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Marijuana Advocate Known for Legalization Antics |
Posted by CN Staff on October 21, 2006 at 07:28:03 PT By Leila Fujimori Source: Star-Bulletin ![]() The California-born Adler lived in Mountain View and devoted his life to legalizing marijuana. He ran for governor four years ago and was convicted that same year for commercial promotion of marijuana. He formed the East Hawaii Branch of the Religion of Jesus Church and founded the Hawaii Institute of Medical Marijuana. "I admired his courage and ingenuity in being an activist for cannabis as religious sacrament and for healing medicine," said Roger Christie, who created the Hawaii cannabis Ministry of the Religion of Jesus Church. Adler's antics included dressing as a Drug Enforcement Agency helicopter pilot with mirrored sunglasses while testifying before the Legislature, Christie recalled. "He had a good sense of humor and had a great heart for his passion," he said. But Aaron Anderson, a member of another cannabis church, Church of Realized Fantasies, said Adler was detrimental to the cause. "Jon had a lot of passion for what he was up to, but he never quite got traction with his constituents," he said. "He had a way of putting people off. You could tell he was sincere, but overkill." Adler ran for governor in 2002, but lost in the Natural Law party primary to comedian Kaui "Bu La'ia" Hill. In June 2002, Adler was convicted for federal commercial promotion of marijuana for possessing 89 marijuana plants in 1998, but his name appeared on the ballot since the law only forbids convicted felons from filing to run for office and he had filed to run three months before his conviction. During the trial, Adler was seen going out in the hallway to smoke pot. Adler's attorney Michael Green said, "He created lots and lots of enemies, and maybe did some good for people that were sick." When he first met Adler, Green was skeptical about his convictions. "But the more I knew him, I really started to believe that this guy really thought it served a purpose for a lot of people," Green said. "His motives were sincere. "He took lots of heat and ... was willing to sacrifice everything for what he says he believed in." Daughter Joy Adler-Jewitt said her father was a warm, loving person. "He was an outstanding father," she said. "We are the luckiest family in the world. As a father he was always there." Adler is survived by wife Nuansawat "Nuan"; sons Jonathan J. "JJ" Jr. and Jett J.; daughters Joy A. and Jacaranda R. and Juniper M. Adler; father Seymour; brother Mitchell; sister Lisa; and a grandchild. Services are scheduled at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Dodo Mortuary. Call after 1 p.m. Casual attire. No flowers. Complete Title: Marijuana Advocate Known for Legalization Antics Newshawk: Mayan CannabisNews -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help |
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Comment #12 posted by Roger Christie on October 24, 2006 at 03:59:50 PT:
Aloha. Thanks to Rev. Dennis Shields for your comments here, pro and con. Dennis, you taught me much and for that I'm very grateful to you. I'll take the responsibility here now in front of (some of) our Cannabis brothers and sisters for our split-up back in 'Maxie time'; y2k. I apologize for any hurt or upset that I caused you or your family. In response to a few of the comments you made; Spirituality is free and I don't charge for it. People are born entitled to all the spirituality they can handle. I do, however, offer my sanctuary kits for a sizeable donation and I feel guilt-free in doing so. In my opinion, they're the very best investment a spiritual Cannabis-lover can make towards their own peace of mind in this era of extreme prohibition and prejudice against the 'plant of renown' and those who love her. * And thanks for your blessing of mercy for me. So far - so good! All the best to you and yours, Roger @@@ [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #11 posted by Roger Christie on October 24, 2006 at 03:24:38 PT:
Aloha to one and all, It's easy for Hawai'i residents to remember when Jonathan died. Earlier in the day that he passed-over we experienced a severe and damaging 6.7 earthquake. Following his death we had two days and nights of very unusual thunder and a rare and extreme lightening storm! Hmmm... Makes ya wonder. Jonathan has left the house. He sure went out with a bang! Yes, Jonathan's personal 'pilot light' was turned-up really high. He even exceeded my comfort level (to say the least) on many occassions, but that guy was a true champion for our cause and he helped many people at great personal risk to himself. We had a brotherly love for each other - and a sibling rivalry, too. In the face of extreme opposition and vicious prohibition, Jonathan's energy was apparently needed to break-open the hard exterior of prejudice and help lead the way to Cannabis freedom. We now have medical marijuana in Hawai'i partly due to Jonathan's insistance and passion for the cause. The man helped to make history here and, like him or not, we're all the better off for his efforts. * Thanks, Jonathan. You busted my balls, you made me laugh til I hurt, you taught me much and inspired me greatly. I'll forever be thankful to have known you on these many revolutions around the sun. Yesterday I was the minister at your funeral. I think you would have appreciated it. We cried and laughed and everyone spoke highly of you except one phoney "Christian" minister (you know who). The photos of you with long hair and holding your young kids back in the day were classic. Your ashes were in a flying saucer-looking container with mirrors all around it. The UFO-lover in you would really appreciate it. Your wife and five kids are coping with their deep loss and yet they stood tall and strong. They are all fine people and you can be rightly proud of each of them. Mahalo plenty, Jon. I miss you already. R.I.P. With love and respect, Roger @@@
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Comment #10 posted by John Markes on October 22, 2006 at 09:33:37 PT |
I'll submit John in Philly for the action class lawsuit. I found him to be humble, helpfull, and sincere. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #9 posted by doc james on October 22, 2006 at 07:19:41 PT:
Just wanted to say that I met Jon in Philly during our lawsuit for the reinstatement of the IND program. I found him to be very sincere in his beliefs and am saddened to hear of his death. There should be more folks that give it their all to change outdated and racist laws. He is in a much better place. RIP Jon Adler. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #8 posted by whig on October 21, 2006 at 17:40:55 PT |
I get swung out immediately when I recognize that this is the eighth time, and the book does not say more now. Michael [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #7 posted by konagold on October 21, 2006 at 16:40:14 PT:
Aloha whig the Forward is the most difficult part of the Papers to understand Part IV : The Life and Teachings of Jesus is more narative than encyclopedic as sometimes seems the other parts of the Papers http://www.ubfellowship.org/newbook/ Aloha Rev. Dennis Shields [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #6 posted by whig on October 21, 2006 at 15:55:38 PT |
Don't forget Cruithne. That's an interesting one, a companion planetoid to earth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3753_Cruithne I don't know how to use your papers yet, they seem to be an instruction manual for operation of the universe once you are in a position to use them, but I am in an undocumented mode at present. Aloha [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #5 posted by konagold on October 21, 2006 at 15:27:28 PT:
Aloha whig Interesting question What I say to folks about the Urantia Papers [a.k.a. the Urantia Book] is this Read it as tho it were science fiction if you believe it, then that's you're problem -wink- I will confess I believe them To answer your question I believe that the Papers reveal enough to lead us in the direction of finding out more as we ‘earn’ further universe understanding. Back in 1935 [published in 1955 tho] the Papers revealed that there are 12 planets in our solar system, and for about a week recently, until the rules were changed kicking Pluto out of the solar system, that was a scientific fact, with Zena and the other recently discovered outer planet [I heard that Goofy's remark, on hearing the news, was "the world is going to the dogs"] Aloha Rev. Dennis Shields [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #4 posted by whig on October 21, 2006 at 15:05:01 PT |
Does Urantia seem to you as close an approximation as might be made without giving away the plan? Michael [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #3 posted by konagold on October 21, 2006 at 14:43:54 PT:
Aloha Both Jonathan and Roger were ministers of the Religion of Jesus Church who then created their own derivations and started charging money for that which they were given for free There are only members or ministers, there is no such thing as an organizational branch or separate titled ministry of the Religion of Jesus Church, any such title was made up from thin air Membership is a matter of ones free will choice and is offered to anyone for free [see the web page at the bottom of this post], yet both of these fellows have charged [independent of each other as witnessed by Jonathans remarks criticizing Roger] as much as $150 dollars to join; or, in Roger’s case, $250 for a convoluted ‘sanctuary kit’ based in part on the gain from my trial in 1997 of two prongs of the three prong legal test in Hawaii which is used to determine the religious freedom to use Cannabis [ the third prong was accomplished after being convicted of my convictions via the Church mandating the Sacramental use of Cannabis – see http://www.hialoha.com/konagold/church/sacrament.html ] To quote Bono from the movie ‘rattle and hum’ “my God ain’t short of cash” In both Jonathan and Rogers case they have not been treated the way Jesus treated the money changers in the temple; that has been left between them and their maker. May God have mercy! Aloha Rev. Dennis Shields [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #2 posted by Max Flowers on October 21, 2006 at 09:24:52 PT |
It's good of Roger Christie to have said some nice things about Jon after Jon had been so dismissive of Roger's church. But I suppose it's the only "Christian" thing to do. In the end, both men were working toward the same thing, but were "competitors" in a way. [ Post Comment ] |
Comment #1 posted by Happyplant on October 21, 2006 at 08:24:30 PT |
R.I.P. Jon. [ Post Comment ] |
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