Cannabis News
  Pot Initiatives on Their Way To City Ballot
Posted by CN Staff on July 10, 2004 at 08:14:33 PT
By Dave Moore of the Tribune’s Staff  
Source: Columbia Daily Tribune  

cannabis Two initiatives to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana will likely appear before Columbia voters on Nov. 2. It’s unlikely the Columbia City Council will approve the measures in August, acknowledges one of the petition’s organizers, Dan Viets.

That means voters would have to decide. "A few years ago, we had a city council that would have passed these ordinances," he said.

When the matter came before council last year, only then-councilman John Coffman voted yes. "It’s easier for any politician to pass the buck to the voters in this type of situation than to risk taking a controversial position," Viets said.

A third initiative petition, which would increase the city’s purchase of green energy through 2022, has fallen short by 138 signatures. But petitioners still have 10 days to collect additional signatures to be placed on the Nov. 2 ballot, said Sheela Amin, the Columbia’s city clerk. Petitioners are collecting additional signatures to shore up the gap.

Supporters of all three initiatives had to collect 2,276 valid signatures each of registered Columbia voters. The first pot initiative, which would allow patients to possess misdemeanor amounts of marijuana with a physicians’ permission, received 412 extra signatures. Receiving 121 extra signatures was the second initiative, which directs misdemeanor marijuana arrests be handled only in municipal court, with a fine of up to $250 and educational classes but no state court record. In both cases, only adults would be affected by the ordinances.

The initiatives will be placed before the city council on Aug. 16. If the council doesn’t adopt them, voters will have their say this fall.

Viets said he would rather have it that way anyway.

"Frankly, I would prefer to see the voters pass this," Viets said. "The voters are the ultimate authority."

On April 8, 2003, voters defeated a similar initiative 10,461 to 7,629.

What makes the issue’s chances any better this time?

"I think they’re better because of the demographics of the election and who’s voting," said Viets, a board member of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. "Obviously, there will be more people voting this November than who have voted in the last four years. The people who tend to vote in presidential elections are younger and are more sympathetic to our position."

One unknown variable will be whether the marijuana initiatives will draw organized opposition.

Last year, Jefferson City-based Missouri Association of Community Task Forces spent $3,000 to defeat the marijuana initiative. In November, the group was fined $1,000 by the Missouri Ethics Commission on grounds it didn’t properly identify itself in an advertisement and for filing campaign disclosure documents late. The group’s executive director, Peggy Quigg, left the organization after the fine, but she said the fine wasn’t the reason for her departure.

It’s uncertain whether the group will rejoin the fight.

"Right now, MoACT doesn’t have any position" on the marijuana initiatives, said Connie Berhorst, the organization’s director of field services and support. "This is one item of discussion for our group."

She declined to comment further.

As he did last year, Columbia Police Chief Randy Boehm is opposing the marijuana initiatives.

One conflict Boehm can see is the city’s ordinance would contradict state laws.

"The FDA hasn’t approved the medical use of marijuana," he said of the medical use initiative. "You’re still buying it off the street. How would a physician know what the dosage is?"

Also, Boehm said, because the ordinance would direct all misdemeanor cases of marijuana to municipal court, it takes officers’ discretion away from them for directing cases to state court. Such cases would include second-time offenders and arrests resulting from search warrants.

But Boehm has a major problem with the message the ordinance would send.

"It takes steps toward legalizing marijuana, which I’m philosophically opposed to," Boehm said. "The message would be in my mind that it’s OK to use marijuana, that the substance is OK. I disagree with that. I’m not suggesting that everyone who uses marijuana goes on to use harsher drugs. But I don’t know of anyone who uses harsher drugs who didn’t start with marijuana."

Source: Columbia Daily Tribune (MO)
Author: Dave Moore of the Tribune’s Staff
Published: Saturday, July 10, 2004
Copyright: 2004 Columbia Daily Tribune

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Comment #26 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 22:38:29 PT
Interesting Article from Snipped Source
Congress: Go Home, Stay Home?

Sunday, July 11, 2004


In the frantic atmosphere before its long summer vacation, Congress was up to much mischief last week. With much important work left undone, both chambers focused mostly on partisanship and pandering.

If this is all they've got, perhaps they'd best not bother to return after Labor Day and let the voters sort things out in November.

The Republican-led House put reefer madness over states' rights, rejecting an amendment to a funding bill for the departments of Justice, State and Commerce. The amendment, supported by Democrats and conservative Republicans, would have, sensibly enough, barred the federal government from interfering with states' medical marijuana laws. Washington is among nine states in which voters have approved such laws. Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., played to the crowd back home, accusing the amendment of "sending the message to young people that there can be health benefits by smoking marijuana." (Gasp!)


Complete Article:

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Comment #25 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 19:42:30 PT
Cool, Virgil
Sorry I jumped to conclusions about your special "ability". Having a tape is good, too.

I appreciate your going to so much trouble and taking the time to share it.

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Comment #24 posted by Virgil on July 10, 2004 at 17:17:03 PT
Hope, I have it on tape
His talk with Tommy Chong ran two long segments and I have not gotten around to typing out the rest of it.

I can tell you that I do not think much of NORML or MPP because they have not gone after full legalization in California. There would be a success even if there were a failure or two. Instead what we have is silence opposing the silence of the government. There will be a dozen initiatives in California with all kinds of support. I would not be surpized if it were not the sick out in wheelchairs in their unemployment and suffering that do the lifting for us all.

I would like to think that MPP and NORML were really going for the throat instead of pissing around. If they sold "We are ruled by treason" t-shirts we could end this crap. Instead they cannot even come up with a poll in California.

They are pathetic. NORML giving Kerry an A- on medical marijuana showed how pathetic they were. Kerry is a solid F on medical marijuana. To get any part of an A someone would have to call for legalization so that people could have the benefit of herbal remedy without summoning the expense and hassle of a doctor visit. I do not take kindly to people talking shit and that is exactly what NORML did with their A- rating of the treasonous war criminal, Kerry.

I am starting to think they are both pro-Empire and are suspect of takeover just like the Sierra Club and others.

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Comment #23 posted by Cannabis Enthusiast on July 10, 2004 at 15:27:18 PT
Tommy Chong on prison rape
"Oh, and about the 'Bubba' thing... it doesn't happen." (referring to the common idea of going to prison and becoming a sex slave to a 400 lb. black man)

Before that Cheech joked about referring to Chong as "Bitch".

I think the only reason Chong didn't get anally raped in prison is because he is a famous celebrity and also the fact that he is so old (I would guess prison rapists would be more inclined to rape young, vulnerable/passive 'boys').

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Comment #22 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 13:17:38 PT
EJ Yes
I saw it too. That was great. Thanks!

It's like they wanted him to come please sit with them because Mr. Chong we respect you.

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Comment #21 posted by E_Johnson on July 10, 2004 at 13:13:36 PT
The women's soccer stars shook his hand
There was more to the Leno show. The three women who are famous for being our Olympic soccer stars shook Tommy Chong's hand with enthusiasm. Then they invited him to sit closer to them on the couch when he tried to move away.

Then he said, "I better not sit too close to you ladies because the contact high could spoil your drug test."

And then one of the women told Jay, "That actually can be a problem, believe it or not."

It looks like they are "on his side" so to speak.

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Comment #20 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 12:55:59 PT
I'm glad it made you laugh. Laughter is good medicine!

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Comment #19 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 12:43:10 PT
Rory and the martini
I laughed out loud. I bet that was a sight to see, especially the running up and down the stairs and chattering to himself.

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Comment #18 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 12:38:24 PT
The Tonight Show
I finally located the thread that I knew had to be here of people talking about the show as it was going on. Finally.

Thanks, FoM and Virgil for giving me such a good idea of what happened.

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Comment #17 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 12:37:38 PT
I didn't know what a male racoon was called. Thanks. I can relate to your husband's experience with a racoon. It was a short time in my life but very memorable. One time Rory got into my mom's martini and went orbital in the house. He jumped and squealed and ran up and down the stairs. He jumped from bed to bed and with one swipe knocked my mom's cosmetics on the floor. It was funny. The more upset he got the more he chattered. He was fine the next day! LOL!

Freedom means allowing someone to do what you aren't comfortable with but realize everyone has a right to make their own way in life. That's what freedom means to me.

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Comment #16 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 12:20:00 PT
racoons washing dishes
I can just see it, FoM. My first husband raised one, too. He and his family have many wonderful memories of the animal. It too was a boar and it began to wander when it matured, but, like yours, it would come back and visit for years.

Like people, they can turn mean when you try to keep them in a cage all their lives.

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Comment #15 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 12:09:28 PT
Thanks! I couldn't remember all that!

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Comment #14 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 12:02:45 PT
Off Topic: a Racoon
I wanted to tell you about a racoon. We have a new outside pet. He or she is around a year old racoon. When I was a teenager my boyfriend at the time shot a racoon but found babies and brought them home to his house. He gave us one of the babies and we raised him. He lived in our house and outside too. We named him Rory Racoon. He got along with the dogs, cats and horses. It was a great experience. He would wash the dishes with my mom. I know he wasn't washing dishes but it looked like he was helping. He grew up and went on his way but brought his family back thru the farm from time to time to show us and then they would be on their way.

How many people who are not in our culture take the time to just stop and watch the world go by? I don't think we as a society take the time to look around at some of these wonders. The racoon kept like washing his hands in the grass as he picked up a piece of cat food and ate it. This isn't about the news but just a nice experience I had last night.

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Comment #13 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 11:56:45 PT
That's wonderful! Thank you.

You have the type of 'filmed into your brain' memory and the ability to relate to others that memory, that one of my children is blessed with. After she told me about movies that she saw, I had more of a sense of what the movie was about than some of the people who actually saw it. It's a wonderful gift. I know you know it. But it's great and it makes me smile to see that 'our Virgil' is in possession of this wonderful ability.

Thank you.

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Comment #12 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 11:42:58 PT
We will prevail
It's just ridiculous that so much loss has to be endured along the way to the "right" place. It can take ages, but justice and truth will prevail over injustice and lies.

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Comment #11 posted by Virgil on July 10, 2004 at 11:39:57 PT
Tonight show started like this
The announcer,

It’s the Tonight Show with Jay Leno Featuring Kevin Eubanks and the Tonight Show Band. And I’m John Melendez. Tonight Jay welcomes in his first interview since prison, comedian, Tommy Chong. From the Olympic soccer team, Julie Bowdie, Randy Chastain , and Mia Hamm. And the For Summer Concert Series with Sugar Ray. And now- Jaaaaayyyy Leno.

The crowd is extremely lively as Jay starts his monologue. He makes fun of the terror alert yesterday where Tom Ridge doesn’t know how or when. He then goes on to Enron and the arrest of Ken Lay. Then he goes on to Bush wanting to find OBL before the election and says the administration has now typed his name into Google. Then came the situation of the CIA and its reports. Then came a little on Howard Dean and Nader debate. Then Kerry and Edwards came up. Then came the subject of replacing Cheney and Bush. Then came news of face transplants. Then he did a joke on a new strain of syphilis being found in three American cities and said he knew that the Clinton book tour was a bad idea. Then there was Lance Armstrong. Then he goes on to say “Tommy Chong is on the show tonight…applause…Tommy flew into town last night on the Red Eye. In fact he brought a clip. It’s a roach clip, but he has a clip. You know I’ve known him 30- I should give him my clean mirror. Did you know that? Now as you may know, as you may know, Tommy is here tonight because I think he was unjustly sent to prison. He believes that the government used him as an example to send a message to other high profile celebrities., you know Hollywood celebrities, Sell a bong go to jail. That’s it. Sell a bong, go to jail. Kill your wife- don’t worry about it. Sell a bong go to jail.

He then does jokes about Kenny Rogers having twins at 66. Then came a joke about John Tesh and turning 52. Then there was a joke about married couples going to sleep faster than singles. Then something came about celibacy. He would say we will back with Tommy Chong and acknowledged John Melendez and the crowd was more energized than usual as they went to break.

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Comment #10 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 11:38:49 PT
Our hearts and minds, anyway
Our hearts and minds arent' ruled by "money, favors or political correctness" but sadly, our government is.

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Comment #9 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 11:38:29 PT
Hope, history will show we are right. That doesn't help us now but we will be vindicated in the future. I can't barely remember any politicians names.

I remember people like Mother Teresa.

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Comment #8 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 11:15:34 PT
A true statement
If ever I heard one.

"We aren't ruled by money, favors or political correctness."

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Comment #7 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 11:12:46 PT
Hearts and brains and stomachs
I know what you mean by following our "hearts". Our feelings, and our emotions are understood to be our "hearts". I understand that. But my brain, my reasoning power, my common sense are screaming along with my "bleeding heart"...that injustice is rampant in the war on drugs. RAMPANT!

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Comment #6 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 10:57:12 PT
The Great Divide
That's how we are. People who feel and care and want freedom to be who they know they are not who they want us to be. We aren't ruled by money, favors or political correctness. We let our hearts rule us and on the other side of this great divide they are blind.

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Comment #5 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 10:52:02 PT
It sounds wonderful
I expected it would be. I wonder if any of our "rulers" that watch the show noticed the warmth of his reception?

Isn't it odd how out of touch with the people the "rulers" are? Apparently they don't care, because they have to be aware of it.

Why do they ignore us and only listen to the rabid prohibitionists?

For one thing, maybe...they don't trust us to stand behind them if they stray from the status quo. I understand voter apathy and why people believe their vote doesn't matter. I don't figure my vote is worth a hill of beans...but I do it anyway so when all is said and done, I can at least tell myself, win or lose, that I did everything I was capable of and knew to do that could be done.

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Comment #4 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 10:50:29 PT
I looked and I couldn't find any place for transcripts but I could have missed it. I bet Pot-TV will have it available to view. I would have taped it but my VCR eats tapes just because it likes too so I gave up on my VCR.

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Comment #3 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 10:39:45 PT
Thank you.

Does the Tonight Show put transcripts of their interviews online?

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Comment #2 posted by FoM on July 10, 2004 at 10:30:48 PT
It was great! I stayed up and watched it when it was on PT. He was received with open arms and lots of love coming from the audience. It had that electricity I love to see. Cheech came on and they said they are going to make a new movie. I can't wait to see it. I'm sure with all that's happened it will be great.

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Comment #1 posted by Hope on July 10, 2004 at 10:27:15 PT
Leno and Chong
I couldn't stay awake for the Tonight Show last night.

Did anyone see it and can you tell me what was said and how Chong was received.

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