Cannabis News NORML - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws
  Drug Czar Honors Officers for Raid
Posted by CN Staff on January 19, 2007 at 07:51:45 PT
By Michael Doyle, Bee Washington Bureau 
Source: Modesto Bee 

ONDCP Washington, DC -- The raid at Modesto's medical marijuana dispensary has earned drug agents national acclaim. It's also showing how a Central Valley task force has expanded its turf.

In a ceremony Thursday, the White House drug czar honored the state, local and federal officers who shut down Modesto's California Healthcare Collective. Officials say the collective, which was raided Sept. 27, was fronting for big-time marijuana dealers.

"Most health care providers wear white coats and carry stethoscopes," said Bill Ruzzamenti, director of the Fresno-based Central Valley High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. "In this particular case, they wore bulletproof vests (and) carried a gun."

Ruzzamenti nominated the Modesto police officers and others for National Marijuana Initiative awards. He accompanied them to the event in the Old Executive Office Building next to the White House.

The awards are modest: a certificate and a handshake from Office of National Drug Control Policy Director John Walters.

Still, they are piling up for Californians.

Walters handed out three other awards, as well, to California officers and investigators. The honors are going to analysts at a Sacramento-based "intelligence fusion center," to a Central Valley "marijuana investigations team" and to the statewide California Campaign Against Marijuana Planting.

With four national awards — out of 15 presented — the California anti-pot efforts exceed any other region.

"We have so much activity here, and we have some really good folks," Ruzzamenti said. But meth, not marijuana, was Ruzzamenti's original focus.

The longtime narcotics agent began the Central Valley HIDTA in 1999.

Note: Modesto cops given awards for closing pot dispensary.


Complete Article:

Source: Modesto Bee, The (CA)
Author: Michael Doyle, Bee Washington Bureau
Published: January 19, 2007
Copyright: 2007 The Modesto Bee

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Comment #21 posted by observer on January 22, 2007 at 11:14:54 PT
Mission Creeps
"We have so much activity here, and we have some really good folks," Ruzzamenti said. But meth, not marijuana, was Ruzzamenti's original focus.

Funny how that works. Harry Anslinger's "original focus" was Prohibition-era booze, not cannabis.

But all those government men and guns, and no place to go? Sic them on peaceful pot growers, and then just catapult the propaganda pretending that the marijuana people are Oh-So Scary! (Just like those evil meth people.) After all, at the end of the day, its all just "dope" and "dopers", "drug dealers and users", which is spelled: Let good times roll - for government.

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Comment #20 posted by Hope on January 21, 2007 at 09:10:47 PT
I am so sorry that you've been blocked out of your own site! That's not right, for sure.

You are a very talented person and you have a lot of good work at that site. I hope you have back ups so you won't lose everything that was there.

Your new site will be even better, I'm sure, but I feel sad that you may have lost so much work from your old site. Not having the expertise you have, I can only imagine how many hours of work have gone into that site...but I can imagine that it was a huge amount.

Don't quit. Don't let anyone drag you down.

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Comment #19 posted by unkat27 on January 21, 2007 at 06:26:57 PT
Re: Comment #13
It looks like it'll be going down anyhow, due to a change in servers that occurred in sept. of last year. For some unknown reason, the host freevision and/or the new server won't grant me a new password to update it, so I told the host to delete it, cuz I don't like the fact that i can't update it.

I mean, it's my site (at his subdomain) and i can't even get into the folders or files to make changes? I think the guy may be holding out for some kind of monetary donation or somethin I can't give him, I dunno. I urged him to delete it after seeing the article at infowars, but even though I can relax now, I still want it deleted, for the reasons stated. 5 months and no update? That ain't right.

I'm considering rebuilding the site in one of my own subdomains, now that I have my own domain (devoted to my sci-fi and animation). Mixing sci-fi and contemporary politics at the same domain might be a bit tricky, though.

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Comment #18 posted by FoM on January 20, 2007 at 21:38:50 PT
I think I understand it now. Thanks. I believe citizens should be allowed to disagree with the administration and speak their mind. I also believe that no threats should happen though. Talking is one thing. Threatening is another. If we don't make money on a forum (non-profit) and don't spread hate what we say should always be allowed.

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Comment #17 posted by Hope on January 20, 2007 at 21:31:33 PT
FoM Comment 14
As I understand it...they were going to treat ordinary citizens and internet activists and groups like they were big business lobbying groups in Washington. They were going to have to get permits and licenses and be fined and prosecuted for not following the procedures that registered lobbiests have to use.

NRA, like MPP and others are groups of concerned citizens banded together for strength, i.e., grass roots organizations, in trying to protect our rights or trying to change unjust laws or even just criticizing some of the things Washington does.

Registering as a lobbiest costs money...for one thing. If you don't pay the money up become liable...for breaking a law.

Talk about a First Ammendment crusher! My word. This was an awful assault on our rights to free speech, and our duty to watch the government and speak out if we don't like what we see.

It was a bad thing...and the new ammendment to the proposal got rid of that section that would have required citizens to become registered lobbiest if they wanted to say anything.

Wow! The audacity of it!

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Comment #16 posted by Hope on January 20, 2007 at 21:12:10 PT

It shook me, too. I didn't really read the NRA alert when I first saw it. Then I saw Unkat27's post and my heart rate quickened, too. Then at some point I looked back at the NRA mail and realized they were about the same thing.

Whew! What a relief. I was already wondering if FoM or we, could be considered "bloggers".

That was an insidious bill and I'm sure we'll be having to watch out they don't try to slip it in somewhere else. Keeping up with the stunts those guys in Washington can come up with is like trying to watch a sleight of hand artist in a shell game.

Not criticize the government? Not unless you buy a license to do so and report to the government all your criticisms four times a year?

How did it ever even get spoken, much less written down? It's disgusting. I'm glad that particular run on our rights was headed off. But they'll try again, of course, so we have to be watchful.

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Comment #15 posted by Toker00 on January 20, 2007 at 11:42:27 PT
Unkat27, Hope.
Man, please don't delete your stuff till hell freezes over, k? Because anything you or I or any one here posts is just a hill of beans to the PTB. They are talking about much bigger fish. Thank you for the heads up, though I fear I bumped my head!

Hope, thank you for getting my heart rate back to normal after unkat's news brief.


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Comment #14 posted by FoM on January 20, 2007 at 08:30:27 PT
I looked at the Bill but I don't understand it.

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Comment #13 posted by Hope on January 20, 2007 at 08:15:14 PT
Good News! Unkat, don't take down your site!
Just yet anyway.

I have this from the NRA in my mail this morning. Here's the gist of it.


The U.S. Senate has voted 55-43 to accept an amendment to S.A. 3, the "Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act", removing an onerous proposal that would have drastically limited the First Amendment rights of Americans in the political process. Offered by Sens. Robert Bennett (R-Utah) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the amendment removed Section 220 that would have forced ordinary citizens to register with the federal government as "lobbyists," with all the attendant restrictions, costs, and penalties.

"The First Amendment protects an unqualified 'right of the people to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.' That is a sacred right of the American people." said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. " Sec. 220 would have, for the first time in American history, severely regulated and restricted 'the voluntary efforts of members of the general public to communicate their own views on an issue to Federal officials.'

"On behalf of 4 million NRA members and tens of millions of gun owners, hunters, and sportsmen across the country, I want to thank Senators Robert Bennett and Mitch McConnell for their leadership in preserving political free speech for all," concluded Cox. "We are also grateful to the 53 other senators who voted for the Bennett-McConnell Amendment."

While this was no doubt a victory for NRA, gun owners, and freedom, enemies of the First and Second Amendments are alive and well in the 110th Congress, and no doubt will continue to assault our rights. Our thanks to all of you who contacted your U.S. Senators on this most important issue.

To see how your Senators voted, please visit

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Comment #12 posted by Hope on January 20, 2007 at 07:56:37 PT
My gosh! That's unbelievable. This is the first I've heard of this.

We're loaded down with binding chains of all kinds and now they're rattling more at us?

Remember that song that was something to the effect of "I think I'm turning Japanese"? That article and it's links make me think I'm turning Chinese, Arabic, or even going back in time to become a Soviet era Russian!

It's an insult to a horse to call the people behind the efforts to contain our freedoms, "horse's asses".

What's wrong with them? Why wouldn't they want to be free of government oppression? Why wouldn't they want all of us to be free of government oppression?

What they are considering is pure oppression of the people and their freedoms and rights. Pure oppression of our voices and beliefs. Oppression is the only word for it.

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Comment #11 posted by unkat27 on January 20, 2007 at 07:36:04 PT
Bloggers Who Criticize Government May Face Prison
Due to the threat of imprisonment on the horizon, the Mad Krow website will be deleted from the web in the very near future, anytime soon. So, if anyone wants to save anything from it, they should do so now.

Mad Krow:

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Comment #10 posted by HempWorld on January 19, 2007 at 10:21:49 PT
1st Complete Cannabis Pharmacy Opens In Holland
In sharp contrast to the USA, where dispensaries and patients are raided by agents in masks, in the Netherlands the 1st ever Medicinal Marijuana Dispensary opened its doors in Groningen today! Called "De Cannabis Apotheek" Here is my attempt to translate and the original article in Dutch below:

Translation: So called 'mediweed' or mediwiet can be legally purchased on prescription at this establishment. The price is 5 Euro (approx 5x1.30= $9.50) for 0.8 grams as opposed to the 9 Euros, the regular price in a general pharmacy in the Netherlands. This "Cannabis Pharmacy" was started on initiative of Groningen city councimember Fleur Woudstra. Mediweed is grown by Bedrocan in Groningen and is distributed by the Medicinal Cannabis Bureau of the national Ministry of Health. Woudstra worked 2 years on making affordable quality mediweed available to approx. 15,000 aids, cancer and MS patients and other chronic diseases. Mediweed has been available nationally since 2003. However, the majority of insurance companies did not reimburse the medicinal cannabis purchases.In turn, patients then starting buying cheaper cannabis in the coffeeshops. The cannabis in the coffeeshops would often be impure with contamination of pesticides or herbicides but also small metal parts and sand, according to Woudstra. The mediweed in this Cannabis Pharmacy is cheaper than the coffeeshops because it is delivered in wholesale quantities and packaging. The pharmacy is supervised by the Dutch inspection of health ministry and only sells cannabis. Cannabis is available with a prescription throughout the Netherlands. End translation.

Apotheek voor medische cannabis Door onze correspondent Groningen, 19 jan. In Groningen is vandaag de eerste officiële cannabisapotheek van Nederland geopend. Op recept kan er legaal mediwiet worden gekocht, tegen een lagere prijs dan bij gewone apotheken. 0,8 gram cannabis kost er maximaal vijf euro, tegen negen euro in een reguliere apotheek.

De cannabisapotheek is een initiatief van het voormalige Groningse raadslid Fleur Woudstra (Fleurig Groningen) en de patiëntenvereniging van Stichting Medicinale Cannabis Nederland. De mediwiet wordt gekweekt door Bedrocan in Groningen en wordt gedistribueerd door het Bureau Medicinale Cannabis van het ministerie van VWS.

Woudstra ijverde ruim twee jaar voor verstrekking van betaalbare legale cannabis op recept. In ons land gebruiken naar schatting 15.000 aids-, kanker- en MS-patiënten en andere chronische zieken cannabis als medicijn voor vooral pijnbestrijding. Sinds 2003 is het op recept verkrijgbaar.

Het merendeel van zorgverzekeraars vergoedt de mediwiet echter niet, waardoor veel patiënten de goedkopere cannabis in de coffeeshop kochten. „Maar die bevat vaak pesticiden, bestrijdingsmiddelen en ook metaaldeeltjes en zand”, aldus Woudstra. De mediwiet in de Groningse apotheek is ook goedkoper dan die in de coffeeshop, stelt ze, doordat die in grootverpakking wordt aangeleverd. De apotheek staat onder toezicht van de Inspectie voor de Volksgezondheid en verkoopt alleen cannabis. Er wordt op recept geleverd in heel Nederland.

Nobody can stop this!

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Comment #9 posted by Toker00 on January 19, 2007 at 09:46:31 PT
End the Drug War Funds!
If they can end the funds for the war in Iraq, they can end the funds for the War on Cannabis! Has this ever been tried? Our numbers are growing and powerful people are taking on drug law reform. Give them time. Shift the DEA to Afghanistan and Iraq and let them fight OTHER hooded, rifled, hate-filled terrorists who thrive on murdering innocents to impose their will of intolerance.

DIS-Honor, Hope. Pure unadulterated DIS-Honor.


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Comment #8 posted by potpal on January 19, 2007 at 09:41:58 PT
stay the course
Bushheaded mentality in the war on americans that chose/prefer to use cannabis. And on those ailing and need to use cannabis. Stay the course insanity.

Are there any dispensaries that continue to operate, but operate in fear of the DEAth squads. The raid just happened and they are patting themselves on the back already. Jeez, they must be up for a review of funding or something.

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Comment #7 posted by Sam Adams on January 19, 2007 at 09:30:15 PT
Silly media
Don't they understand? It's much EASIER to bust marijuana people that meth people! How simple can it be?

Do you want to put down your coffee & donut and go bust in the door of some guy that's been smoking meth for 3 days, or a bunch of half-disabled sick people with cannabis?

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Comment #6 posted by Hope on January 19, 2007 at 09:15:25 PT
What a hideous farce. They deserve curses for their actions.

It's hard to find any kind of love for those characters. It really is.

Fighting off hatred for those people like it was a swarm of mosquitoes. They swarm every time I learn of something like this.

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Comment #5 posted by goneposthole on January 19, 2007 at 08:47:41 PT
Honor Schmonor
There is no honor among thieves.

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Comment #4 posted by MikeEEEEE on January 19, 2007 at 08:42:46 PT
GCW, they have no respect for sick people, unless they are part of the big corporate businesses, such as oil or big pharm.

bush works for big business. Anybody who picks on sick people is a COWARD.

bush has 2 more years to run this country into the ground.

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Comment #3 posted by FoM on January 19, 2007 at 08:38:09 PT
I remembered that you really disliked this icon and I haven't used it until today. I thought I should use it on this article. I hope you don't mind.

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Comment #2 posted by The GCW on January 19, 2007 at 08:19:44 PT

He who honors last honors best.

Real honor will come from sick citizens thankful for stopping the thugs in masks.

On the very 1st page of the Bible, God says the plants are all good; the Feds must think the hell with good. They must not care what God says; they disagree; they gotta eat.

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Comment #1 posted by zandor on January 19, 2007 at 08:09:42 PT
I have an Idea?
Why not give the illegal alien crack dealer immunity and let him about his business if he turns in just one medical marijuana patience they can bust in a big raid.

That's the way they do things in Washington.

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