"In Orange County, the Sheriff's Department submitted a report that found dispensaries responsible for an uptick in robberies, burglaries, weapons violations and money laundering"

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #12 posted by Hope on November 24, 2010 at 18:15:12 PT
Comment 2 Sounds like good news. I hope so.
Dirty Dancing. I think I watched it six times when I first got hold of the tape.

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Comment #11 posted by FoM on November 24, 2010 at 18:11:19 PT
Glad you liked it. Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze were so good in Dirty Dancing. That movie was rented more times then any movie we had in our store back then and we had thousands of movies.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #10 posted by FoM on November 24, 2010 at 18:08:47 PT
Steve Cooley Concedes Race for Attorney General
Steve Cooley Concedes Race for Attorney General to Kamala Harris

November 25, 2010


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Comment #9 posted by Hope on November 24, 2010 at 17:34:18 PT
Comment 6
So many thoughts with that clip!

Thank you.

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Comment #8 posted by Hope on November 24, 2010 at 17:23:35 PT
Thank you, Zev Yaroslavsky.
"This is not some sort of scheme or scam. This is not some sort of joke," Yaroslavsky said, noting that he had seen marijuana help friends afflicted with cancer."

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Comment #7 posted by Hope on November 24, 2010 at 17:11:06 PT
Comment 5 Oh my gosh!
That hurts and is terrifying just reading about it.

A prohibitionist seeing her going into a dispensary, would be having one of those amazingly gifted diagnosis things they get, and would tell us, of course, "But really, you can tell by looking at her, there's nothing wrong with her."

They can tell if people are having medical or health problems just by looking at them.

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Comment #6 posted by FoM on November 24, 2010 at 15:54:31 PT
Here's a longer clip.

Jennifer Grey & Derek Hough - Viennese Waltz (longer clip)

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Comment #5 posted by FoM on November 24, 2010 at 15:40:13 PT
Jennifer Grey Fought Cancer, Spinal Cord Injury to Win "Dancing with the Stars"

Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough Dancing with the Stars -- Viennese Waltz

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Comment #4 posted by Hope on November 24, 2010 at 15:00:55 PT
Comment 1
Awwww. Beautiful! And sweet.

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Comment #3 posted by FoM on November 24, 2010 at 12:01:14 PT
John Tyler
Ana a Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

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Comment #2 posted by John Tyler on November 24, 2010 at 10:55:36 PT
still going forward
It seems we are always going two steps forward and one step back. But we are still going forward.

I'm glad Jennifer Grey won also.

I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.

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Comment #1 posted by FoM on November 24, 2010 at 09:21:22 PT
Off Topic: Jennifer Grey
I have never watched Dancing with the Stars but I saw that Jennifer Grey won so I went and found one of my favorite videos ever. It's been viewed over 58 million times so it must be many people's favorite too. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Time of My Life

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