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Doctors Demolish Myths on Medical Marijuana |
Posted by CN Staff on February 23, 2008 at 05:41:12 PT By Dianne Byrum Source: Lansing State Journal ![]() These doctors have demolished the myths being floated by opponents of medical marijuana. The American College of Physicians is the nation's largest medical specialty organization and the second largest physician group in the United States. Its membership numbers 124,000 doctors - specialists in internal medicine, cardiology, neurology, pulmonary disease, oncology and infectious diseases, among others. ACP publishes Annals of Internal Medicine, the most widely cited medical specialty journal in the world. In a just-released position paper, backed up with 10 pages of scientific documentation and references, ACP says the federal government is wrong to classify marijuana as unsuitable for medical use and urges an immediate review of its status, "given the scientific evidence regarding marijuana's safety and efficacy in some clinical situations." ACP specifically calls for "protection from criminal or civil penalties for patients who use medical marijuana as permitted under state laws," such as the one Michigan will soon vote on. ACP directly takes on the myths already being raised by opponents: ACP cites studies showing that marijuana's active components "may provide symptom relief not found in any other medication" for patients suffering from AIDS or undergoing cancer chemotherapy and experiencing severe pain, nausea and appetite loss. ACP explains that a technology called vaporization removes the hazards of smoking while maintaining the benefits that patients prefer. ACP notes that the THC pill called Marinol, touted as a substitute for marijuana, has "serious limitations" due to "slow absorption" and side effects that are "more severe." "Marijuana has not been shown to be the cause of even the most serious predictor of serious drug abuse," the doctors write, adding pointedly, "Opiates are highly addictive yet medically effective ... There is no evidence to suggest that medical use of opiates has increased perception that their illicit use is safe or acceptable." The group representing 124,000 physicians has declared that it's time for public policy to recognize "marijuana's proven efficacy at treating certain symptoms and its relatively low toxicity." Michigan voters should take the doctors' advice this November and vote to protect seriously ill patients from arrest and jail. Note: New analysis shows feds are wrong on pot. Source: Lansing State Journal (MI) Related Articles & Web Site: Stop Arresting Patients Physicians Group Urges Easing of Ban on Marijuana Michigan Closer To Medical Marijuana Vote Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help |
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Comment #42 posted by fight_4_freedom on March 03, 2008 at 11:12:11 PT:
is that our initiative will be certified by the state sometime today. I couldn't control myself at work since I was so full of excitement, so luckily I got to bounce up out of there a little early. I'll be waiting to hear the news. Michigan = #13 [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #41 posted by fight_4_freedom on March 02, 2008 at 20:38:51 PT:
Board of State Canvassers will meet on Monday, March 3, 2008 at 3:00 P.M. - - NOTICE - - YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THE BOARD OF STATE CANVASSERS WILL MEET ON MONDAY, MARCH 3, 2008 AT 3:00 P.M. IN ROOM 426 OF THE STATE CAPITOL, LANSING, MICHIGAN. Included on the Agenda will be: * Consideration of meeting minutes for approval. * Consideration of initiative petition filed by the Michigan Coalition for Compassionate Care, P.O. Box 20489, Ferndale, MI 48220. * Review of procedures employed to canvass candidate nominating petitions, new political party petitions and initiative and referendum petitions. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #40 posted by Sinsemilla Jones on February 28, 2008 at 14:09:42 PT |
If that means developing pharmaceutical drugs from the cannabis plant, I am not against that. This is a position paper by the ACP, and these are the positions taken: Position 1: ACP supports programs and funding for rigorous scientific evaluation of the potential therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana and the publication of such findings. Position 1a: ACP supports increased research for conditions where the efficacy of marijuana has been established to determine optimal dosage and route of delivery. Position 1b: Medical marijuana research should not only focus on determining drug efficacy and safety but also on determining efficacy in comparison with other available treatments. Position 2: ACP encourages the use of nonsmoked forms of THC that have proven therapeutic value. Position 3: ACP supports the current process for obtaining federal research-grade cannabis. Position 4: ACP urges review of marijuana’s status as a schedule I controlled substance and its reclassification into a more appropriate schedule, given the scientific evidence regarding marijuana’s safety and efficacy in some clinical conditions. Position 5: ACP strongly supports exemption from federal criminal prosecution; civil liability; or professional sanctioning, such as loss of licensure or credentialing, for physicians who prescribe or dispense medical marijuana in accordance with state law. Similarly, ACP strongly urges protection from criminal or civil penalties for patients who use medical marijuana as permitted under state laws. Other than Position 3, I don't have any problem with the positions taken, and certainly Positions 4 and 5 are significant in their support of state medical marijuana laws. Yes, I've read the whole report, and I think in this case to see devils in the details is not to see the forest for the trees. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #39 posted by BioDynamic on February 28, 2008 at 11:59:32 PT:
not to spill the bong water on this session, but has anyone actually read the entire ACP report. It seems to me that the Devils are in the details and this report is just more of the pharmacuticalization of the cannabis plant. Thanks but no thanks. With all due respect to the ACP, when it comes to medicinal plants, the research and opinions of Plant Biologists and Ethno-Botonist NEED be appreciated and respected, not just the opinions of MD's. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #38 posted by BioDynamic on February 28, 2008 at 11:51:21 PT:
[ Post Comment ] |
Comment #37 posted by ekim on February 27, 2008 at 13:11:02 PT |
Feb 29 08 WBIG 1280AM: Big Wake Up Call James Gierach Chicago IL
Interview with Greg and Brian; show airs 6-10 am, M-F http://www.wbig1280.com/fans/index.asp?pg=2#BWUC Studio lines are 630-851 9562; 630 585 1280
http://www.leap.cc/cms/index.php?name=Events [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #36 posted by Sinsemilla Jones on February 26, 2008 at 03:54:48 PT |
The development of a vapor route for THC delivery offers promise for the future of medical marijuana research. A recent study found that THC administered through the Volcano® vaporizer resulted in higher plasma THC levels than smoked marijuana at both 30 and 60 minutes after administration. It also found that exhaled carbon monoxide increased very little after vapor compared with smoking (37). Those findings, along with patient preference for the vapor method, indicate opportunities for future clinical trials. Vaporization of THC offers the rapid onset of symptom relief without the negative effects from smoking. It allows patients to self-regulate their dosage immediately by ceasing inhalation when or if psychoactive effects become unpleasant. -from Supporting Research into the Therapeutic Role of Marijuana - A Position Paper of the American College of Physicians [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #35 posted by Sinsemilla Jones on February 26, 2008 at 03:20:46 PT |
American College of Physicians - Doctors For Adults (Trademark R) Goals I. To establish and promote the highest clinical standards and ethical ideals; II. To be the foremost comprehensive education and information resource for all internists; III. To advocate responsible positions on individual health and on public policy relating to health care for the benefit of the public, our patients, the medical profession, and our members; http://www.acponline.org/about_acp/who_we_are/mission/ Internal medicine is the branch and specialty of medicine concerning the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases in adults, especially of internal organs. Doctors of internal medicine, also called "internists", are required to have included in their medical schooling and postgraduate training at least three years dedicated to learning how to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases that affect adults. Internists are sometimes referred to as the "doctor's doctor," because they are often called upon to act as consultants to other physicians to help solve puzzling diagnostic problems. While the name "internal medicine" may lead one to believe that internists only treat "internal" problems, this is not the case. Doctors of internal medicine treat the whole person, not just internal organs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_medicine The American College of Physicians’ stated mission is to enhance the quality and effectiveness of health care by fostering excellence and professionalism in the practice of medicine. It was founded in 1915 to promote the science and practice of medicine. In 1998, ACP merged with the American Society of Internal Medicine (ASIM), which was established in 1956 to study economic aspects of medicine. Known as ACP-ASIM from 1998 to 2003, the organization then re-adopted American College of Physicians as its corporate name. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_College_of_Physicians [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #34 posted by Dankhank on February 25, 2008 at 12:28:17 PT |
thanks for elucidating as you do ... Breaking up your post into manageable paragraphs makes you much more easy to read ... Keep it up ... and don't worry about length ... [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #33 posted by paulpeterson on February 25, 2008 at 10:19:39 PT |
Sorry to be so obtuse to notice how eerie these posts are. I believe the best I can offer is my observation that the Roman Catholic Church must have known a lot about brain science back in 325 AD, when they decreed that ALCOHOL & WHEAT are to be the sacred sacraments-ALCOHOL TOXICITY causes, in turn, WHEAT (glutamate) TOXICITY, a virtual one-two punch that kills brain accuity. AND WE DON'T HAVE TO WAIT 500 YEARS TO SEE THE EFFECTS. I love the Harvard bit about how Presidential sound bites dropped from 42.8 seconds in 1968 to 9.8 in 1988-and to 7.8 seconds in 2000. At that rate we should be at about 6 seconds today-which seems to fit here. Everybody knows the most popular sound bite that has hit you-tube in recent recording cycles is that word "zerox" that Hillary spoke about Barack's sanctioned use of good phrases in speaches of late. The modern public has ever more shorter attention spans-which allows the controllers of policy to keep ANY COMPLEX DISCUSION FROM HAPPENING. The simpler the "position" is, the more likely any complex change is foreclosed-LIKE THE "ONE SIZE FITS ALL" response to complex "drug" issues. "But marijuana is illegal isn't it?" always wins the day, and local police in Iowa merely cause newspaper articles about "drug busts" to note "drug residue" or otherwise, and note a "perp" was caught with a "small amount" of some drug-ie: nobody even hears what the type of drug is-THEY DON'T HAVE TO KNOW-ALL DRUGS ARE "BAA-AAD" right? And I saw just how pernicious this lack of any attention span can be-in court a few years ago, while I was being railroaded to an intended 'conviction' for interference with official acts (because I merely spoke up about the inhumanity of police gooning a Hispanic boy in a short sleeve shirt, outside of a squad car in 19 degree weather, that is), THE COPS BROUGHT IN A TAMPERED WITH VIDEOTAPE OF THE ARREST, WHERE MY FREE SPEECH STATEMENT WAS ERASED AND COVERED OVER WITH A RADIO TALK SHOW PROGRAM-even though the cop car was totally silent that night! My own sister, a redneck, of course, that had approached the cop car that night, and HEARD THERE WAS NO SOUND IN THE OPEN WINDOW OF THE COP CAR, started to speak up out of turn, and then judge quickly shut her up-She totally forgot her thought, because short attention span keeps a person moving on with other action (almost universally, that is). The judge, you see, had already decided he had to protect the police from PERJURY & EVIDENCE TAMPERING CRIMES, and so he knew he would DISMISS THE CHARGE AT THE VERY END OF THE STATE'S 'CASE IN CHIEF', so he could merely do a "sweep it under the carpet" tactic, to balance the issues and 1) keep me from taking a false conviction, 2) protect the cops from their own serious evidence crimes & 3) PROTECT HIS OWN REPUTATION, BECAUSE BY DISMISSING THE CHARGE AS SOON AS HE COULD, HE COULD KEEP FROM HAVING "BLOOD" on his hands as well. Well, it took my sister two years to finally remember that the tape MUST HAVE BEEN TAMPERED WITH, because she didn't hear the radio on in the squad car! In other words, as soon as ANY ISSUE, gets sufficiently complicated so that it doesn't fit into the shallow memory "chips" most citizens carry around by now, NO CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. So back to Catholic land-pump people with alcohol & gluten, and nobody thinks anymore. Cannabis, of course, is the "antisacrament", ever since Pope Innocente VIII decreed it so-in 1474 AD. They didn't and don't want people saving their brain accuity-that just makes people talk back and question rigid authority EDICTS, which is why we get such good chains of posts here-because we belong to a dying breed of thinkers, that can still think, (of course, this is a blatant oversimplification, and sorry for that, but I have sound bite limitations, to deal with, such as the sheer knowledge that nobody wants to read long posts anymore, right?). End of story-except it was nice to see that bit noted by Susan Jacoby from the Washington Post, 2/17/08, talking about how FDR wanted people to roll out a map so they could understand the sheer distances involved in supply issues, across the deep blue sea, in February, 1942, when we were getting hammered in the Pacific. And that "Lysenkoism" word, and to see the "operant conditioning" word in print again. Just don't forget about "Conservative Affective Disorder" (CAD) that causes those conservatives to go bye-bye back to a bygone era, when everything was simple and easy-like hitting that EZ button at Staples. And I liked seeing Ralph Waldo Emerson being brought back on-line, straight from 1837, before a few other wars got going, that thankfully were not quite as long as the new 100 year war that is just getting started over there, eh? PAUL PETERSON, hoping we learn how to learn before the wayback hits 500 years, like in that scary Idiocracy tale of yore. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #32 posted by FoM on February 24, 2008 at 20:13:56 PT |
Keep up the good work. I wanted to watch some of the Academy Awards so I'm doing that now. This for me is a good time not to have a lot of news. This is a very busy time for me and my family. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #31 posted by fight_4_freedom on February 24, 2008 at 20:00:37 PT:
I was hoping to catch up on all the posts and articles tonight, but I think I'll wait till Tuesday night after work. Too tired for all that reading tonight. Plus I'm dedicating Tuesday night to writing LTE's about our initiative anyhow. So it'll be a good time to catch up at C-News as well. Have fun listening to Rust Radio FoM! I'll talk to you in a couple days. Take care. OnE LoVe [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #30 posted by FoM on February 24, 2008 at 19:30:20 PT |
It's good to see you. I'm listening to Rust Radio and enjoying songs from the current European Tour at least right now that is what is playing. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #29 posted by FoM on February 24, 2008 at 19:03:00 PT |
By Dianne Byrum February 24, 2008 One of America's leading medical societies has come down forcefully on the side of compassion and common sense, as Michigan voters prepare to consider a November ballot initiative to protect seriously ill patients who use medical marijuana from arrest. These doctors have demolished myths being floated by opponents of medical marijuana. Snipped: Complete Article: http://blog.mlive.com/citpat_opinion/2008/02/report_speaks_up_for_medical_m.html [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #28 posted by kaptinemo on February 24, 2008 at 17:28:57 PT:
But thank you, anyways... [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #27 posted by fight_4_freedom on February 24, 2008 at 14:15:06 PT:
A few busy days away and it looks like I have a lot of reading to do. lol I have already read some wonderful, thoughtful posts. So thank you all for those. This ACP endorsement couldn't have came at a better time for Michigan. It will definitely push the passing percentage up a couple of points in November :) Thank you for all your hard work Diane, you've been a huge help during this campaign. Time to educate the rest of the Great Lakes State! [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #26 posted by Hope on February 24, 2008 at 11:12:13 PT |
You do know how to stir the spirit and soul of human kind. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #25 posted by kaptinemo on February 24, 2008 at 05:58:19 PT:
take us as a society, may I suggest the curious read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiocracy It is the cinematic version of concept I read about long ago in C. M. Kornbluth's The Marching Morons Bits of this movie are on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqa4LpdtOD8 Watch it, and weep. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #24 posted by kaptinemo on February 24, 2008 at 05:39:14 PT:
About the collusion between certain elite elements within society...and the degree to which their machinations have played a role in the 'development' of the American public school system, which is partly why there has been the decline in respect for intellectual prowess you, myself, and so many others have noticed over the decades. I believe that this provides a pretty good thumbnail sketch as to why this has happened: http://johntaylorgatto.com/historytour/history1.htm Looks like they succeeded, huh? It may seem an extreme example, but given all the factual information concerning cannabis's usefulness and innate lack of toxicity, the rote acceptance of misinformation contrary to those facts as a matter of course, and the continual dissemination of that misinformation by those charged with informing of those facts and basing governmental policy upon those facts instead of that misinformation, it becomes clear that not all of the fault lies with the government. When it comes to this - who knows how many other subjects - the average citizen has been conditioned to respond to government pronouncements with child-like acceptance. This is not education. It is what psychologists call 'operant conditioning', only a few steps above Pavlov blowing a whistle and making dogs drool in anticipation of being fed - exactly as he trained them to do. Those who have, either through application of logic through native intelligence, or simply through experience, know the truth. Such are a minority...and a dangerous minority, too. Hence their treatment at the hands of those who should know better, at the behest of those at the top who actually do. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #23 posted by augustwest on February 24, 2008 at 01:46:26 PT:
With the scientist who recently came out about being pressured on their global warming findings we know the powers that be manipulate the community. Therefore all science is suspect.
But to us this has been obvious for too long. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #22 posted by ekim on February 23, 2008 at 20:10:42 PT |
Dianne Byrum was a elected official in MI/ 05 and 06 she was a State Rep - D- District 67 --
I am still amazed at how much she is willing to do to grow as a person. Dianne Byrum was a spokes person for the med cannabis initiative -- this sounds like the first official statement -- that it will be on the Nov ballot-- [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #21 posted by Sam Adams on February 23, 2008 at 19:45:09 PT |
I think the importance of the ACP endorsement should not be under-estimated. There is the immediate and direct benefit of advancing the cause of medical MJ. This will be used to effectively lobby the govt at the state and federal level over the next few years. But if you read the ACP report, I think we're starting to see the medical community awaken to an important fact: sick and dying patients will NEVER have proper access to cannabis and cannabinoid-based drugs while criminal prohibition still exists. The report isn't a simple endorsement of medicinal cannabis use, it goes much farther. It indicts the system that has suppressed not only availability of medical cannabis, but they also focus on the obstacles to research and development of medical MJ. Obstacles that all exist because of prohibition. It's been decades now that reformers have made every attempt to open up research into cannabis & get the medicine to the patients. While excellent progress has been made, it's still woefully inadequate, every after 30+ years of concerted effort. An impartial observer must conclude that the vested interested behind MJ prohibition are responsible. The only way to expedite progress on the medical front is to remove those vested interests from the equation, and the only way to do that is to end prohibition. The logical scientific mind must also realize that cannabis prohibition makes no sense at any level anyway! These doctors can read the studies. I'm sure the recent Tashkin lung cancer study out of California sealed the deal for the ACP endorsement. In fact, it's likely that the Tashkin report was the impetus for the ACP's endorsement. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #20 posted by Sam Adams on February 23, 2008 at 19:35:49 PT |
Kapt., thought you and others might enjoy this recent article from the Wash. Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/15/AR2008021502901.html It's talking about the fact that, even though people are educated more than ever before, we're seeing a decline in intellectualism. In fact, the trend is against rational thought. It's interesting that the same thing is happening in the Mideast in a big way. Compare to 30 years ago, most Arab countries have far more people that are fundamentalist religious radicals. They are basically moving backwards. Secular institutions, advanced and supported by the West after WWII through the 70s are being replaced by religious institutions. One has to wonder if the American govt. hasn't fostered and encouraged this change to de-stabilize the region, much the way they ramped up the drug war here, causing an explosion in violent crime and enabling the govt to militarize our society. Taking away our civil rights and more tax money to their corrupt law enforcement and banking system. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #19 posted by Hope on February 23, 2008 at 19:03:10 PT |
Now. But Hilary closed spectacularly well, I thought. I was very impressed. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #18 posted by Hope on February 23, 2008 at 19:01:01 PT |
Hilary is doing extraordinarily well... no matter who she is or how irritating one might find her. It is so neat to watch Obama and Clinton. Amazing and lushly "Historical"... big time. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #17 posted by Paint with light on February 23, 2008 at 18:46:06 PT |
Science has been the voice of proof for a long time. Science was muted by know-betters, know-nothings, fear-mongers, and profit-makers. I am sure a lot of doctors remained quiet because to speak is to be silenced. The sure path is widening. Others are finally learning the truth. Then again, maybe it is just the money that is talking. Whatever, I like the sound. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #16 posted by Hope on February 23, 2008 at 18:21:40 PT |
What? Is this the second article about the ACP's statement? Didn't exactly get as much coverage as the gum disease article, did it? I too am grateful for this one, but, obviously, as we all rightly predicted on first learning of it, the ACP announcement isn't going to get the media coverage it deserves. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #15 posted by Hope on February 23, 2008 at 18:08:53 PT |
That's what I expected... but I started wondering... then worrying. It wouldn't have been the first time I'd said something stupid and didn't realize it. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #14 posted by JohnO on February 23, 2008 at 16:42:06 PT:
I just read the PDF and it looks pretty good. Everything is pretty straight forward so that even a first grader could understand. Let's hope the AMA will take a clue and jump on board the sane train because it's building up a head of steam already. This is great news! JohnO. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #13 posted by kaptinemo on February 23, 2008 at 16:29:35 PT:
It's a about a lot more. Everyone here who's been here for some time knows about the politicization (perhepas 'bastardization' is a better word) of science. Drug prohibition is based upon it. The technical term is 'Lysenkoism'. The past 7 years have seen that process accelerated beyond anything imaginable. And it has had direct consequences for honest scientists, doctors, etc. And those on the receiving end of it have had little in the way of recourse; they must either prostitute themselves and their work for political goals not based upon ethics but greed, power, etc....of face ostracism. Cannabists have been suffering from the effects of policy based upon this philosophy for decades, but for many of those presently complaining about it, it's their first taste of the sharp and dirty end of the stick. Welcome to the club, ladies and gents. And, yes, there is a mountain of truth in what MuseMan has said. These voices knew the truth about cannabis for a very long time...and chose to remain silent, thinking that they could, as Pastor Niemoller did in Nazi Germany, remain safe in silence while the intellectual - and moral! - crime of prohibition took place. They've had their epiphany. Belated, but there it is. Now it remains to be seen if the AMA also rediscovers its' spine and decides to re-attach it. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #12 posted by runruff on February 23, 2008 at 15:37:24 PT:
I would never make such a comment in your behalf. Dankhank and Max Flowers are both correct. But Max is correct in saying we sould be greatful for the article. It is a good one. It just, "so states the obvious!" Namaste [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #11 posted by Max Flowers on February 23, 2008 at 15:08:51 PT |
I believe he's reacting to the article, not your comment when he says "Duh", as in "Duh, thanks for stating the obvious." Still, we have to be grateful they're saying it out loud as they are... it has to be said. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #10 posted by Dankhank on February 23, 2008 at 14:43:22 PT |
seems to be an short but eloquent comment on the article ... runruff, I agree ... [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #9 posted by Hope on February 23, 2008 at 14:12:22 PT |
Did I say something wrong or out of line... or stupid? [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #8 posted by Hope on February 23, 2008 at 14:10:16 PT |
What's up, Runruff? [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #7 posted by runruff on February 23, 2008 at 13:51:31 PT:
Pardon my juvenile insolence but, DUH! [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #6 posted by Hope on February 23, 2008 at 11:22:50 PT |
to see that these doctors are getting sick and tired of the lies and the ulterior motives in government and industry that have been denying people the benefits of the plant, cannabis, and that they've gathered the nerve to speak the truth. Hallelujah! Honesty in the air we breathe is so much better than those stinking lies that have been floating in and polluting everything for so long. I thank God for these honest people and their decision to do the right thing and stand together for the truth. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #5 posted by Sam Adams on February 23, 2008 at 10:40:38 PT |
Considering that I regularly slam Western medicine doctors here, I have to give credit where it's due - these guys are amazing! I agree with the other posters, this really goes a long way towards restoring my faith in doctors in the USA. Especially the vaporization bit. Jesus christ, how long was it going to take for the medical profession to acknowledge that all the vaporization technology we'll ever need is HERE NOW! It doesn't need to be developed or investigated, it's here now. This one big group of doctors still cares more about compassion and scientific truth than selling out to Big Pharma. I'm going to leave my thanks on their website now! [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #4 posted by museman on February 23, 2008 at 09:50:04 PT |
Well it's about time. It's only taken them since the beginning of prohibition to step up to the plate and get real. Better late than never, I supppose, but I can't help thinking about all the years gone by, and the doctors threatening to turn me in, and always constantly feeding me the party line about the ill effects of marijuana, not to mention their attitude that drugs are the cure for every ill, and very bad drugs at that. Maybe enough of the narrow-minded generation (WWII -my parents generation - which does not mean every person in that generation, just most of 'em) has gone into the great beyond that some fresh blood has made it to the top of the medical mountain. Of course there is still the AMA, the supreme 'recognized authority' on all things prohibited, and the DEA is sure to point out that the ACP doesn't compare to the laurels of the AMA. Getting any doctors to stand up in the truth is a big achievement however, so I'll be watching for the ACP to see if they have any impact on mainstream. Aside from my well-founded slepticism, this could prove to be good news in deprogramming america from years of irrational, insane, overdramatic, prejudicial, bigotted propoganda about a wonderful herb, and the people who choose to use it. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #3 posted by mykeyb420 on February 23, 2008 at 08:57:14 PT |
Now when the pundants say that there is no scientific evidence,,,we can point to this study. I just hope that the memory loss we suffer wont let us forget this.
[ Post Comment ] |
Comment #2 posted by Storm Crow on February 23, 2008 at 07:51:49 PT |
You can tell them "THANK YOU!" here..... http://www.acponline.org/cgi-bin/feedback [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #1 posted by ripit on February 23, 2008 at 07:20:04 PT:
does mt heart good to see articles like this! now if we can get this and others like it published nation wide. does anybody know how much pull the ACP has compared to say like the ama? [ Post Comment ] |
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