Cannabis News
  Transcript: Montel Williams on Medical Marijuana
Posted by CN Staff on September 20, 2004 at 20:35:40 PT
Partial Transcript: Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees 
Source: CNN  

medical COOPER: Coming up next on 360, Montel Williams fighting MS and fighting for the legalization of medical marijuana. A talk show hosts personal appeal. He joins us live.


COOPER: When voters in Oregon go to the polls in November, they'll consider expanding that state's medical marijuana laws. Oregon is one of nine states with such laws, laws that the Bush administration adamantly opposes.

Syndicated talk show host Montel Williams finds himself on the side of those who support medical use of marijuana. He uses it himself to ease the pain of multiple sclerosis. Tomorrow he's going to devote his entire show to that very personal and controversial topic. Montel Williams joins us now. Good to meet you. Thanks for being here.

MONTEL WILLIAMS, TALK SHOW HOST: Thanks so much for having me.

COOPER: You were diagnosed with MS in 1999. When did you start using marijuana?

WILLIAMS: You know, I, probably like a lot of people who are in my age group, used marijuana when I was younger. I kind of dabbled in it a little from time to time, didn't really even bother with it that much. As soon as I got diagnosed one of the things I found out on the Internet and I found out from other friends who knew other people who had MS in the same way that I have it--I have extreme neuralgic pain from my knees through my feet.

COOPER: What does that mean, neuralgic pain? What is the pain like?

WILLIAMS: It's hard to kind of equate but it would be if I liken it to you striking your crazy bone and multiply that by about 100 or 150.

COOPER: And that's all the time?

WILLIAMS: That's 24 hours a day. Sometimes I can bring it down when I'm in the middle what have is considered an episode or a bout it's at 10 which is excruciating enough that I think I wrote a book which is called "Climb Me Higher" and in that book I talked about the fact I wanted to take my life. That's how much it hurts. And I know other people are in just as much pain. So what I did was, after finding out how medicinal marijuana works, I started utilizing it every day because there's a saturation point you want your body to be at.

COOPER: And you tried other painkillers. OxyContin...

WILLIAMS: I have prescriptions for, right now, OxyContin, Percocet, Ultracet, Vicodin, Talwin, I've been down to--been through morphine pills. I've been down that path.

COOPER: What does marijuana do that-marijuana's not as strong as morphine. What does it do that the others don't?

WILLIAMS: There has been test after test, tests enough that the United States government understands this--I don't know if you know this, Anderson, or not. But do you know for the last 25 years our government has been distributing marijuana to 20--originally it was 12 different pharmacies across the country. Five of the patients died. Now seven. Every single month they deliver canisters of marijuana to seven people, grown at the University of Mississippi, studied for 25 years, we understand its efficacy. What does it do? For people like me it helps ease that pain, it helps me get up in the morning, go to work and be a taxpayer.

COOPER: Let me sort of tell what you the nation's drugs czar, Director John Walters told us. Let me put this on the screen. He says, "Research has demonstrated that smoked marijuana is helpful as medicine. We are currently funding research to determine if there are components of cannabis that may be used as medicine. A component in marijuana, THC, has already been approved in pill form by the FDA. It's called Marinol and doctors are able to prescribe this drug or any other drug that proves safe and efficacious if they feel it would best serve their patients' needs."

Can I ask why not use Marinol?

WILLIAMS: Let's go back. The same person that just said that didn't say to you that he himself makes sure that every single month seven patients get a can of 50 marijuana cigarettes to utilize because we understand just like Vicodin, Talwin, other drugs don't work for everybody. Marinol doesn't work for everybody. It's a synthetic form of THC that doesn't work. The majority of people who have tried to take it don't use it because of the way it affects them. So, truthfully, if you go to a natural product--that's what we're looking for. If he claims that it doesn't work, why is it the federal government distributing it itself and has been distributing it itself. It has been for 25 years and been studying it 25 years and is giving it out every month.

COOPER You're leading the fight for this. Do you find it a tough battle because it's sort of linked with the notion of legalizing drugs altogether?

WILLIAMS: Yes. It is a tough battle that way.

COOPER: And it's very different. You're talking about medical marijuana. You're not talking about legalizing drugs.

WILLIAMS: Changing it from Schedule I to Schedule II. If I have a doctor who can prescribe for me OxyContin, morphine, morphine drip, and let me drool in the corner and not be able to go to work and pay my taxes and that same doctor says, no, you know what, I think medicinal marijuana works for this patient. If we think he's smart enough to make me drool, is he not smart enough to make me better? And, if in fact our own government has been distributing it for 25 years and researching at the University of Mississippi for 25 years, I hold a can tomorrow on the show of what they shipped last month to a person. If our drug laws claim it doesn't work, why is our government trying to poison people? It's not, because they know it works. So, therefore, that's why they do it. Stop the madness, stop the stupidity. If they can give it to seven people, they can give it to other people who need it. COOPER: And you're going to be talking about this on your show tomorrow?

WILLIAMS: Most definitely. For a full hour.

COOPER: Montel, thanks. Nice meeting you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you so much.

COOPER: Good luck to you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.


Complete Transcripts:

Source: CNN (US Web)
Show: Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees
Show Date: September 20, 2004
Copyright: 2004 Cable News Network, Inc.

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Transcript: Montel Williams on Medical Marijuana

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Comment #124 posted by FoM on September 25, 2004 at 15:13:38 PT
I just wanted to mention I don't think there was another raid. I thought I should post this so no one thinks something else happened.

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Comment #123 posted by FoM on September 25, 2004 at 12:16:49 PT
No that isn't it. A new raid is what I read but maybe it isn't a new raid. I don't follow it very closely either. It's too hard for me to try to sort it all out.

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Comment #122 posted by afterburner on September 25, 2004 at 12:10:10 PT
Something Is Happening in Canada...
Some Details Below:

Vansterdam Now Rally - Pot-TV Running Time: 1 hr 15 min Date Entered: 24 Sep 2004 Viewer Rating: 7.43 (3 votes) Number of Views: 305

September 23rd, David Malmo Levine, Phillipe Lucs, Chris Bennett, Renee Boje, Richard Cowan, The Reefer Man, Flash Gordon, all give speeches at the rally outside The BC regional consultation for the Canada Drug Strategy Conference. Special thanks to Adam for holding the Pot TV camera!

I'm not sure if this is what you are referring to or if you have some other inside info. I've been too busy at work lately to monitor all the details.

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Comment #121 posted by FoM on September 25, 2004 at 11:13:24 PT
Is something going on up north? I read something in the CCC list but don't want to mention it because I don't know if it is for the public yet.

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Comment #120 posted by FoM on September 25, 2004 at 08:46:42 PT
It was a good program. I'm not a big John Fogerty fan but his new song is so darn good. If I get a little free time I'm going to take some songs off of CDs and make one that has similar themes. Like a few songs from Steve Earle, Neil Young and John Fogerty. I'll call it my revolution CD! LOL!

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Comment #119 posted by afterburner on September 25, 2004 at 08:39:43 PT
Re: A Little Music Relief Tonight on A&E
Thank God, A&E is rebroadcasting John Fogerty's Request program. I'm listening to it now. Not only do these songs bring back great memories, they also fuel hope and put much of today's bubble gum pop and jump-around-in-scanty-clothes to shame.

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Comment #118 posted by FoM on September 23, 2004 at 13:44:57 PT
Hope Another Article
I looked further and he was never a Catholic but went to Catholic school, He was Greek Orthodox. It doesn't matter but I wanted to mention it anyway. I still haven't watched the concert but I will. I think he will get it cleared up.

Cat Stevens: I'm Totally Shocked:,1,14995,00.html

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Comment #117 posted by Hope on September 23, 2004 at 07:02:01 PT
article today about Yusaf Islam/Cat Stevens|top|09-23-2004::06:08|reuters.html

The article mentions "Moonshadow". I'd forgotten about it, too...but that was a beautiful song.

There is a recent picture of him. Like the rest of us near his age...he's not nearly as pretty as he used to be...that beard he wears now...nothing pretty about that.

Does anyone remember an incident with his bus a few years ago at the Canadian border? Something to do with a band member having a book about cannabis or something.

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Comment #116 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 18:00:25 PT
You know one more thing. First thank you for being you. Also thank you for being honest. I don't want to ever be thought of as a person who can't look straight on at something and deal with it. I've been around on this earth a long time and I'm to old to run and hide so honesty is very important to me.

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Comment #115 posted by Dankhank on September 22, 2004 at 17:54:05 PT
I have watched you, FoM, evolve over the years into a true believer in the power of music to heal, inspire, educate ...

I'm sorry that I was the one to bust the bubble.

I'm done for now ...

Peace to those who resist ...

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Comment #114 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 17:24:55 PT
This is very serious. This is bigger then him and it will effect the views of the good Muslims in the world if he doesn't speak. I know that he is quiet but his religion is at stake and he might speak just for that reason.

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Comment #113 posted by Dankhank on September 22, 2004 at 17:19:09 PT
FoM, yes I think he must.

I feel he has betrayed me, if he hasn't let's hear it.

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Comment #112 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 17:08:59 PT
You know something. I think he will talk. That's just a feeling I have and nothing more. I hope my feeling is right.

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Comment #111 posted by Dankhank on September 22, 2004 at 17:03:34 PT
He isn't Cat to me anymore, hasn't been for DECADES.

If he was unwise re Rushdie, then let me hear it from him.

What about his stupid comment that the oppression of afghan women wasn't true and probably a media construct?

He has made at least TWO mistakes that I know of, and I have never seen him try to make amends.

He planned to come to America to reap millions for things he did decades ago with nary a comment about what he has been doing lately and whether he supports ALL of Islam's hatred, murder and oppression.

Why does it matter WHO Yusuf thought the interviewer was or was not? Would he have answered different to a different questioner? He quoted the Koran, and says nothing about whether he believes that or not? It makes me think he believed it.

Yusuf has millions of fans, of Cat, that would listen to him if he spoke.

He never has.

I was talking about the Rhusdie thing to a DJ on a OKC Sunday Morning Easy show a few years ago as soon as I heard a Cat song, and the DJ asked what religion I was. I said at the time that I was Catholic and the DJ asked if I would kill someone that the Pope said to kill.

I said that that was medieval thinking, the church has grown beyond that sort of thing and that NO, I would never kill someone cause the Pope said to.

Yusuf needs to find a studio in London and do a few long-distance interviews to try to explain, but I think it may be too late for him. I would have perferred that he do that explaining 15 or twenty years ago.

On the other hand, he will undoubtably make a ton of money from his new release anyway, he will just have to forgo the adulation he must have wanted and apparently thought he could get without any explanations about his comments.

I am sorry Cat, speak to us, maybe we can forgive you.

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Comment #110 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 16:31:11 PT
Here's a Web Site About The DVD
I ordered this a few weeks ago and don't know when I will be able to watch it. I want to enjoy it and until we know more I will feel sad if I watch it.

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Comment #109 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 15:31:58 PT
I don't know anything about this incident. I can't even comment on what it's all about. I don't even know if Cat Stevens has made any new songs over all these years. I really just don't know. I got the DVD today in the mail and will watch it. All I remember about him is that his music touched my very soul. I also remember I was upset when he became a Muslim because back then they were considered heathens. I hate to even say that but that's the way it was. Then after 9-11 he resurfaced and I listened to some of his songs. I found this DVD on Amazon and the reviews were very good so I ordered it. I am not up on many things. I find it hard to believe he is a horrible person but he could be. It blows my mind.

Cat Stevens - Majikat (Earth Tour 1976)

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Comment #108 posted by VitaminT on September 22, 2004 at 15:00:36 PT
A few months ago I went and reviewed all of the happenings around Cat Stevens at the time of his conversion to Islam and the whole Salman Rushdie affair.

I've read what Stevens said then and has maintained all along. I've also read the twisted story that the opportunistic tabloid hack wrote about his comments and I believe Cat.

At the time, Cat was new to Islam and when this hack reporter (posing as a high schooler)asked for his comment on the edict on Rushdie, Stevens refered to the pertinent passages in the Koran quoting them from memory. He didn't himself pass judgement on Rushdie and said nothing with the intent inciting anyone to act against Rushdie.

Cat, in his statements, may well have been unwise in not making his own feelings clear but millions of people turned on him without ever asking a question of him and I believe that is wrong.

His music brought great joy to the world when we needed it but the stories told about him - which carry all the factual weight of a second hand rumor - is all that anyone seems to remember! Again I think that's wrong! After 17 or so years It's time we stopped repeating the hatchet job and try to listen to what Cat Stevens has to say now.

BTW I was one of the many who said I'd never have another thing to do with Cat Stevens - I was wrong!

Cat - can you find it in your heart to forgive me? Please?

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Comment #107 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 12:37:47 PT
I just checked and the music he made was when he was still a Catholic. That could be why it doesn't bother me I don't know. I was Catholic then too. That could be it.

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Comment #106 posted by Dankhank on September 22, 2004 at 12:31:40 PT
Just finished seeing the whole show, been busy today.

Pretty powerful, and I agree with dr slider ...

I wish he would have asked the "rehab" dude and Barfwell why he belongs in jail for using the kind.

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Comment #105 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 12:29:32 PT
dr slider
I knew they wouldn't do any articles because they haven't done any articles to speak of except a few. It sure is a sad state of affairs.

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Comment #104 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 12:27:26 PT
I do understand why you feel the way you do. I don't like some musicians but I might like what they sing. I separate the two unless it is Neil Young. I hold him to a higher standard! No that's not true. I just love his music.

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Comment #103 posted by dr slider on September 22, 2004 at 12:17:34 PT:

Let me get this straight... Montel stood up and said that he is and will continue to break the law, and this has generated exactly zero news coverage !? It is only ~24 hours since airing, but

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Comment #102 posted by Dankhank on September 22, 2004 at 12:10:19 PT
Finally got the spelling right ...


I understand your dilemma. I am in the same boat. Some of the best times of my life had a Cat Stevens soundtrack.

I have read a number of stories of he and his religion. Yusuf Islam really made a turn away from the "peace train" and few know it. He mostly comes off as a deeply islamic family man these days but there's the comments he has made as an indication he supports the madmen.

He was willing to make money from all of us "infidels," as I am sure that was the intent of his visit. He will still make a lot of money, but he hasn't made a penny off of me in decades, and won't.

If I want anything of his ... KaZaa ... funny, I have nothing of his.

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Comment #101 posted by dr slider on September 22, 2004 at 11:50:06 PT:

the show
While I know it is impossible to compress the idiocy of prohib support (unless you are big oil, plastic, cotton, timber, pharm, alcohol, tobacco et. al.) in an hour, I wish Montel had allowed Barthwell to answer one question, "Why should I be in jail ?" He didn't allow her or the "treatment guy" to elucidate their idiocy .

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Comment #100 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 10:48:55 PT
dr slider
On Direct TV it was aired at least two times. I got to see the whole show and I thought it was great. The first time it was cut because of the United Nations speech. It wasn't censored on the satellite but I don't know about cable.

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Comment #99 posted by dr slider on September 22, 2004 at 10:43:41 PT:

I finally managed to see the show. (thanks to the web and ironically, comcast high-speed) Powerful... No wonder comcast nixed it. How many of you had to seek it out? How many homes were subject to this endemic censorship? 99th post? It's energized the choir but how many "citizens" saw it?

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Comment #98 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 09:56:41 PT
You said: But the thing I recalled the most was Mr. Williams shutting down the 'addictions specialist' guy who was trying to pop-psych him, and tried to hand him the line of "I feel your pain". Mr. Williams rounded on him with an honest vehemence I've rarely seen displayed on TV, and told him it was *impossible* for him to feel the pain of what he was experiencing.

I agree!

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Comment #97 posted by Max Flowers on September 22, 2004 at 09:45:56 PT
I agree with Hope; I did not see any shame or remorse or humility at all from Barthwell. To my eyes her reaction was pig-headedly the same as it ever was, and the fact that she was evidently unmoved by all the stories was just more proof of her sociopathic personality.

That poor excuse for a human being, she is not truly a doctor of any kind, and she has no concept of what the Hippocratic oath ("First, do no harm") is all about. To her it's "First and foremost, protect pharmaceutical establishment and tell government lies."

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Comment #96 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 08:56:44 PT
A Little Music Relief Tonight on A&E
I thought some here might want to watch this show tonight.


John Fogerty – one of the greatest rock & rollers to ever play the game– will take center stage for an evening of live music during A&E's LIVE BY REQUEST STARRING JOHN FOGERTY, which will air live from New York, on Wednesday, September 22, 10pm/9C.

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Comment #95 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 08:37:13 PT
He could be bad but I just love his music. It was some of my favorite music during that time back then in my life. I have a DVD that is called Do you remember Jim Croce. I haven't watched it yet but when I am not busy I will kick back and enjoy it I'm sure.

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Comment #94 posted by FoM on September 22, 2004 at 08:29:33 PT
I'm glad too but I would have understood. I am anxious to find out what he is going to do that will make some people upset. Time will tell I guess.

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Comment #93 posted by kaptinemo on September 22, 2004 at 06:00:51 PT:

Barthwell got a taste of her own medicine
Having seen up-close how la Barthwell handles direct criticism of her positions before, she displayed nothing new to me during the program. She behaved as if she were *still* on the ONDCP payroll; not surprising because she knew that if she were to 'give' in the slightest on being critical of the DrugWar she still supports, it would have opened the door for further questions as to *her* motivation.

But Hope is right: it was the poker face of someone who's realized she is once again out of her league. Her insistance upon the very same spiel she's given time after time shows exactly how bare the anti's rhetorical cupboard really is.

But the thing I recalled the most was Mr. Williams shutting down the 'addictions specialist' guy who was trying to pop-psych him, and tried to hand him the line of "I feel your pain". Mr. Williams rounded on him with an honest vehemence I've rarely seen displayed on TV, and told him it was *impossible* for him to feel the pain of what he was experiencing.

I can't emphasize this enough how important that was. Montel Williams, in obvious pain from the sound of his voice, throwing the soft, smothering platitudes of the bloodsucking 'treatment specialist' back in his teeth.

In that moment, the truth became evident for all to see. At that moment, Montel Williams became *every pain patient and every MMJ user in the country*, suffering at the hands of these friendly torturers intent upon doing you good until you die screaming in agony from their 'care'. And that those screams may emanate from a prison cell causes these smiling sadists not one whit of shame or remorse.

Mr. Williams, in that moment, gave raw, red bloody truth for soft fluffy official lie. And everyone in the audience, as well as everyone who has seen or will see this program, knows it.

I especially hope that the families of cops and Fed agents get a chance to see this program. I hope the children of DrugWarriors get to see this and ask their parents about it. And ask some very uncomfortable questions.

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Comment #92 posted by Hope on September 22, 2004 at 05:22:33 PT
I'm glad Mr. Young is staying and resisting with us. His not leaving makes this whole mess a little bit less scary.

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Comment #91 posted by Hope on September 22, 2004 at 05:18:42 PT
Thanks Dankhank for the information about Stevens and the Rushdie story. If he would "call someone"...he's got his "peace" lines crossed.

I, for many reasons, never really liked Cat Stevens. I never purchased any of his music...but I did like the idea of the "Peace Train". Now that's ruined. Not because of you, Dankhank, but because I seriously doubt something about Steven's sincerity. I always have because of snippets of information here and there.

Apparently, we all saw Barthwell a little differently. I saw a powerful political poker face...that knew she was defeated...yet still refusing to admit it. I thought she was condescending and remarkably unmoved. It was a facade, of course, but I think it covered a sort of distaste for all the "lower downs" who had the gall to disagree with her.

If she was a real human, with real compassion she would have denounced her ONDCP ways and admitted that Montel and everyone else was right and stepped up to join our crusade for freedom and rights.

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Comment #90 posted by Dankhank on September 22, 2004 at 04:50:55 PT
FoM, simply put, Youssef kowtows to the Islamic chant, "death to unbelievers" and "the west lies."

He's as bad as the rest of them to countenance murder and oppression.

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Comment #89 posted by afterburner on September 21, 2004 at 23:04:18 PT
Thanks, FoM and Dankhank for the Link
I was disappointed to hear I had missed the Montel Williams show while getting a duplex apartment ready for rental. The Internet is so good to us sometimes, the ultimate time-shifting. May his message and the faces and stories of the brave participants of the show spread far and wide across the land.

Montel concluded, "Write to your Congressman and tell him, 'Enough is enough!'" Powerful show cracks the hard shell of cannabis prohibition wide open for all to see.

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Comment #88 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 22:51:43 PT
Just A Note
I just asked and found out that NY isn't moving to Canada. I didn't want to mislead anyone. Over and out.

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Comment #87 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 22:04:10 PT
I noticed Barthwell seemed upset but not angry just maybe feeling guilty.

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Comment #86 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 22:01:35 PT
I'm not sure I understand what you mean about Cat Stevens. I know he is an activist and is a follower of Islam but that's all I know. I loved his music.

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Comment #85 posted by DeVoHawk on September 21, 2004 at 22:00:16 PT
Barthwell's Soul is Burning
Thanks for the real player link to the show. Towards the end of the show it looked like Barfwell was about to cry. Her soul was burning. You could tell she knew she was wrong, like a kid with a hand in the cookie jar.

I am so impressed with Montel and I believe the audience was absolutely blown away. When Barfwell said it would be 10 to 15 years before a product would be on the market the audience was ready to run her out of town.

Kampia was very impressive given the short amount of time he spoke. Funny how the anti's just mumbled on and on hoping to kill time, collect another paycheck, and get the hell out of Dodge. Montel would have none of their BS.

This was the greatest event in the ending prohibition I have witnessed and I believe it just the beginning.

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Comment #84 posted by Dankhank on September 21, 2004 at 21:42:38 PT

is the realplayer site of the Montel show.

I watched Angel and Ira, lost the connect, saw the stuff 'bout Cat/Youssef, got sidetracked, now I'm tired, will slaff and check this thread agin in the mornin. When I medicate I get silly.

I still catch myself singing to a Cat song, before I wince.

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Comment #83 posted by Dankhank on September 21, 2004 at 21:36:13 PT
Cat Stevens?
He changed his name to Youssef Islam back in the 80's.

Youssef was interviewed sometime after the Ayatollah Khomeni issued the Fatwa demanding Salmon Rushdies death for writing "The Satanic Verses." The interview was at his London home, where he has lived for many years.

When asked what he would do if he saw Mr. Rushdie, Youssef Islam said that he would probably have to make a phone call to tell someone.

Later, in the 90s Islam was intervied by a NY Times writer and asked about the Taliban and what they were doing to women in Afghanistan. His reply was that those stories were media creations and had no basis in reality.

I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings ...

I actually blew him off of the Radioparadise webradio site for about a year in a clumsy but strong criticism of his being in their playlist.

He's been snuck back in the rotation, but I don't care ... BillG who runs the site controls the playlist, and if he wants to hear Cat he will, but he will always know I know.

And now you know too.

Don't hate me ...

Peace ...

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Comment #82 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 21:13:28 PT
Here's More Articles About What Happened

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Comment #81 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 21:07:45 PT
Isn't that pathetic! It upset me too.

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Comment #80 posted by cloud7 on September 21, 2004 at 21:05:24 PT
Cat Stevens!
If this is the type of person being turned away from our border, it makes it very clear what side I want (need) to be on. Are they afraid he'll spread some peace or infect us with love while he's here? How ridiculous!

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Comment #79 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 20:30:21 PT
I know what you are saying. I heard rumors but I haven't been able to confirm it yet that Neil Young might go back to Canada. If it's true I understand.

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Comment #78 posted by BGreen on September 21, 2004 at 20:27:43 PT
I Guess All Of Us "Peace Activists" Are SOL
I'm travelling while I still can before bush puts MY name on some list to keep me from flying.

The Dutch customs and immigration agents treat us with respect and smiles.

The amerikan equivalent looks at us with disgust and contempt and pulls us aside for further questioning and searches, which is their standard "welcome home" for us on every international flight we arrive on.

It always makes me wonder why the hell I come back.

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #77 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 20:27:26 PT
More Benefits for MS Patients
ICS: Cannabis Extract Cuts Urge Enuresis in MS Patients

September 21, 2004

PARIS – Treatment with cannabinoids may help prevent urge incontinence in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, investigators said at the joint meeting of the International Continence Society and the International UroGynecological Association.

Dr. Robert Freeman, a urologist at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, England, reported results in 657 patients with stable multiple sclerosis who had been randomized to treatment with oral cannabis extract, delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta9-THC) or placebo.

Patients completed urinary incontinence diaries and quality-of-life questionnaires, and some of them also underwent urodynamic studies and urinary pad tests.

The 15-week study found a 38% decrease in the frequency of urge incontinence episodes from baseline in the cannabis extract group, a 33% decrease in the delta9-THC group and an 18% decrease in the placebo group, Dr. Freeman reported.

While none of the treatments had an effect on quality-of-life or urodynamic outcomes, the cannabinoid groups had a mean decrease of 43.88 mL on the urinary pad test compared with a mean increase of 8.27 mL in the placebo group.

"Our findings are encouraging given the fact that urinary incontinence affects up to 80% of multiple sclerosis patients," said Dr. Freeman. More studies are needed to verify the results, he added.

Copyright: 2004 The Medical Post

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Comment #76 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 20:01:49 PT
I know you love music and I thought you might like to see this. I just ordered a DVD of his and it was just shipped.

The Former Cat Stevens Gets Plane Diverted

WASHINGTON - A London-to-Washington flight was diverted to Maine on Tuesday when it was discovered passenger Yusuf Islam — formerly known as singer Cat Stevens — was on a government watch list and barred from entering the country, two federal officials said.

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Comment #75 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 19:17:14 PT
One More Thing
I call it our topic. I don't know why because I'm not sure what to call it. It's easy to type our topic instead of medical marijuana issue. There I feel better.

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Comment #74 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 19:06:03 PT
Hi kapt
It was a great show! Montel's passion was so obvious. All I can say is it was the best show on our topic that I've ever seen.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #73 posted by kaptinemo on September 21, 2004 at 19:03:48 PT:

He's done it! He really did!
I've been watching the link Mr. Elrod thoughtfully provided us, and I am just stunned. Finally, our side of the story has been told, by one of us, and in a way that directly challenged the 'conventional wisdom' successfully.

Almost all of the facts were presented, in a respectful fashion, and the audience responded with the degree of incredulity and indignation that any sane and compassionate person would have at this persecution of the sick. I believe it safe to say that the antis lost this round, big time. For Mr. William's personal expression of pain and frustration at those not in his shoes making determinations as to whether he may not relieve that pain spoke for millions of us. What was heard the day of taping, and now heard in every viewing family's home, was the fury of all those who have no voice, smothered by propaganda, lies...and jail. They were heard, today. Indeed they were.

The anti spin machine will have to go into overload to counter what a small group of sick, frail human beings conversing in a TV studio have done to the entire prohib mechanism. I can just hear the teeth being torn off the stressed cogwheels...

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #72 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 19:03:08 PT
Real Video and Quicktime of Montel's Show!
I posted the real video but didn't have Quicktime until now. Here they both are.

Quicktime or .mov format

real video format

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Comment #71 posted by Max Flowers on September 21, 2004 at 18:06:11 PT
Schedules Schmedules
One thing I have to say though is that I worry that if changed to Schedule II, the penalities for "unauthorized possession" of cannabis would remain far too harsh, just as they are now if someone is caught with say some valium w/o a prescription. There should not be criminal liability for a thing like that. Caught with 10,000, well that's a different story.

Cannabis is a plant, not a drug, and if this is really the Land Of The Free, I see it as my natural right to be free to grow a plant if I want to.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #70 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 17:18:27 PT
Max Flowers
I'm glad you are getting to see it! The balloon is almost ready to burst!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #69 posted by Max Flowers on September 21, 2004 at 17:13:25 PT
Montel has done it
I'm halfway thru the Montel show here... moved to tears by the sincerity of everyone and amazed that I am seeing this. Powerful stuff.

I'm thinking this is it---with this he has just blown the gates wide open. With this, the end of this fight should be coming soon.

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Comment #68 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 16:46:12 PT
That was so kind of you to say. The feeling is mutual. We are winning. We are movin on up to the eastside! All the people that love and care about our issue will make it all happen. Sometimes it's hard to keep going but I know I must because I feel I must. I'm on a mission like many of us are. Stress can kill us. I believe stress will kill faster then eating the wrong kind of food so keeping stress at a safe level is necessary in these times.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #67 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 16:28:21 PT
Montel Show Now On Line
Matt Elrod has the show online already!

Thank you Matt!

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #66 posted by BGreen on September 21, 2004 at 16:21:49 PT
How Are You Today, FoM?.
I was really worried about you yesterday. This election and other problems are making my wife and I feel the same way you do.

I've never met you in person but I feel very close to you. I share your joy and your sorrow just as I do with my closest friends. There's no other word to describe my feelings except ... love.

My wife asks about you from time to time if I haven't mentioned you. She knows all you've been through and also how much my involvement here at YOUR website means to me.

The biggest thing I want you to remember is that I KNOW there are many other people who post here that feel as close to you as I do and we know how much you care for us.

That's much more important than some stupid election.

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #65 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 16:07:41 PT
Visual aids can do more then words I agree. When I saw that tin I thought it was illegal for Montel to take one of the cigarettes ( don't know what to call it ) and yet Irvin Rosenfeld could legally take one out of the tin and light it up and smoke it because even though cigarettes are illegal in New York Cannabis isn't a cigarette so it still should be legal for him. Montel showed the double standard and said follow the money to boot!

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Comment #64 posted by sukoi on September 21, 2004 at 15:52:53 PT
I certainly hope that he does more shows about and/or incorporating MJ/MMJ issues and I know that he will learn more and the more that he learns the more passionate and understanding he will become. You’re right, he is very intelligent and compassionate, and he’s also an excellent spokesman and a fighter! I thought that using the “tin” as he did was great; in the teaching world it is known as a “visual aid” and it was indeed effective as it aided him in putting Barthwell squarely in her place!

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Comment #63 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 15:31:42 PT
I agree with you. I believe Montel will learn more and do more shows. The more he learns the more he will understand. Just like we learned he will learn and understand. He's very intelligent and he's also compassionate. The show really was impressive. Using the tin as a point maker was excellent.

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Comment #62 posted by sukoi on September 21, 2004 at 15:20:02 PT
I agree; it was very passionate, very powerful, and very persuasive and it made the feds look like the greedy idiots that they are. I only wish that he had done two things differently: given Rob Kampia more time and talked more about the cost of prohibition for the tax payers as well as the cost of Marinol for the patients!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #61 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 15:01:15 PT
About Montel's Show
We finally saw the whole Montel Show. We were talking about it and this is how I see it. We've all seen different shows on our topic over the years. They all have been good but there always was some point that I wished could have been made but time didn't allow for everything to be covered. This show that Montel just did was by far the most complete explanation of why Cannabis must be re-scheduled. I doubt there is anyone that viewed this program that wouldn't agree that the law must be changed.

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Comment #60 posted by Hope on September 21, 2004 at 13:35:20 PT
I'm glad he let his anger and frustration at the situation show.

It's impossible to understand what marijuana prohibition is about and how it keeps going.

Prohibs are powerful, inhuman and insane.

I'm not a physical person, but I couldn't help but feel Barthwell needed a good slap in that smug, mocking face of hers, to bring her into reality.

She acted like she was listening to misled children. What a creep she is.

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Comment #59 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 13:05:48 PT
Just A Comment
My sister just called me to tell me about Montel and I told her I would see the whole show at 5 today. She has to go man a booth at the county fair and was going to corner our congressman tonight about the show. She thought the show was great!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #58 posted by dr slider on September 21, 2004 at 12:53:38 PT:

Thanks Robbie, I'll look tonight.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #57 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 12:38:23 PT
Dankhank Dankhank Dankhank
It will be on channel 389 at 5 ET! Yes!!!!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #56 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 12:27:03 PT
That is Great To Read
I'm glad you all are getting the show. The last half an hour was out of this world to me!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #55 posted by Robbie on September 21, 2004 at 12:23:33 PT
It will air at 5PM PDT on KTVU Ch. 2 in SF/OAK
They run two Montels a day, so I was disappointed when it came on at 10 only to see some show about Love updates or somesuch.

I can't wait to see it.

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Comment #54 posted by sukoi on September 21, 2004 at 12:19:51 PT
I'm watching Montel right now and it is POWERFUL!!! This is sure to change many minds!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #53 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 11:31:40 PT
Nuevo Mexican
An earthship home. That sounds cool! We are doing ok. We've been very busy. We are having a water well drilled today and 2 new roofs put on in the next week. We finally found a nice family to rent the one house too. They are Harley people but his Mom who is 75 lives with them. She keeps them in line! LOL!

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Comment #52 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 11:27:14 PT
That's dedication and I hope you get it. I hope many stations carry it but we know how they try to keep important news away from the public.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #51 posted by Nuevo Mexican on September 21, 2004 at 11:26:54 PT
I'm okay! Moving into an Earthship!
Thanks for asking! Awesome way to live, getting 'off the grid' and all, but my hands are really full now! Trying to save the world, get bush out of office, be a husband, and relocate simultaneously has been worth it, but what a price! Hope you and yours are doing well, it seems everybody is in the same boat, hope you're not! Montel did everyone justice today, what an example to set for us all! Peace!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #50 posted by sukoi on September 21, 2004 at 11:23:55 PT
I actually took the afternoon off from work just to make sure that I didn't screw up the VCR programming and miss the show! I'd be curious to know how many more people watch his show today than normally would.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #49 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 11:17:24 PT
Thank you! Great! Great! Great! I said my husband wouldn't be home to see the show and he made it home early. We missed the first half hour but the second half hour was powerful!

PS: Montel mentioned GW Pharm ( way to go Dr. Russo) They showed the tin of Cannabis that Irvin receives.

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Comment #48 posted by sukoi on September 21, 2004 at 11:08:36 PT
Your welcome!
It won't be on here in SW Texas until 2PM, which is in about 45 minutes, so I should be able to record the entire show.

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Comment #47 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 11:02:03 PT
Thanks sukoi
I have it posted now. Did you get Montel?

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Comment #46 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 10:55:05 PT
It's Not On
That is so wrong.

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Comment #45 posted by sukoi on September 21, 2004 at 10:54:32 PT
Off Topic - sort of
Medical pot backers issue call for action

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Comment #44 posted by Dankhank on September 21, 2004 at 10:53:35 PT
There's a rural "wireafication," is that a word, supposed to go on the wire the boonies, don't know how it's going, just know they get a buck or two on my phone bill every month.

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Comment #43 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 10:44:32 PT
Let's just hope it is repeated. I'm crossing my fingers since we missed the first half an hour because of Bush.

We live so far out in the boonies that we don't even have a cable option. That's why I had to get a Direcway satellite for a high speed connection.

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Comment #42 posted by Dankhank on September 21, 2004 at 10:41:18 PT
wow, that's 'bout when we bought it, too
you're right, I'm sure

we have never explored local channels here. We hve an ABC in town who won't license to the sats. NBC, CBS, FOX 50 miles and 80 miles away, so we shouldn't be eligable for local on Sat, however a friend has managed to pry some channels out of the people they talked to. And Dish says they got some locally, don't know what, guess I'll call them.

Montel on FOX on my dish, in fifteen minutes ... I'm Central Time Zone, have always preferred it to any other for TV viewing ...

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Comment #41 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 10:37:47 PT
dr slider
If I were you I would complain to your cable company if they don't show it. It's totally wrong to not be able to see a show with this much impact.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #40 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 10:27:27 PT
We paid over 700 for our first system back in 94. It was worth it to us too. I don't know if the numbers below 100 show up unless you have local channels.

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Comment #39 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 10:25:32 PT
It isn't what we want to see. Hopefully they will change the show.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #38 posted by Dankhank on September 21, 2004 at 10:24:19 PT
not that important 'cept ...
my channels start at 100 here and have for as long as I have had the service.

A hint ... when we bought our first DTV it cost $600. Many moons in the past ...

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Comment #37 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 10:23:03 PT
Channel 388 will have Montel at 2 but no description of what is to be on. Hopefully EJ found it for us.

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Comment #36 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 10:18:37 PT
I think it was channel 4. I just looked because my husband got the channel and I didn't pay attention.

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Comment #35 posted by dr slider on September 21, 2004 at 10:18:13 PT:

Not surprisingly, it turns out Montel isn't being shown today on our cental Ca. Comcast system. Who in the world of corporate wh***s pretending to be our media will report on the suppression of the greatest potential spokesman for med.can. in years. I'm sure my market in not unusual. Let's hear from others,especially those with comcast. This too they will try to sweep under the rug.

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Comment #34 posted by Dankhank on September 21, 2004 at 10:15:43 PT
so what ...
channel did you get Montel on, anyway??

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Comment #33 posted by E_Johnson on September 21, 2004 at 10:15:25 PT
I finally got someone on the phone at UPN
They only show Montel repeats at 9am.

The medical marijuana show will be on Fox at 2pm PT.

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Comment #32 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 10:13:14 PT
That's what I think too. When a person has a potentially terminal illness they just don't care. It's like what are you going to do kill me? He sure told that addiction fellow off too. He said something like don't you tell me you understand my pain because that isn't true.

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Comment #31 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 10:10:07 PT
Yes we had to buy Columbus channels. I never watch local news because it doesn't interest me. I like California and New York news that we get on the 382 and other channels.

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Comment #30 posted by Dankhank on September 21, 2004 at 10:06:32 PT
re: what?
I don't receive any local channels with my DirecTv. I think you must.

Can't find him on my dish.

I did a search of shows in Texas and found he runs at4PM on KFDX, Wichita Falls, but I haven't had network TV in years.

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Comment #29 posted by Dankhank on September 21, 2004 at 10:00:46 PT
FoM, what channel on DTV???

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Comment #28 posted by westnyc on September 21, 2004 at 09:54:55 PT
Very true!
I also think that Montel is one of those Americans who doesn't care what the gov't thinks because he knows they are soooooo wrong; and, regardless of the consequences to himself he will speak his mind and call on the gov't until the people make it right. In days gone by, this was considered patriotic!

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Comment #27 posted by E_Johnson on September 21, 2004 at 09:50:35 PT
Here is their number in LA
This is the contact number for UPN in Los Angeles


I called them to protest.

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Comment #26 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 09:46:15 PT
That's terrible. Montel read Barthwell the riot act. She didn't know what to say. She looked dumbfounded.

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Comment #25 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 09:44:26 PT
I look at it this way. When we blow up a balloon at some point one more breath in the balloon will make it pop. Montel is that last breath and they don't know what to do anymore.

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Comment #24 posted by E_Johnson on September 21, 2004 at 09:41:02 PT
It wasn't on in LA
They ran some episode where they follow up on previous guests.

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Comment #23 posted by westnyc on September 21, 2004 at 09:39:39 PT
That's what I was thinking too!
I was thinking the same thing as well. Montel is admired and respected by millions of Americans of every race and persuasion; and, I think the police would fear turning him into a "martyr" which would defeat their purpose in the war on cannabis and garner more questions to the efficacy and silliness of this rediculous war. Nothing else seems to make much sense; but, did any of it ever really make sense.

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Comment #22 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 09:33:23 PT
My thoughts are because they are terrified to bust him. I'm sure Montel knows he could get busted and doesn't care at this point.

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Comment #21 posted by westnyc on September 21, 2004 at 09:22:42 PT
I don't understand something!!!
If Montel openly admits on national television to the entire world that he is breaking the law in New York State everyday; and, he is going to continue to do it everyday - why don't the police or whoever's jurisdiction it should fall under raid his home and arrest him? Please understand, I'm not making any judgement, I support him wholeheartedly; but, I don't understand why the police don't "move-in" and proceed against him(assets, freedom, etc.) as they would with anyone else.

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Comment #20 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 08:58:56 PT
Nuevo Mexican
I've been wondering where you've been and if you were ok. It's good to see you. Even though we missed the first half hour the second half hour was fantastic!

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Comment #19 posted by Nuevo Mexican on September 21, 2004 at 08:56:48 PT
Watching Montel now! It's 2004 and time's up!
Great show, his outrage was directed, laser-like, and blew away the opposition. It is no accident bushes mutters'interupt his show. I repeat, IT IS NO ACCIDENT! bUSH is afraid of cannabis consciousness, as he represents people who have no consciouness. Not that he and Laura haven't smoked their share, but as JOHN LENNON said, 'everybodys' smoking, but noone's getting High', as usual, this says it all.

Cannabis is a direct link to the 'all that is', but your intention has to be there for it to happen, as Rastas bless their smoke before partaking, as I suggest we all do. Cannabis is sacred, as is all life and life forms on earth, thus, bush defiles anything and everything that is sacred. Ask GCW. Or Kaptinemo, mayan, FOM, E.J.

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Comment #18 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 08:35:31 PT
Dr. Russo's Study was Mentioned Too
Go Dr. Russo even thought they didn't mention your name!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #17 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 08:34:24 PT
Go Montel!
Montel is on fire! Barthwell doesn't know what to say!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #16 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 08:19:56 PT
It's On Now

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Comment #15 posted by siege on September 21, 2004 at 08:19:11 PT
only 2
I get only 2 ch nbc=====cbs and they both Suc*.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #14 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 08:10:09 PT
Maybe We'll Get Some Of The Show
I hope he isn't going to talk the whole hour and I don't know if the show is repeated later in the day. I sure hope it is.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #13 posted by siege on September 21, 2004 at 08:04:51 PT
They Govt. can't beat Montel so they get Bush to talk about nothing inopportune. how about it Bush give Kerry the same time donkey

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #12 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 07:57:01 PT
Every Channel
I find this really upsetting. Who cares what Bush has to say anymore?

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #11 posted by westnyc on September 21, 2004 at 07:52:59 PT
Instead I get Bush!
Well, I just turned-on the TV to see the Montel Show and instead Bush is on every channel. I've been planning on watching this show for days. Too bad for me. :-(

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #10 posted by FoM on September 21, 2004 at 07:52:20 PT
Montel has Been Bumped by Bush
At least that's what it seems on Direct TV!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #9 posted by Robbie on September 21, 2004 at 07:22:57 PT
I saw this bit
I don't know that Montel is against the War on (some) Drugs. I do know that he's in favor of legalizing cannabis for medicinal use.

I'm interested in how his show goes, and I'm glad he has an authority on it like Donald Abrams. Question is: how much time will he give to Barfbag and the other prohib voices?

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Comment #8 posted by Ethan Russo MD on September 21, 2004 at 05:37:46 PT
Details of the Chronic Use Study to which Montel refers are here:

A few clarifications:

1) Figures vary on the number of patients in the Compassionate Use Investigational New Drug Program. It may have been as high as 35 or as low as 15. Seven survive. Four were intensively studied in the article.

2) The government has never published any information on this cohort of patients. We did employing private funding sources.

3) Patients typically receive 300 pre-rolled cigarettes a month of low potency. That translates to over 7 pounds per year.

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Comment #7 posted by mayan on September 21, 2004 at 04:23:50 PT
Thanks, Montel!
There aren't many minds left to change regarding medical cannabis but Montel will get the masses talking and wondering just why this medicine is still illegal. The fact that neither major presidential candidate will pay nothing more than lip-service to this issue is evidence that they are both paid for by special interests that stand to lose money and power if cannabis is recognized for the miracle plant that it is.

SHADOW OF THE SWASTIKA:The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization:

Some cannabis related articles...

Outside View: Your brain on pot

Berkeley plans to limit medical pot dispensaries:,1413,88~10975~2416298,00.html

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Comment #6 posted by john wayne on September 20, 2004 at 23:50:47 PT
monty pale with remorse
just a guess, maybe he got dizzy and weak in the knees as he realized what a bad move it was to cheerlead for the war on drugs all those years before he got sick?

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #5 posted by FoM on September 20, 2004 at 22:05:21 PT
An Observation
Montel didn't look like he felt very well during the interview. Did anyone notice that or was it just me.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #4 posted by Dankhank on September 20, 2004 at 21:45:41 PT
Montel is weak ...
sometimes in his response to specific questions, but he's a busy man.

He does a good job, generally.

Go Montel, a little truth will be good for them.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #3 posted by E_Johnson on September 20, 2004 at 20:48:22 PT
Someone should bring Montel up on the science
This question from Cooper didn't get answered:

"COOPER: What does marijuana do that-marijuana's not as strong as morphine. What does it do that the others don't?"

The answer is that cannabinoids work on pain through a different pathway from the one morphine works through. That's why cannabis can be weaker in terms of intoxicating effect than morphine but be more effective when it comes to relieving certain types of pain than morphine.

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Comment #2 posted by FoM on September 20, 2004 at 20:42:15 PT
Friendly Reminder: Tomorrow on Montel Williams

Tuesday, September 2, 2004

Today Montel will ask some tough questions about a hot political topic that is sweeping the nation. Medicinal marijuana has been approved by 9 states in this country and is currently being considered for legislation by 6 others. Yet the federal government still has power to negate the decisions passed by state legislatures and often targets both producers and users of medicinal marijuana in this country.

One main question Montel will pose is that in spite of the federal government's attacks on the use of medicinal marijuana, it has been producing and delivering it's own medicinal marijuana for the past 20 years to a select number of patients throughout the country.

We'll speak to one of those patients today. We'll also hear from former political representatives as well as activists who are in support of medicinal marijuana who will discuss the many facets of this issue.

For more information log onto National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Law -- and the Drug Policy Alliance --

Angel: Mother of 2 who suffers from many different illnesses including seizures, inoperable brain tumor and wasting syndrome that she treats with medicinal marijuana

Debbie & Larayne: Mother and grandmother of a boy with severe mental disorders who say that medicinal marijuana was the only thing that helped him live a life of normalcy. They wrote a book about his turmoil entitled, Jeffery's Journey.

Irvin: One of 7 patients living in this country who has been receiving medicinal marijuana grown and regulated by the federal government for the past 20 years

Donald Abrams, MD: Professor of clinical medicine at the University of California who was commissioned by the federal government to study marijuana for medicinal use

Rob Kampia: Executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project, which is an organization devoted to removing the criminal penalties for marijuana use --

Andrea Barthwell, MD: Former White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Deputy Director For Demand Reduction (ONDCP) who will discuss why the federal government still maintains that medicinal marijuana should be illegal --

Roger Curtiss: Addiction counselor and director of alcohol and drug services of Anaconda/Deer Lodge, an outpatient treatment facility in Montana, who is against the legalization of marijuana

Don Murphy: Republican politician who supports the legalization of medicinal marijuana

Link To Show:

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #1 posted by FoM on September 20, 2004 at 20:40:03 PT
This Will Be Great!
I can't wait until tomorrow to see this show! I really appreciate Montel doing this show and all of the activists who stood up for us.

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