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Michigan's Proposal 1 Would Allow Ill To Grow |
Posted by CN Staff on September 23, 2008 at 17:43:51 PT By Nathan Bruttell, Argus-Press Staff Writer Source: Argus-Press ![]() “You will hear all kinds of stories off the record,” Byrum said, “where you have constant vomiting and people who can barely move they are hurting so much.” Each of the personal stories Byrum hears includes a plea for akind of relief that is currently illegal. On Nov. 4 voters will decide the fate of Proposal 1, which would allow seriously ill patients to use marijuana for medicinal purposes with a recommendation from their doctor. A chemical in marijuana known as THC has been shown to alleviate pain caused by certain types of cancer, HIV/AIDS, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. Byrum is a representative for Michigan Coalition for Compassionate Care (MCCC), the consulting firm that organized the petition to put Proposal 1 on the ballot. The petition needed 304,000 signatures to be placed on the November ballot - it got nearly half a million. Yet few of the signers have been willing to speak about their reasons. “People are afraid to step out and speak openly about it,” Byrum said. “They really do fear for arrest and prosecution.” Byrum also said many of the signers were physicians in Michigan. “There are physicians out there, but they are not going to step out until this is passed because that fear of prosecution is real,” she said. There are several outspoken individuals against the legalization of medical marijuana, Byrum said, who fear the law will allow easy access for others. There are provisions in the proposal to ensure that doesn't happen, she said. The proposal requires a prescription, which must be renewed annually. The prescription allows the patient an ID card, which only the patient and select growers may use. The proposal does allow patients to grow up to 12 plants legally in their homes. It also states the cardholders would be free of prosecution involving marijuana as long as they assert medical reasons for using. Optometrist and State Rep. Richard Ball, R-Owosso said he has mixed views of the proposal. “There are dozens or more pharmaceutical solutions that are designed to relieve ocular pressure (caused by glaucoma) that work a whole lot better,” Ball said. “If you want to control that pressure you're going to have to use prescription drugs.” Ball said he has heard of a lot of support for medical marijuana for the relief of glaucoma that he says is unsubstantiated. “I've wondered if they didn't want to use marijuana for different purposes,” Ball said. “I have never been convinced that the use of marijuana is better (at relieving pain caused by glaucoma).” There are those with severe pain, such as terminally ill cancer patients, for whom Ball could justify the use of marijuana. “Pain relief...that's pretty subjective,” he said. “You have to look at the fact that maybe for them it works, but you have to build in a system.” Ball said there is simply too much risk of patients using marijuana for recreational and illegal purposes. The Michigan State Medical Society opposes the potential law, but the proposal is based on a similar proposal put forth by the Rhode Island Medical Society - which supports it. Currently 12 other states, including Rhode Island, California and New York, have laws in place for medical marijuana. Michigan cities Ann Arbor, Detroit, Ferndale, Flint and Traverse City have local ordinances in place to support it - but current state and federal law still prohibit use. Shiawassee County Health Department Director George Pichette is unsure if the proposed law will do more help than harm. “Of course there are medical benefits...But, I don't know if there is a definitive answer,” he said. “That's why it's being left up to voters.” Complete Title: Michigan's Proposal 1 Would Allow Seriously Ill To Grow and Use Illegal Drug Source: Argus-Press, The (Owosso, MI) MCCC CannabisNews Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help |
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Comment #18 posted by FoM on September 26, 2008 at 10:27:10 PT |
If he wins I will literally give up on any chance of positive change. This election is that serious to me. Everything I believe in and hope for is tied up in this election. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #17 posted by BGreen on September 26, 2008 at 10:21:12 PT |
If McCain reacts so schizophrenically with hurricanes and economic matters, there's absolutely no doubt that he'd launch a military attack on the first country that says or does something his lobbyist "advisers" dislike. Do we need a senile old man with his finger on the button of the creation of Armageddon? Do I really need to answer that question? The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #16 posted by FoM on September 26, 2008 at 10:06:36 PT |
That was a great quote. I'm glad I turned on Letterman that night. I know what you mean about McCain. He looks like he is lost so much of the time and he looks so darn angry too. He seems hot headed. Hot headed people often make poor decisions in my book. They act before they think and that isn't good. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #15 posted by BGreen on September 26, 2008 at 10:00:30 PT |
"I think they're putting something in his Metamucil®."
ROTFLMAO My mother-in-law says she's voting for McCain because "the other guy is too young and doesn't have enough experience." The fact that she wouldn't even speak Obama's name tells me she has different reasons than she's telling us. Mrs. Green and I have absolutely NO respect anymore for ANYBODY who would support that crazy old man and the continuation of the Bush legacy of failure. That includes our own family. We still love them, but we've lost all respect. The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #14 posted by FoM on September 26, 2008 at 06:36:30 PT |
Today will be an interesting day. I'm not planning on being too far from the tv news. Hopefully the Presidential Debate will be held. I just heard that Ron is closing down Marihemp in October. I haven't posted there in years but I had a great experience in the early days on Ron's web site.
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Comment #13 posted by FoM on September 25, 2008 at 21:00:17 PT |
Glad you liked it. Keith looked scared. LOL! [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #12 posted by fight_4_freedom on September 25, 2008 at 20:34:57 PT |
He really took some shots at McCain there. It was also very fitting for Keith to be there in McCain's absence. McCain is looking worse and worse with every passing day. I'm glad I got to watch that. Thanks FoM! [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #11 posted by FoM on September 25, 2008 at 20:11:36 PT |
Last night I watched David Letterman because Keith Olbermann was filling in for McCain when he backed out and Letterman really got angry. If you didn't see it it's worth a look. It's only been on Youtube for less then a day and it has been viewed way over a million times. I'm glad I saw it. David Letterman Reacts to John McCain Suspending Campaign http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjkCrfylq-E [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #10 posted by fight_4_freedom on September 25, 2008 at 19:50:57 PT |
I will definitely check them out. I do agree that McCain made a dumb move by trying to get out of the debate. I'm glad Obama stood strong in wanting to debate no matter what. That will surely give Barack some ammunition. I did not catch the Palin comment regarding Russia. I will have to look into that. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #9 posted by FoM on September 25, 2008 at 19:26:51 PT |
I wanted to say your welcome and thank you too. I need to add a little doom and gloom though. If Obama doesn't win and Michigan wins it will be fought every step of the way. I really don't believe that Obama would interfere with Michigan if you win. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #8 posted by FoM on September 25, 2008 at 19:02:41 PT |
I think Obama will win. This financial issue is showing who will go hide in a bunker and who will address a crisis with sense. McCain really blew it by not wanting to debate Obama. Palin and witches and her comment about Russia was so weird. If McCain wins our country really is not what I thought it could be and it will be time to hide under a rock I think. Check this poll a couple times a day and it will make you more hopeful. Play around with the electoral map too if you have time. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2008/latestpolls/index.html http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/maps/obama_vs_mccain/ [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #7 posted by fight_4_freedom on September 25, 2008 at 18:54:07 PT |
Even as you are consumed by this election, you still manage to do an awesome job with C-News :) Thanks as always. I am fully confident that we will pass Proposal 1. But I am not quite as confident that Obama will be elected. I think he has a great shot but I just don't have an overwhelming confidence that he will win it. I am really looking forward to the debate tomorrow night. I think whoever does better in the debates will have a way better chance of being elected. And I truly hope that it is Barack who comes out the winner. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #6 posted by FoM on September 25, 2008 at 15:15:08 PT |
That's great. It looks good for you in Michigan and for Obama. What an exciting time to be involved in this election. It's hard to focus on our news for me because the politics of this election are really interesting. I've never seen an election like this one. I believe in putting the horse in front of the cart. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #5 posted by FoM on September 25, 2008 at 15:11:03 PT |
September 25, 2008
Voters in Michigan won't just be casting a ballot for a new Commander-In-Chief this November. They will also have to decide on a couple of ballot proposals on medical marijuana use and stem cell research. So how would they vote if the election were held today? Proposal One would directly affect patients suffering from medical conditions like cancer, glaucoma, HIV, AIDS and multiple sclerosis. If approved by voters, the law would allow individuals with a permit to grow marijuana in an enclosed, locked facility. It would also require the Department of Community Health to create an ID card system for those who qualify. When asked how they would vote if the election were held today-- based on what they already know about Prop One-- 59 percent would support it, while 37 percent are leaning toward voting no. Four percent still haven't made up their mind. The second proposal would loosen the state's restrictions on embryonic stem cell research. The initiative would allow researchers to make cultures from extra embryos donated from fertility treatments. Researchers say the cells could unlock secrets and lead to cures for illnesses like Alzheimer's and type-one diabetes. If voters had to decide today, our exclusive poll shows 50 percent would vote "yes", while 32 percent would not support amending the state constitution to address such research. At this point, 18 percent of voters are still undecided on the issue. Currently, eight states have laws allowing some form of stem cell research. Also, 12 states have legalized medical marijuana use since 1996, but Michigan would be the first in the Midwest. If you're wondering, both John McCain and Barack Obama favor increasing federal funds for stem cell research. They are split on medical marijuana-- Obama is for it and McCain is against it, though he does believe it's a state's right to decide. Copyright: 2008 - Designed and Powered by Clickability http://www.wilx.com/news/headlines/29761954.html [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #4 posted by fight_4_freedom on September 25, 2008 at 12:09:57 PT:
www.stoparrestingpatients.org They now have stickers, t-shirts, and even coffee mugs available. Oh how excited this made me :) They even included a LTE of mine on the website. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #3 posted by Storm Crow on September 24, 2008 at 19:59:02 PT |
http://www.dailytargum.com/news/2008/09/24/Opinions/Medical.Marijuana.Causes.A.Stir-3447946-page2.shtml Medical marijuana causes a stir Letter By: Ken Wolski Posted: 9/24/08 Mike and Marie Miceli of Jackson Township, N.J., are the latest victims of a law against the medical use of marijuana that desperately needs to change. Mike has Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel condition. He has severe abdominal pain and constant diarrhea more than 20 times a day. He takes a host of prescribed medications that are either ineffective or have intolerable side effects. On Sept. 4, the day of his arrest, he weighed 197 pounds. Two days later, he had already lost nine pounds. He was hospitalized on Sept. 7, and he spent nine days in the hospital. He was wasting away and in severe pain. The arrest for his use of medical marijuana may turn out to be a death sentence for Mike Miceli. Marijuana has helped Mike immensely. Marijuana relieved his stomach pains, and it stopped his severe diarrhea. Marijuana also helped him sleep since he was no longer constantly being awakened by urges to go to the bathroom. Mike said one of his doctors told him to research marijuana as a therapeutic form of relief when he was first diagnosed with Crohn's disease more than 10 years ago. After Mike did the research, he experimented with it. He said he lived a semi-healthy life using marijuana therapeutically. Then, in December 2007, his wife gave birth to his only son. He stopped all marijuana use when his son was born, but three months later, he had lost about 25 pounds and was wasting away quickly. He could not take the pain anymore. He started medicating with marijuana again, gained weight and felt better. Now Mike faces charges for cultivating a small marijuana garden in the closet of his home. The New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services removed his beloved 8-month-old baby, and his wife also faces marijuana charges. There ought to be a law. In fact, there is a bill in the New Jersey legislature that would protect patients like Mike. It is the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act (S-119 & A-804). (snipped) [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #2 posted by afterburner on September 23, 2008 at 22:36:09 PT |
“Of course there are medical benefits...But, I don't know if there is a definitive answer,” he [Shiawassee County Health Department Director George Pichette] said. “That's why it's being left up to voters.” And we're fully ready to take responsibility for it! Medical freedom for Michigan! [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #1 posted by ekim on September 23, 2008 at 19:58:49 PT |
Byrum also said many of the signers were physicians in Michigan. “There are physicians out there, but they are not going to step out until this is passed because that fear of prosecution is real,” she said. [ Post Comment ] |
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