Cannabis News
  Spotlight On The Marijuana Industry
Posted by CN Staff on November 09, 2010 at 05:39:46 PT
By Donna Tam, The Times-Standard 
Source: Times-Standard 

cannabis California -- Five young trimmers sit out on the deck, surrounded by buds, sunlight and the open air of Southern Humboldt. The scene is set nicely for local filmmaker Mikal Jakubal, who is intent on capturing a slice of life within Humboldt County's marijuana industry.

One trimmer, a seasoned hand who has a sunny disposition and no shoes on, talks as her fingers nimbly pluck buds and trim them with Fiskars, a brand of scissors.

She said she isn't a pot smoker and had no position on the recently failed Proposition 19 -- which aimed to legalize and regulate pot for recreational use -- but she thinks the work is fun.

”We get to hang out in the sun, listen to rad music and hang out with cool people,” she said, with the camera rolling.

Jakubal said the trimmer -- who does not live in California but travels to Humboldt for seasonal work -- is a part of an industry spawned in Humboldt, just as much as the small pot farmers eking out a living or the big growers who are making plenty of money.

The story he hopes to tell with a documentary he has worked on since March is the underlying culture that attracted many of the older growers in the first place -- going back to the land.

”It's not about dope growing. It's about what Southern Humboldt is about,” Jakubal said. “You can't talk about it without talking about weed.”

In his film, Jakubal follows four growers throughout the course of a year.

One of the growers, a woman who referred to herself as “J,” said she was drawn to the Emerald Triangle during the 1970s because of its lifestyle, not its pot.

”I'm a Bay Area girl that migrated to the hills to raise a family and go back to the land,” she said. “We didn't come to grow marijuana -- I didn't. It just happened.”

A single mom who raised her children in the area and now has her grandchildren growing up in the area, J is a medical marijuana patient as well. She chooses to smoke pot rather than take pharmaceuticals for her anxiety disorder because of the side effects that kind of medication has on her.

One of the themes of Jakubal's film is the effect of Proposition 19 on the industry. He said what the film will best depict is how much doesn't change, even with legalization front and center for the nation to watch.

J said she voted for Proposition 19 despite being wary of its lack of protection for small farmers. She said that ultimately, she's glad it didn't pass, but she very much would like to see a legitimate marijuana industry.

Both she and Jakubal agree that Prop. 19's lack of success was not just because of some greedy pot growers but fear of the unknown.

J said she has watched the price of pot cut in half in the last 15 years. But there is fear that if big industry takes over marijuana, the plant will “lose some of its sacredness, its specialness.”

She said a lot of her friends are not happy that she is in a documentary. They are concerned the industry will be glorified or that it may not be safe for her to be so “out” about it.

J said she wanted to tell her story and help the world see that she is just a grandmother trying to keep her modest middle-class lifestyle and positively contribute to her community any way she can.

”I think the rest of the people in the world have a misconception of marijuana growers -- that we're a wild bunch, and we're rich and we drive big trucks.”

Jakubal aims to have something produced by next winter, but that will depend on funding. Jakubal said he hopes that the chance for the outside world to access the Humboldt County grow scene in a manner more intimate than what the recent media attention has produced will attract funders.

”It's such a unique, amazing place,” he said. “It's this secret little subculture that no one gets to see.”

To find out more about the documentary, go to:

Source: Times-Standard (Eureka, CA)
Author: Donna Tam, The Times-Standard
Published: November 9, 2010
Copyright: 2010 MediaNews Group, Inc.

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Comment #5 posted by gloovins on November 09, 2010 at 23:34:25 PT
Another thing...
Arnold forgot to mention that under the new law he signed making under an oz possession an "infraction" one cannot request a JURY TRIAL now. No possibility of NULLIFICATION. Anyone remember what that is? He is a jerk -- and that's being nice.

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Comment #4 posted by John Tyler on November 09, 2010 at 18:46:55 PT
If, as the Governor say, nobody cares it you smoke cannabis, why is possession still illegal, (it will soon be only a fine, but it is still illegal), and why is growing, transportation and distribution still illegal that is if nobody cares? When did Leno turn pro Republican?

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Comment #3 posted by Sam Adams on November 09, 2010 at 10:00:12 PT
"This Proposition 19 went a little bit too far, I think, and it was written badly."

You could say the same thing about his career.

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Comment #2 posted by BGreen on November 09, 2010 at 07:38:55 PT
“No one cares if you smoke a joint or not,”
Really, Mr. Schwarzenegger?

No one cares if someone smokes a joint?


Well, you try to make us believe you're a smart man so, if “no one cares if you smoke a joint or not,” where then, Mr. smart man, are they supposed to get the cannabis to smoke these joints no one cares they smoke when every means of growing, selling or even possessing amounts larger than an ounce of cannabis is a freakin' felony????

Geez, all it would have taken was Jay Leno to have been quick enough to say "Where are they supposed to get the pot from? Are they supposed to crap it out or is it supposed to fall like manna from Heaven?"

But, no, another chance to call them on their BS was lost.

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #1 posted by FoM on November 09, 2010 at 06:31:47 PT
Schwarzenegger: Proposition 19 was 'Written Badly'
Schwarzenegger: Proposition 19 was 'Written Badly' and Not Necessary

November 9, 2010

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Monday that he suspects Californians voted against legalizing recreational use of marijuana in the Nov. 2 election because a law he signed this year has all but decriminalized smoking pot.

The new law, SB 1449, signed by the governor last month, changes possession of less than an ounce of marijuana in California from a misdemeanor to an infraction, which Schwarzenegger said is like “a speeding ticket.”

“No one cares if you smoke a joint or not,” he said on an appearance of NBC’s "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno."

He added: “This Proposition 19 went a little bit too far, I think, and it was written badly.”

Voters defeated the ballot measure last week, 46% to 54%.

-- Evan Halper in Sacramento


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