Cannabis News
  Aerial School on MJ Teaches How To Spot Plants
Posted by CN Staff on June 30, 2006 at 09:18:50 PT
By Ben Brown, The Daily Journal  
Source: Ukiah Daily Journal  

cannabis California -- Pilots from law enforcement agencies throughout the country have been in Mendocino County this week learning to identify marijuana gardens from the air at the Aerial Observation School.

Forty-two students from across California and as far away as the East Coast have been flying above Mendocino County's national forests and private forest land learning to spot the illegal gardens.

"It's the biggest class we've run," said Rusty Noe, commander of the County of Mendocino Marijuana Eradication Team.

Pilots and students fly deep into the forests and try to find marijuana gardens that Noe and members of COMMET have already identified. Noe said marijuana gardens can be recognized from the air because they are a different color than forest undergrowth and the plants are laid out in an ordered fashion..

Because of their size, Noe said he had seen gardens as large as half a mile across; pilots can often identify them from as high as 500 or 600 feet. Noe said it is actually easier to recognize marijuana gardens from higher up because it gives officers a fuller view of the area.

"The lower you fly, the harder it is to see it," Noe said.

Mendocino County has been hosting the observation school since 1998 with the help of the Butte County Sheriff's Department, Placer County law enforcement, the National Guard and the Drug Enforcement Agency, among others.

"The whole situation is a collaborative effort," Noe said.

Mendocino County hosts the school because there are many large marijuana gardens in the area. Officers also come to take advantage of the expertise of Noe and the officers on COMMET.

Aerial identification of marijuana gardens is essential to fighting the cultivation of marijuana, Noe said. COMMET receives some of its tips from the public, but most large gardens are hidden deep in the woods where people aren't going to see them.

Noe said he has been seeing more and bigger gardens this year than in previous years. He said he wasn't sure why that might be.

"It goes in cycles," he said. "This is the year they're going for broke."

Noe said the heavy rains that plagued Mendocino County until March have slowed the marijuana crop. He said COMMET has been seeing baby plants and plants in nurseries, two things that are almost unheard of this late in the season.

Smaller plants may mean a later harvest season for many marijuana growers. Normally, the harvest season runs between July and October. It is also during this season that COMMET performs raids on identified marijuana gardens.

COMMET often works with the California attorney general's Campaign Against Marijuana Planting to raid gardens and eradicate plants. In 2005, CAMP seized and destroyed 1,134,692 marijuana plants, which had an estimated street value of $4.5 billion.

In 2005, COMMET raided more than 397 marijuana gardens in Mendocino County and eliminated 144,159 marijuana plants.

The Aerial Observation Training School will continue training through Friday.

Source: Ukiah Daily Journal (CA)
Author: Ben Brown, The Daily Journal
Published: June 30, 2006
Copyright: 2006 Ukiah Daily Journal

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Comment #19 posted by whig on July 03, 2006 at 21:29:14 PT
Sounds fine to me, actually. Abandoned property is prone to weeds anyhow. Places where plants just run wild ought to have wild plants. Plant away.

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Comment #18 posted by Wayne on July 03, 2006 at 21:16:05 PT
re: whig #15
Whig, I agree with you 100% that we shouldn't add any more innocent casualties to this useless war. I've been doing some thinking. There may be ways to spread seeds without putting any individual property owners at risk. So, as part of the Johnny Potseed project as I see it, sewing seeds around individual private property would be strictly forbidden (i.e. single-family homes, yards, apartments/condos, etc.). Ditto for schools, libraries, pools, and any such place where children would congregate.

But who's to say we couldn't toss a few seeds around corporate commercial property, especially ABANDONED commercial property? It seems everywhere I go, Wal-Mart or Home Depot or some other super-sized retailer is abandoning an old location for a newer, more convenient one. Let's put those old abandoned buildings and parking-lot medians to good use. Toss a few seeds around and let them sprout. What are they gonna do, arrest the CEO of Wal-Mart? Please...

Same goes for public property, state and national forests, etc. Throw a couple seeds in the shrub around your local county courthouse, and watch the media have a field day with it once it gets discovered. Or if you're on a hike or a park or forest tour, throw a couple seeds a few yards off the beaten trail. With all the other weeds growing in there, 9 out of 10 people will never spot it. And certainly not Mr. DEA in his helicopter, far above the canopy of trees.

Hell, while we're at it, even an abandoned airport might do. Or a ditch along an old deserted highway. A creek. A drainage pond. ANYTHING, so long as you're sure that no one individual or family owns it.

The idea here is not to grow your own crop, and certainly try not to put other people at risk. And this goes for everyone. The idea is to repopulate "wild" marijuana (with seeds from the nice bud that we've enjoyed) so that it can fight the war on its own by spreading. That's what it does. It spreads and it thrives, even in the most remote areas and the harshest of climates. Let it do some of our fighting for us...without guns or helicopters, but by its mere presence. That way, the government AND the people might someday finally see with their own eyes that eradication would once and for all prove futile. And, God willing, the house of cards will start falling...

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Comment #17 posted by Toker00 on July 01, 2006 at 05:06:33 PT
Outstanding article, lombar. #8
I'm going to read it again, print it, and distribute it. This is going to be absolutely devastating to the "DRUG" companies. Yaaayyy!

I know. I'm being as optomistic as the author. Sorry, can't help it.


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Comment #16 posted by mayan on June 30, 2006 at 19:09:28 PT
There are a lot of bogus theories on 9/11 but the same can be said for about anything. Some of the 9/11 articles I post seem to contradict others but they usually all point out obvious flaws in the official government account.

After paying attention for long enough, one tends to notice tendencies,agendas and motives. The credible 9/11 truthers have earned their credibility by consistently presenting facts which support their theories. Time usually filters out the fluff from the real stuff.

Here's another...

Firing of UW lecturer urged for 9/11 comments:

The fascists have played right into Barrett's hands. Doh!

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Comment #15 posted by whig on June 30, 2006 at 18:56:59 PT
It's a really interesting idea. Supposing a few were dropped in random locations, and grew, my concern is if you put it anywhere that's on private property, it jeopardizes the property. I don't know if they would confiscate if the owner clearly didn't know about it, but there are no guarantees and I wouldn't want to create new victims of the drug war.

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Comment #14 posted by Wayne on June 30, 2006 at 18:41:21 PT
re: decoy #3
That decoy garden comment was a GREAT idea. Everyone start growing okra! Besides, it will give you something new and healthy to eat. AND it's high in fiber.

And as for comment #2, mayan, I don't think they've been overgrown just yet. I don't personally see it growing everywhere around where I live. But that does bring up an interesting topic. Whatever happened to the talk about the Johnny Potseed project? A friend of mine told me about it two years ago. We are in a War on Drugs. The only way you can win a war is to out-produce your enemy. That's been the case in every single war that's ever been fought. (If you've ever played Risk or Axis & Allies, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about). Everyone needs to just start planting their pot seeds in random undisclosed locations. In the woods, along the highway, in corn fields, near landfills...maybe on federal land? And definitely not in large groups, just one or two here and there. And don't expect to make money off of them...don't even expect to harvest them. Just put them out there to spread. Most people just dispose of the seeds anyway, why not do something useful with them? 'Goodwill recycling', if you will... The thought of marijuana plants growing on the side of a major highway or in large numbers along a lakeshore or river bank always brings a big smile to my face.

For every garden that they uproot, start 3 more. By out-producing the enemy, we could actually win this charade. The feds will start throwing even more ridiculous amounts of money at it; the media and watchdog groups will start paying attention; the public will start asking questions; and the dominoes will fall from there. After all, people are suckers for the truth.

I urge you all to give it some thought... The only way to overcome these misinformed, deceiving bastards is by beating them at their own game. That is what it is after all, isn't it? One big game?

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Comment #13 posted by whig on June 30, 2006 at 18:00:43 PT
How do you manage to stay on top of the 9/11 story so well and filter for the really credible items that need to be publicized?

I get little snips here and there but it's always evaluating and figuring out whether someone is talking the truth or if they have some other agenda. I don't think there's any source but CNews where I can really rely on people telling what they truly believe about such controversial things and for nothing but the truth's own sake. I don't know whether or where such a source exists on a lot of other topics.

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Comment #12 posted by mayan on June 30, 2006 at 17:47:41 PT
WHY Waste OUR Money???
This article doesn't explain WHY the taxpayer's money is being wasted, and it IS being totally wasted. Is there a shortage of weed anywhere? There is so much weed in this country that it would make the leo's heads spin if they knew.

These fools don't even make a dent in the supply. Even if they did find every outdoor garden they would still be overwhelmed by imported weed and indoor grows. Yes' they've already been overgrown! All they can do now is cling to their job security - cannabis prohibition.

On an unrelated note, there seems to be a little free speech controvery in Wisconsin. This could blow up into the fascists worst nightmare. Spread the word!


Wis. lawmaker wants lecturer fired for 9/11 conspiracy views:

Sept. 11 claim stirs UW probe: Instructor says U.S. planned the attacks to provoke war:

9/11 + The Neo-Con Agenda: A Few Thoughts from the Infowars Team:

A Month of Film Screenings on: 9/11, Oil, War and Globalisation:

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Comment #11 posted by charmed quark on June 30, 2006 at 14:54:39 PT
Meanwhile, in lands that are little more sane ...
A UK study is calling for participants to determine in cannabinoids slow down the progression of MS

"CUPID stands for Cannabinoid Use in Progressive Inflammatory brain Disease. CUPID is a clinical trial which will evaluate whether THC, one of many chemical compounds (cannabinoids) found in the cannabis plant, might slow the development of disability in multiple sclerosis (MS). The trial will begin in 2006 and will recruit 500 people with progressive MS from across the UK. CUPID is a publicly funded study."

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Comment #10 posted by sam adams on June 30, 2006 at 13:56:40 PT
police in helicopter
Isn't funny how the media always tells you the "Street Value" of the "contraband", but they never tell you the annual budget of CAMP and COMMET?

Which affects the average citizen more? In helicopter skiing, each run can cost $200. I'm sure it costs thousands of dollars per hour just to keep one helicopter flying, not including capital costs and salary expenses.

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Comment #9 posted by observer on June 30, 2006 at 11:45:35 PT
Okra mistaken for marijuana
Sometimes I think that pot leaves are the single most recognizable leaf of any plant to Americans. And yet...

Also, there's a skinny-leaved variety of okra that looks more like pot than the other varieties.

As we can see, the skill of identifying marijuana is a real keystone for cops.

And while we're on the subject, for saftey's sake please keep this Pauli guy away from them govt-issued Sikorsky's, will ya? He's nothing but trouble and he just gums up perfectly working works.

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Comment #8 posted by lombar on June 30, 2006 at 11:25:12 PT
All those initials and so little credibility.

The lawlessness of the FDA, Big Pharma immunity, and crimes against humanity

June 30, 2006 is a day that will be long remembered as a dark milestone in the history of FDA and its campaign against health consumers. On June 30, an FDA "Final Rule" goes into effect, establishing a regulatory power grab of such scale and scope that it attempts to bypass all laws, the will of Congress and fundamental protections for consumers. This "Final Rule," which may as well be called a "Final Solution" for drug consumers, claims that consumers can no longer sue drug companies for the harm caused by any FDA-approved drug, even if the drug's manufacturer intentionally misled the FDA by hiding or fabricating clinical trial data. In one blatantly illegal act, the FDA is attempting to pull off the greatest Big Pharma coup of all: The outright elimination of any responsibility whatsoever for the suffering and death caused by deadly pharmaceuticals.

In the preamble of the FDA's new "Final Rule" to take effect on June 30, the agency asserts that FDA approval of prescription drugs -- and their implied safety -- may no longer be second-guessed by consumers or organizations of any kind. The FDA's stamp of approval, the agency claims, is an absolute declaration of safety of all such drugs, for any use whatsoever, including off-label use (the use of drugs on health conditions that were never tested in clinical trials).

But such a position has no basis in law. During a June 6, 2006 hearing, a New Jersey state court judge Carol E. Higbee characterized the FDA's preamble as, "a political statement by the FDA" and explained that the ploy has, "...nothing to do with science. ...It is contrary to the U.S. Supreme Court's decisions. It is contrary to all the law on preemption. ... In addition to being contrary to the law of the land, it is also contrary to the Constitution of the United States."

The FDA is dangerous to America That this outrageous assertion by the FDA would take place at a time when so many Americans are routinely killed by the harmful side effects of prescription drugs only contributes to the arrogance and absurdity of this rogue agency that has now become the No. 1 threat to the health and safety of the American people. Even a terrorist nuclear attack on a major U.S. city would not equal the number of Americans who have already been killed by the negligent actions of the FDA.

FDA-approved prescription drugs injure 2.2 million and kill approximately 100,000 Americans each year, according to peer-reviewed published studies, and more realistic estimates put the number of deaths at over 200,000 people annually in the United States alone (see Death By Medicine for detailed statistics). Vioxx, according to senior FDA drug safety researcher Dr. David Graham, appears responsible for the deaths of over 60,000 Americans, and further deaths due to beta blockers, antidepressant drugs, statins and other medications continue to mount by the hour. The resulting FDA body count of American casualties makes the casualties of war look small in comparison. The Vietnam War claimed the lives of approximately 50,000 Americans (plus many more Vietnamese), and a memorial in Washington D.C. honors those who died. But FDA-approved prescription drugs have killed well over a million Americans, yet no memorial will be built, no honors bestowed, and now the FDA would deny the families of those victims their legal right to fight for any sort of compensation.

It's not like these consumers were killed by enemy gunfire in a foreign land; they were killed by American companies, on American soil, with the full permission and approval of an American regulatory agency! The enemy from within is, indeed, far more dangerous than any foreign threat to the lives of American citizens. Not since World War II have so many Americans died from a single, common, preventable cause, and it almost seems that the FDA has declared war on the American people and is using chemical weapons to win that war.

The scourge of dangerous prescription drugs, combined with willful collusion at the FDA, has now created a chemical holocaust on U.S. soil that will continue to claim the lives of mothers, fathers, daughters and sons until the American people demand that justice be served and that the FDA / pharmaceutical industrial complex be dismantled and condemned through some modern-day equivalent of the Nuremberg Trials. How many millions more have to die from this chemical holocaust before this reign of medical terror is brought to an end?

The ramifications of the FDA's Final Rule The FDA's new "Final Rule" would allow drug companies to operate with impunity, shouldering absolutely no responsibility for the harmful (even fatal) side effects of their prescription drugs, many of which we are now learning were only approved under highly suspicious circumstances that smack of fraud, corruption and outright criminal intent. Consumers harmed or killed by toxic prescription drugs -- even drugs that their manufacturers knew were extremely dangerous -- would have no recourse whatsoever. If such a rule were to go unchallenged, the degree of profiteering by Big Pharma would be unprecedented. Free to charge monopoly prices thanks to the FDA-enforced domestic drug racket that outlaws international competition, and unburdened by the financial risk of lawsuits from consumers harmed by their drugs, Big Pharma would be emboldened to unleash a dystopian era of unprecedented disease mongering, bribery of doctors, false advertising and the mass drugging of children, adults and seniors alike... with absolutely nothing to hold them in check.

This result may, in fact, have been the intention all along. This "Final Rule" appears to be little more than a thinly-veiled attempt to establish wide-ranging authority where none exists by burying it in the language of a drug labeling rule. A more detailed legal criticism is offered by Karen Barth Menzies, an attorney at Baum Hedlund in Los Angeles:

On Wednesday, Jan.18, 2006, the Food and Drug Administration issued new regulations regarding the labeling of prescription drugs, including regulations aimed at providing doctors and patients with clearer information about the risks associated with prescription drugs. However, in the preamble to these new regulations, the FDA inserted conclusory and legally unsupported statements that tort lawsuits alleging a failure to warn of known or reasonably knowable safety risks are preempted by federal law. This attempted power-grab by the FDA wholly ignores the prerogative of Congress, contradicts both statutory and case law precedent, disregards the parallel but distinct roles played by FDA and tort liability law, fails to provide an avenue through which consumers may be compensated for drug-induced injury, neglects any federal replacement of applicable state policing and enforcement procedures, and shirks constitutionally established principles of federalism which protect the jurisdiction granted to states in matters involving public safety and health. By inserting preemption language into the Final Rule without an official consultation with state and local government groups concerning the preemption language, the FDA also violated Executive Order (E.O.)13132. (When an Executive department or agency proposes to act through adjudication or rule-making to preempt State law, the department or agency shall provide all affected States notice and an opportunity for appropriate participation in the proceedings. Exec. Order No. 13132, [[4(e), 64 Fed.Reg. 43255, 43257 (1999). According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), the preemption language inserted into the preamble of the Final Rule is a thinly veiled attempt on the part of FDA to confer upon itself authority it does not have by statute and does not have by way of judicial ruling. The NCSL called FDA s action an abuse of agency process and a complete disregard for our dual system of government.

The fallout of the FDA's "Final Solution" The ramifications of this "Final Rule" action by the FDA cannot be overstated. If this rule is allowed to stand, it represents the end of health justice, the end of the power of Congress, and the surrender of absolute power to an agency of such arrogance and evil that it has conducted armed raids on vitamin clinics, organized the raid of a church, and even ordered the destruction of recipe books it didn't want to see published. (Supporting documents are available for all of these statements). The FDA, through its willful negligence, is indirectly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than all terrorists, murderers and drunk drivers combined. As the deaths continue to mount, and drug companies become even more aggressive with outlandish disease mongering and advertising efforts, the FDA rears up to unleash a new wave of corporate terrorism upon the American people by emboldening drug companies to care even less about the safety of their synthetic chemical products, most of which cause harm by their very nature of being foreign to the human body.

As Menzies explains:

Pharmaceutical industry lobbying efforts and zealot tort reformers have sired a new wave of brazen attempts to shield drug manufacturers from tort liability. The preemption language in the preamble to the Final Rule is but the latest attempt. Preemption has become the argument du jour and politically appointed regulatory officials the mouthpieces. The crafty messages sound of consumer protection, but are just the opposite. Limiting the liability of drug companies will not improve public safety. The FDA's purported position on preemption assumes that the FDA is infallible and that negligent misconduct by pharmaceutical companies should be the sole purview of FDA. Recent regulatory failures demonstrate that FDA is neither infallible nor does it have the capability of policing drug manufacturers negligent misconduct.

Want to see the real FDA at work? Read the story of Rezulin, and you'll be shocked to learn the truth about the real agenda that drives this rogue agency.

The end is near for the Big Pharma / FDA racket Why would the FDA engage in such an obviously unlawful power grab? Because Big Pharma co-conspirators have realized that lawsuits threaten to bankrupt the drug companies. The products of these companies are so universally harmful, and their ability to hide this truth is slipping away so rapidly, that the financial burden of settling lawsuits (or defending them in court) threatens to crush the entire pharmaceutical empire. Merck alone is defending itself against literally thousands of lawsuits from just one drug: Vioxx. As the truth emerges about the dangerous side effects from the long-term use of other widely-prescribed drugs, class action lawsuits will reach a momentum that will make the Big Tobacco settlements seem like a friendly game of Friday-night poker.

Truth be told, there is not enough money in the world to pay for all the pain, suffering and death that has already been caused by prescription drugs, and if drug companies are held responsible for even a small fraction of the patients their products have harmed and killed, they will rapidly fall from the most wealthy corporations in the world to the most bankrupt, both financially and morally.

And so the FDA is jumping in with one last, desperate attempt to cast a spell of immunity over all drug companies in order to preempt the coming flood of class action lawsuits. But even this effort will fail, as the truth about the dangers of prescription drugs can no longer be censored. Through a tidal wave of new books, documentaries and health websites, consumers are learning the shocking truth about Big Pharma and the FDA, and the beginning of the end of the age of chemical medicine is already under way.

Reading suggestions: The Truth About the Drug Companies by Marcia Angell, M.D., Psyched Out by Kelly Patricia O'Meara, or Death by Prescription by Ray Strand. You see, the arrogance and greed of drug companies will ultimately be their downfall. They have pushed too hard, too far, and they have landed themselves in a realm of such obvious scientific fraud and criminal negligence that the backlash is inevitable. The rampant disease mongering, the mass drugging of schoolchildren with amphetamines, the false claims of drug ads, the bribery of doctors, the collusion at the FDA... it's all coming to the surface now, and by the time this house of cards comes tumbling down, the resulting criminal trials against drug company executives and FDA officials will make the Enron trials sound like a high school debate.

It is not only inevitable that drug company executives and FDA senior officials will do prison time for their crimes against humanity, it is important that they be loudly condemned via such punishments for knowingly defrauding, harming and ultimately killing countless Americans in exchange for one thing: Corporate profits.

American medicine is now the shame of the world, and the conduct of senior officials at the FDA is nothing less than criminal. There is now no greater threat to the health and safety of the American people than the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

"As currently configured, the FDA is not able to adequately protect the American public. It's more interested in protecting the interests of industry. It views industry as its client, and the client is someone whose interest you represent."

- Dr. David Graham, senior drug safety researcher at the Food and Drug Administration, and Vioxx whistleblower

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Comment #7 posted by Max Flowers on June 30, 2006 at 11:05:51 PT
I know why you feel the way you do, but I would suggest you try not to hate to that extent. For one, it's not good for you physiologically; two, it brings bad karma; and three, expressing those kinds of sentiments gets you noticed and marked in a bad way (more intensely than you already may be).

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Comment #6 posted by Richard Zuckerman on June 30, 2006 at 10:38:48 PT:

I hope their helicopters crash! Are helicopters difficult to maintain safe?

It kind of reminds me of today's issue of The Home News Tribune,, in the Local Section, about the Highland Park Police Chief,, Francis Kinney, retiring from the police force. The article says he had been a DARE officer and was a school teacher of History prior to his Chief of Police rank. How would you like him to be your child's school teacher? He is one of the three police defendants in my lawsuit, on appeal in the Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Richard Paul Zuckerman, Plaintiff v. Borough of Highland Park, et al., Defendants, docket number A-4461-04T1, Ed Costantini, (telephone number)(609) 292-4822, because he, along with Investigator Joseph Vassallo and Patrolman Robert Mills, COMPLETELY FABRICATED a "disorderly conduct" charge against me in retaliation for my verbal refusal to produce identification. I was convicted in Municipal Court, but New Jersey denies us a jury trial in municipal courts and the municipal judges tend to give greater weight to the testimony of policemen and the appellate courts always quote State v. LoCurto (phonetic), a N.J. Supreme Court decision holding that the appellate courts must defer to the trial court determination of witness credibility! The trial judge in this civil action dismissed my lawsuit holding that a municipal court conviction has a collateral estoppel effect so as to legally bar relitigation of the underlying facts unless the municipal court conviction is vacated. I, on the other hand, have a progeny of directly applicable law holding that only conviction for an INDICTABLE offense bars relitigation, that MUNICIPAL COURT CONVICTIONS ARE INADMISSIBLE IN ANY CIVIL ACTION and do not bar relitigation of the underlying facts, e.g., New Jersey Rule of Evidence 803(c)(22), Trisuzzi v. Tabatchnik, 285 N.J.Super. 15, 25, 666 A.2d 543 (App. Div. 1995)(citing the progeny of cases). They rely upon the U.S. Supreme Court case of Heck v. Humphrey, but the federal rules of evidence do not have a similar rule of Evidence like the New Jersey Rule of Evidence 803(c)(22)!!!

Let me repeat myself: I hope the government helicopters crash. I want you people to report every single government helicopter crash to me! I like reading the obituary section of the newspapers for deaths of these government workers kicking the bucket!!!

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Comment #5 posted by Hope on June 30, 2006 at 10:34:10 PT
Japanese Maple is among the loveliest of trees...
Most of you know I broke my shoulder last year and of course, it's not completely normal anymore.

Sometimes when I look at my little tree ('s one with red foliage) I wonder if enjoying that beautiful little tree that was gifted to me many years ago by my children on a Mother's Day, could ever be the cause of my being thrown to the ground and having my arm wrenched behind my back. I would pass out from the blinding pain, I know.

Even when you try to "walk their line" can still be hurt by their tactics.

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Comment #4 posted by Hope on June 30, 2006 at 10:25:56 PT
Okra can be a stunning look alike.
Japanese Maple as well.

Obviously, from reports we've read, so can sunflowers, tomatoes, and weeds.

To think that enemy troops...the enemy within...can storm and invade people's homes over plants. It's horrible.

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Comment #3 posted by observer on June 30, 2006 at 10:19:05 PT
decoy patches
Decoy patches of something (okra?) that doesn't require too much water, looks a little like pot from a distance, and is nice and green, might work. Perhaps planted in paint buckets or some such.

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Comment #2 posted by Dr Ganj on June 30, 2006 at 09:51:01 PT
CAMP Is A Failure
What a complete waste of time, and money. When will society learn that eradication efforts are futile? All this could possibly do is increase the street price of marijuana, and thus encouraging more people to try their luck at cannabis cultivation. In 1984, I camped out all year in a tent by myself tending a large garden, and the morning of September 5th, a CAMP helicopter flying just above trees above me, was so close I could see the pilot's aviator glasses. However, I guess he must have flunked his class at spotting huge plants, as he missed my awesome patch. I was smart enough to spread all the plants over an area of 2 acres, between the pygmy cypress and manzanita bushes, and thus not making an obvious patch in which the fuzz were searching. So now, 22 years later, it seems everyone is growing, and the efforts by COMMET, CAMP, and other law enforcement agencies only ensures that the prices will be high this fall, and will end up making a lot of people very happy, indeed. So, go on guys, go to your classes, learn how to spot marijuana, and keep on wasting your time.....

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Comment #1 posted by FoM on June 30, 2006 at 09:22:36 PT
Press Release from MPP
New Radio Ad Calls Out Politicians Who Have Used Marijuana Marijuana Policy Project Spot to Air on 141 Radio Stations Nationwide


June 30, 2006

WASHINGTON D.C. -- A potentially controversial new ad campaign from the Marijuana Policy Project names prominent public officials, including President George W. Bush, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Vice President Al Gore, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as having admitted to using marijuana. The ad then asks, "Is it fair to arrest three quarters of a million people a year for doing what presidents and a Supreme Court justice have done?"

The spot will hit the airwaves on July 3 on 141 radio stations nationwide, and will air through the summer during Jim Hightower's syndicated "Common Sense Commentary," carried by Air America and other stations, as well as the "Downsize DC" radio show. To listen to the advertisement, click the "Hear It Now" button above, or contact MPP Assistant Director of Communications Rebecca Greenberg at 202-462-5747 ex. 115.

"Nearly 100 million Americans, including the politicians named in the ad, have used marijuana -- and the vast majority have gone on to lead successful lives," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project in Washington, D.C. "Our government has spent hundreds of millions of tax dollars on ads claiming that the use of marijuana leads to addiction, illness, and destruction, but for the overwhelming majority of responsible, adult marijuana users -- just as for responsible, adult alcohol users -- that simply isn't true.

"Marijuana prohibition has completely failed to stop marijuana use, while giving unregulated criminals a monopoly on the marijuana market," Kampia continued. "Instead of continuing our failed system of marijuana prohibition, it's time to consider a new system of regulation and control that would generate tax revenues and take marijuana out of the criminal market."

Alcohol and tobacco, the two most commonly abused drugs in the U.S., have both been successfully taxed and regulated. Research shows that marijuana is safer than both of these drugs.

With more than 20,000 members and 100,000 e-mail subscribers nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. For more information, please visit

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