Cannabis News
  Emery Charged with Trafficking
Posted by CN Staff on March 24, 2004 at 09:38:42 PT
By Dan Kinvig 
Source: Regina Leader-Post  

Canada Saskatoon -- Well-known marijuana activist Marc Emery was arrested for trafficking the drug Monday evening in Saskatoon.

Emery, who had given a speech at the University of Saskatchewan earlier in the evening touting the New Democratic Party's plan to decriminalize pot, was taken into custody by Saskatoon police at the Vimy Memorial bandshell at 11:30 p.m.

He made a brief appearance in provincial court Tuesday morning, where the Crown dropped a charge of possession of marijuana and set a bail hearing for 10:30 a.m. today. Emery was remanded in custody until then.

Emery, a Vancouver-based marijuana seed dealer and publisher of Cannabis Culture magazine, was on a month-long university speaking tour.

Emery's tour coordinator Jody Pressman called the arrest "politically motivated."

"I mean, here's a guy who's going cross-country to raise the issue of not only marijuana law reform but the NDP policy of law reform," Pressman said in an interview.

"The police are doing Marc Emery a favour by illustrating just how failed and harmful these laws are."

Pressman wondered if Emery was in jail because he had been targeted by Saskatoon police.


Complete Article:

Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Author: Dan Kinvig, CanWest News Service
Published: Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Copyright: 2004 The Leader-Post

Related Articles & Web Site:

Cannabis Culture Magazine

Pot Praised by Emery

N.B. Prosecution Goes To Pot

Police Arrest Marijuana Activist

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Comment #53 posted by FoM on March 31, 2004 at 11:17:51 PT
A Note
While I'm trying to figure out what is working and what isn't I checked and this article about Marc Emery currently has been accessed almost 1600 times! I believe it will be the most accessed article for the Month of March.

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Comment #52 posted by afterburner on March 31, 2004 at 07:51:24 PT:

Playing Politics
Anti-drug old-guard NDP faction obsolete by Reverend Damuzi (29 Mar, 2004) Activist shines light on party's evolution

CCC - Rally Outside Saskatoon Provincial Court

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #51 posted by FoM on March 29, 2004 at 20:58:57 PT
CCC - Rally Outside Saskatoon Provincial Court
Rally Outside Saskatoon Provincial Court at Marc Emery's Court Date

When: Wednesday March 31st at 12:30 pm

Where: Saskatoon Provincial Court House (220 - 19th Street East)

Why: Protest arrest and detention of Marc Emery for passing joints, Protest the backwards police department and court system which wastes resources and violates civil liberties every day

Marc Emery is returning to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan *THIS WEDNESDAY* March 31st to enter a plea in court for his 'drug trafficking' charge for passing a joint with people he met following his speech at the U of S on March 22nd.

Spread the word! Help by calling media, contacts, and friends in Saskatachwan and tell them about this event. If you live in the region -- be sure to get down to the Provincial Court House on Wednesday in Saskatoon at 12:30pm for a big rally to support Marc Emery and express your feelings towards the laws which allowed the politically motivated and unjustified actions of the Saskatoon Police Department.

Any questions?


Fill The Hill:

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Comment #50 posted by Rev Jonathan Adler on March 28, 2004 at 21:41:45 PT:

God Bless Marc Emery!
Aloha, and God Bless Marc; I hope he finally prevails soon. Somehow prohibition must stop. Amen.

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Comment #49 posted by rchandar on March 28, 2004 at 12:21:46 PT:

marc emery's arrest
An evil law will line the pockets of the evil. And ensure their torture in Hell.


[ Post Comment ]

Comment #48 posted by FoM on March 26, 2004 at 09:54:23 PT
Canadian Press: Arrest Surprises Pot Activist
March 26, 2004

SASKATOON - A marijuana activist was released from jail Thursday after spending three nights there and paying $3,500 bail.

"I'm actually ashamed to think this is part of Canada," Marc Emery said outside provincial court.

"By the time I factor in my bail and all my legal fees, it cost me over $12,000 (for) passing a joint in this city. That's the most wicked, harshest jurisdiction I've ever encountered in Canada."

Emery, the B.C. Marijuana Party president , was arrested Monday at a bandshell for passing out joints.

He had given a pro-marijuana speech at the University of Saskatchewan earlier in the evening.

The Crown is pursuing a charge of trafficking.

Emery said he's been targeted by authorities because of his activist stance.

"Initially, I was booked on possession, until they found out who I was," he said. "You wouldn't ask $3,500 bail for anyone else in this country for passing a joint."

His lawyer, Leanne Johnson, agreed: "It's about the fact that it's a public figure, the fact that he's an advocate."

Prosecutor Frank Impey denied the Crown was trying to make an example of Emery.

Copyright: 2004 The Canadian Press

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #47 posted by Dankhank on March 26, 2004 at 08:04:06 PT:

Emery's Letter
I will copy and paste to an e-mail and send to pols, news orgs, the local University, local TV, local Rag, and friends.

Inundate all media with FAXs, emails, snail mail, phone calls ... never let them rest ...

Dankdude, Marc is trying to do more than have police "not notice" pot use. WE want Cannabis freed from the leg irons of prohibition. (Sorry, couldn't resist ... :-))

Peace to all who fight the good fight ...

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #46 posted by E_Johnson on March 25, 2004 at 23:10:05 PT
A jailhouse Christian ;-)
This is funny:

"I was delighted to find I enjoyed reading the Bible and studying it, and I am keen to read all of it and read Chris Bennett's work, 'Sex, Drugs, Violence & The Bible' and learn more. "

Chris Bennett works for him, and he's just now getting around to finding out what he's been doing?

Oi vey!

Marc, he explains it all on this thing called Pot TV!

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Comment #45 posted by goneposthole on March 25, 2004 at 20:36:47 PT
a continued jagged edge
Mr. Emery has recognized an ongoing plight and threat not only to the cannabis movement, but also those left behind aways.

Who is shamelessly exploiting who?

A Native American acquaintance once said to me, "You take our land, everything. You want everything."

I guess that is the way prohibition operates. It is all consuming. It wants everything banned, including your freedom.

Think Marc can seek political refuge here in the good old USA?

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #44 posted by ekim on March 25, 2004 at 20:35:28 PT
Thanks Virg ---please go vote at Dennis site

Please go vote Civil rights as his Drug war rethink is currently running last.=------- What do we want and when do we want it------------

Issues Survey: Your Vote, Your Voice March 25, 2004 Going forward to Colorado on April 13th, further states, and on to the convention, the Kucinich for President campaign is the voice of Americans left behind by the frontrunner and by the candidates who have dropped out.

Through the course of the campaign, the following four issues have emerged as the most important in terms of letters, emails, phone calls, and responses to Dennis's campaign appearances and statements on a broad range of topics and platform positions. Tell us which of these issues you care most deeply about. Click the button by the most important issue below. Select your state so later we can map the results of this survey geographically, and click Submit. We'll then offer some tools you can use to make a difference.

U.N. in, U.S. out of Iraq Jobs and trade Universal health care Civil rights

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #43 posted by afterburner on March 25, 2004 at 20:22:37 PT:

Also Now Up on Pot-TV
Prince of Pot: Prince of Pot with Pot-TV Running Time: 56 min Date Entered: 25 Mar 2004 "Marc Emery speaks at the Green Truth Summit in Toronto with Alison Myrden."

Sound is terrible for about the first 14 minutes.

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Comment #42 posted by Virgil on March 25, 2004 at 20:18:23 PT
It is the current show and it is an audio interview that comes at 14 minutes into the program-

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Comment #41 posted by ekim on March 25, 2004 at 19:49:34 PT
Virg will you post the Pot tv show Kucinich was on
I want to post Marcs letter on Dennis yahoo site here in MI man this reads like something that was sent to followers back in the ol days.

Dennis please come to Ann Arbor MI on 4-3 for the Hashbash.

Speak to the people and for Marc.

Where are M and M and Greendale and Carlos now is the time for all good men and Women to come and make there voices heard.

What if Carlos came how big would that be.

Geo Fieger is Movie go to guy just appointed here in MI ok High Times how bout a movie on the 33 years of Hashbash.As the reason the Ann Arbor is the first Cool City of MI.

And Dean Kipers who is comming out with a book on Rainbow Farm. How about a movie about the Farm. When Fieger was running for Gov of MI the Farm was the First to display his Signs as people from all over MI left with his sign oh if only he won. He appointed our current Gov Jenny as AG.

So we will have Geoffrey Fieger the Movie Man of Mi and will over see the making of Rainbow and Hashbash. it is comic but really Karmic

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #40 posted by FoM on March 25, 2004 at 18:56:18 PT
AMMA: Message from Marc Emery

Marc Scott Emery, Thu Mar 25 2004 04:42 PM

I am released from jail after 72 hours in Saskatoon lock-up and remand centre.

I used the term 'We Shall be Released' in spirit of the folk gospel song because this is a harsh place, Saskatchewan, in the grip of an evil tyranny by the government and policing forces in all Saskatchewan, and there are many victims here, I am merely the most known of many victims of vicious marijuana prohibition.

It is a shame and disgrace that Saskatchewan is part of Canada, a condemnation of Canada, the province of Saskatchewan and the city of Saskatoon. The police in this province are implicated in many police scandals involving death, framing accused persons, concocting evidence, the Crown and judges are complicit in extremely punitive sentencing.

I was released on an outrageously high bail of $3,500! I am officially accused of passing two lit joints, thus I am charged with trafficking, which carries a 7 year maximum. The crown is seeking SIX MONTHS INCARCERATION on this charge, of passing two joints! I had in my possession 2.3 grams of pot.

In addition to $3,500 bail (in cash!), I cannot POSSESS MARIJUANA or HAND OUT MARIJUANA until my VERDICT, up to 3 or 4 months away! Wow! In addition, I MUST SUBMIT to any WARRANTLESS SEARCH OF MY PERSON, MY HOME!, MY CAR, at any time by any police officer. If I break these conditions, I will be remanded in custody until trial in Saskatoon. Wow!

Further, the crown here wanted a curfew, restrictions on my ability to travel and lecture and participate in the federal election. The crown also asked that I not be in any building where marijuana smoking may be going on. These conditions were rejected by the court.

In jail and remand, I could not eat any food as it was all garbage and contained meat, which I cannot and will not eat, so I lost weight (although I look much trimmer), though, strangely, I was never hungry.

My ankles are bruised an ugly blue from leg irons being put on them several times during the ordeal. I was conveyed back & forth each day in a stuffed, very claustrophobic and nerve wracking police van, crammed full with 12-14 prisoners.

There are many violent offenders, drug addicts and addicts to alcohol in the Saskatoon Remand Centre. I was always treated well by all other inmates, and the police or guards did not discriminate against me (any different from the systemic abuse all prisoners endure), but three days, $3,500 bail, searches on my home, person, car for the next 3 months (without warning), prohibition of any contact with marijuana, going 3 days without food, ALL FOR LIGHTING AND PASSING TWO JOINTS!

Ironically, a fan, Justin McGowan, sunk me when he testified to police, in admiration of me, that I passed out two joints, which brought about the trafficking charge and the avalanche of bad news. Even then, it is shocking and outrageous.

But then, thats why I headed this thread WE SHALL BE RELEASED because the suffering of the cannabis culture here is great, and remedy is desperately needed, and I shall be here often to rally the marijuana community in this forsaken province. I am full of sorrow for the people here. They suffer a reign of evil by Bible thumping prohibitionists and corrupt police and sadistic prosecutors. I am merely a victim of their obscenities but unlike those here, I garner attention, unlike so many others here who languish in obscurity, and no one hears their crying or pain.

Thank you to all who called the detention centres and jail, but the sad truth is, the system here is cruel and punishments meted out cavalierly to those that these laws are surely designed to punish.

I read the Bible here intensely, not for redemption, but because I know now the Bible condems all this unChristian behaviour. These people are Philistines who mis-use the Bible as their bedrock to inflict pain and punishment on the vulnerable, the poor, the young, the drug addicted, and other marginalized persons. There are many natives in jail. All the natives I spoke to who were drug addicted or alcohol addicted had no father growing up, though they never said this information in any sentiment or cloying way. They were always surprised when I asked each one about their childhood, but I have learned from my patients at Iboga Therapy House that all drug addicts suffer awful and permanently scarring childhood trauma in their delicate youth, and they spend all their life struggling with this. The system metes out punishment in a most bitter, anonymous way, to individuals (though they are hardly regarded an individual persons) to whom are only marginally responsible for the conditions of their psyche they now endure.

They are not all good people, but surely they will only get worse, and more desperate, warehoused and disrespected like this. It is a depressing situation.

A few inmates were very happy to know 'a famous person' and confided many things to me, and their brief trust made me feel blessed, that I have love of friends, family, others, and can take comfort in that while many here languish in despair that I know will be difficult for them to escape and survive.

I am going out to eat with Cheryl, who was great throughout this ordeal, though I am sad now again to think of those people back in detention.

I am to come back to Saskatoon next week on Wednesday for my 'set trial date', and I want to hold a rally at the court house, as I will do every time I have to come back here. I will redouble my efforts to motivate activists here and across Canada, as I have seen the enemy, and it is everywhere in Canada, moreso worse here in Saskatchewan. There will be no retreats nor lack of will, there is only honour and greater glory in doing what must be done to correct this awful situation.

I was delighted to find I enjoyed reading the Bible and studying it, and I am keen to read all of it and read Chris Bennett's work, 'Sex, Drugs, Violence & The Bible' and learn more.

I will comment more later, but do not relent in your activism. I am released, but like you, and all others in the cannabis culture, here in Canada, the USA and the world, I am not free. We are stripped of our birthright, to freely enjoy God's intended gifts, and an abomination is loose amongst us, driving many of us to despair, so we have this mission before us that will never end.

Thanks for all your thoughts, words, actions on my behalf. I am, as always in these times when I have been arrested (twenty arrests, 14 jailings, 5 raids now for cannabis), grateful and secure in the knowledge that people love and care for me, and I am humbled by your tribute to me.

I remain unbowed, vigorous to the cause, of which I will always put forth my best efforts on our behalf, and I am enriched by this experience.




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Comment #39 posted by FoM on March 25, 2004 at 16:01:25 PT
CBC News Article: Pot Activist Released on Bail

March 25, 2004

SASKATOON - Well-known marijuana advocate Marc Emery is out on bail after spending two days in a Saskatoon jail for possession of marijuana. He was arrested after giving a lecture at the University of Saskatchewan.

Police say he was with about 30 people in a local park smoking marijuana. Emery has been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking.

Police found less than three grams of marijuana when they arrested Emery. His lawyer, Lianne Johnson, says the prosecution is politically motivated, arguing that being kept in jail for nearly two days for such a small amount of marijuana was unjustified.

"Well, it's about the fact he's a public figure, and he's an advocate and the Crown's apparent concern that he's going to re-offend."

The prosecution opposed Emery's release and asked that bail be set at $10,000.

A ban on Emery being in any building with anyone in possession of marijuana was also sought, as was unlimited police powers to search his house and car.

The judge ordered Emery to post a $3,500 bond and agreed to the police search powers.

He is expected back in court next week.

Copyright: 2004 CBC

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Comment #38 posted by FoM on March 25, 2004 at 15:12:53 PT
Thanks afterburner
Thanks for the link. I'm glad he's out.

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Comment #37 posted by afterburner on March 25, 2004 at 14:41:27 PT:

Emery released on $3,500 bail
Emery released on $3,500 bail "Today at 2 PM Marc Emery was released from a Saskatoon holding cell on $3,500 bail. Prosecutors had argued that he should be held for months until his court date. Emery was arrested during a tour of Canadian universities and colleges." F U L L S T O R Y

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Comment #36 posted by FoM on March 25, 2004 at 14:06:02 PT
Thanks EJ
Very good news!

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Comment #35 posted by BigDawg on March 25, 2004 at 13:51:20 PT
Max Flowers pegged it
Marc is both.

His business practices and customer service leave much to be desired. He may be a snake oil salesman... but this is one snake oil salesman that has done and is doing A LOT of good for our cause.

Whatever I may think of him as an individual is moot. He gets my respect as a frontline activist.

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Comment #34 posted by E_Johnson on March 25, 2004 at 13:50:36 PT
He's free
Three nights in jail for passing a joint to people eager to receive it.

And we can't even file a civil lawsuit against McDonalds.

Despite the epidemic of teen obesity.

Oh well.

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Comment #33 posted by goneposthole on March 25, 2004 at 12:49:37 PT
shameless capitalism
is when you are charged eight bucks for a Tylenol while you are in a hospital bed.


Let's smear Marc Emery with some tar and feathers. Vigilante justice will prevail.

Maybe it is pollyannish to portray Marc Emery as a successful business person.

Sounds like he's a snakeoil salesman of the most menacing kind.

Burn his wagon and his wares.

"Unethical, underhanded, and shameless"

You accuse rather recklessly, Dankdude.

If you are referring to the antics of the Bush Cabal, you're spot on.

Marc Emery? I have my doubts.

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Comment #32 posted by afterburner on March 25, 2004 at 12:32:10 PT:

Clear the Air: Trafficking Not Meant for 2 Joints
This is a perfect example of law enforcement overstepping their authority. It reminds me of 10 for 2 (10 years for 2 joints) leveled at an earlier cannabis activist, John Sinclair. John and Yoko performed a song about it in a mass protest. The sentence was later reduced and John Sinclair was freed.

Attend Emery's bail hearing! by Reverend Damuzi (24 Mar, 2004) Emery could be held for 2 months for a couple of joints! "The latest word is that Marc will be held for two months pending his trial should the judge decide not to release him on bail."

PROSECUTOR WANTS EMERY HELD FOR TWO MONTHS WHILE AWAITING TRIAL by Steve Kubby, AMMA National Spokesman, posted by Chris Bennett, CC Forum

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

"Trafficking in substance

"5. (1) No person shall traffic in a substance included in Schedule I, II, III or IV or in any substance represented or held out by that person to be such a substance.

"Possession for purpose of trafficking

"(2) No person shall, for the purpose of trafficking, possess a substance included in Schedule I, II, III or IV.


"(3) Every person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2)

"(a) subject to subsection (4), where the subject-matter of the offence is a substance included in Schedule I or II, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life;


"Punishment in respect of specified substance

"(4) Every person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2), where the subject-matter of the offence is a substance included in Schedule II in an amount that does not exceed the amount set out for that substance in Schedule VII, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years less a day.



"(Sections 5 and 60)

"Substance Amount

"1. Cannabis resin 3 kg

"2. Cannabis (marihuana) 3 kg"

Canada's NDP on marijuana 04 Mar, 2004 Federal party presents pro-pot platform

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Comment #31 posted by E_Johnson on March 25, 2004 at 12:27:19 PT
It's also wrong to make these accusations
Normally in a legal business, if you accuse someone of what you have accused Marc of, they can take you to court and sue you for libel and force you to prove that these accusations are true.

Maybe it's lucky for you he can't do that in this case.

Anyone can make up anything about anyone in this community and present it online as the truth.

I could make up things about you. How would anyone know whether they were true or not?

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Comment #30 posted by Dankdude on March 25, 2004 at 12:07:54 PT:

I totally agree the current laws are draconian.
But my point is and was that before the current prime minister came into office the Marijuana laws in Canada were relaxed to the extent that police were doing very little about it.

Marc Emmery may not deserve to be locked up for trafficking for passing a joint. But his business practices are very unethical.

[quote][b]n when it comes to ordering his seeds. He has a bad habit of switching seeds on you, so half the time you don't get what you order. I know of a few cases where when someone complains, he threatens to turn over your information over to the authorities.[/b][/quote]

This statement is true. I have had personal dealings with the man in this respect, and so have a lot of my friends.

Capitalism is when he marks up the product three times what its worth, that he has a right to do.

Unethical, underhanded, and shameless is when he switches product on you with out permission, and then when you ask him about it he threatens to turn over your information to authorities. This is wrong...

BTW smoking out on the steps of Parliament or police stations is pure stupidity. Would you like it if the Cops kicked in your front door just to urinate on your carpet?

Same comparison.

In your face politics just pisses them off, it's better to undermine them in the courts. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has been doing the US a good service lately.

We are whittling away at the old guard...

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Comment #29 posted by delariand on March 25, 2004 at 11:16:55 PT
About Marc Emery's income
If he's making boatloads of money, it's because he's a smart guy, and he's figured out how to play the system. You can't hold it against him when he's taking his hard earned money and using it for such a good cause. He's risking everything he has by advocating marijuana, and that's pretty darn selfless if you ask me.

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Comment #28 posted by goneposthole on March 25, 2004 at 11:08:34 PT
spell check.

mindaltering, too.

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Comment #27 posted by goneposthole on March 25, 2004 at 11:03:09 PT
Oppurtunity costs
Marc Emery has other oppurtunities to shamlessly promote cannabis.

He could go to Amsterdam and smoke reefers in front of their police headquarters.

That would be shameless promotion of his business.

But, no.

He goes to Saskatoon to shamelessly promote the legalization of cannabis.

He gets thrown into the hoosegow.

They're going to get a pound of flesh out of that dastardly scoundrel.

He has a lot of unmitigated gall trying to shape cannabis into a legally accepted mind altering substance.

Scapegoat Marc, he deserves it. Success has its price, too.

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Comment #26 posted by FoM on March 25, 2004 at 10:54:44 PT
Capitalism Nasty Nasty Word
I'm just kidding but what the heck is real capitalism? We have been self employed since 86 when they sent all the work to Mexico from the General Electric Plant my husband worked at for 10 years. We liked the benefits of working for G.E. and had to really think and gamble and fail and succeed too in our lives just to make a living. I'm glad now that we were forced to challenge ourselves and we don't have to punch a time clock.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #25 posted by E_Johnson on March 25, 2004 at 10:43:39 PT
One problem with the marijuana business
I've kinda noticed that about half the people in the marijuana world think capitalism is God and the other half think capitalism is Satan.

Which means about half the people are going to hate Marc because to him, capitalism is God, not Satan.

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Comment #24 posted by E_Johnson on March 25, 2004 at 10:40:14 PT
Shamelessness is good Max Flowers
What does he have to be ashamed about?

I personally do not believe that the fact that he is a good businessman who manages to make money in a bad economy when everyone is going broke and laying off workers is something to be ashamed about.

So I support his lack of shame!

He's openly proud of what he does and that means he's NOT internalizing the abuse from society.

His lack of shame makes him a good role model for the community.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #23 posted by Max Flowers on March 25, 2004 at 10:31:14 PT
Marc is both things
I've met and talked with Emery. I see him as being both things simultaneously: the shameless promoter/moneygrubber and brave activist. That makes him complex, but so are many of us.

He makes untold amounts of money, some estimates run to nearly $1,000,000 (Canadian) a year. How is that relevant? When you're facing a mere multi-thousand dollar fine with that kind of money in the bank, the fine is not scary at all. Neither are the attorney fees. The time? Marc's not afraid of doing that either.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #22 posted by FoM on March 25, 2004 at 10:20:52 PT
EJ Thanks
As I said I don't know him but I know he is dedicated. I firmly believe in supporting each other even when we don't agree. That is why I will not bad mouth other activists. If I don't like something about a person or organization I keep it to myself. The one way to defeat us is to divide us. We are a big cannabis community and we are mighty if we stand together.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #21 posted by E_Johnson on March 25, 2004 at 10:15:50 PT
He's a good guy FoM
He keeps a pretty level head for being in a business with so much fear and trauma being cycled around.

And he supports a lot of activism in addition to throwing his own neck out on the line regularly.

People get very trauatized in the marijuana business from the violence of the law and ra lot of people ecycle their trauma back into the community by giving other people grief -- and Marc is the recipient of a lot of that because of the role he has chosen to play.

But he keeps his "eyes on the prize" at all times.

The prize being our collective freedom.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #20 posted by FoM on March 25, 2004 at 09:54:13 PT
Marc Emery
I have never talked to Marc Emery and only know what I have read about him over the years. I hope that he gets released today. He shouldn't be in jail for trying to change Canada's current cannabis laws.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #19 posted by goneposthole on March 25, 2004 at 09:40:10 PT
The Passion of Marc Emery
(I hope Mel Gibson doesn't get angry and try to crucify me. He crucified 'The Passion of the Christ', so, we're even.)

You have to admire Marc Emery. Who wouldn't want to go on pot-tv and advertise cannabis the way he does? It ain't 'shameless self-promotion', he's doing business. Hemp and cannabis business. Not a bad business to have a going concern, I tell ya.

Anyhow, Marijuana Man's Grow Show is hilarious.

Marc Emery is upbeat about cannabis. He has his detractors. No one is immune from criticism.

Ask George Bush and Bill Clinton. They're fun to pick on.

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Comment #18 posted by E_Johnson on March 25, 2004 at 09:05:57 PT
dankdude how dare you
How dare you say that anyone in this community is arrested out of karma.

People are arrested because the law is abusive.

Anyone who is arrested for marijuana is a vicitm of abuse.

It's really evil to say that anyone deserves to be arrested for marijuana.

This is another example of internalized abuse.

People hold each other up to a lot of harsh standards in this community and it's all out of FEAR.

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Comment #17 posted by Virgil on March 25, 2004 at 08:09:26 PT
I kind of have a different take on it than that. Marc Emery may well be a self-promoter but he promotes the cause of reform better than anyone else on the planet.

I do not think his arrest hurt anything and sinks the reform ship about like a BB shot at an oil tanker. He has sought to make himself a living legend and in many people's eyes he has done so. Dankhank that comments here has said he has smoked Jack Herer with Jack Herer and things like that enrich the sprouting of the cannabis age that is coming. For Marc Emery to chat and enrich those that will listen to him is a good thing as it enriches there life and provides something to tell friends, family, and future grandchildren about.

The weedseed sales are all black market and their dealings may well be below the standards of the BBB. But here again, there is a music in the air where there would only be silence if the Nazi prohibitionists could impose their full tyranny.

The issue of trafficking in its minutiae has not been discussed here like in this thread, so it explored new thoughts for even the wonks. The idea of being charged with trafficing for passing a doobie will gather the ire of those that see the senselessness of the freedom-robbing prohibitionist laws.

Now why would that be trafficking when a person going to the grocery store buys beer for a buddy and collects on it and it is not trafficking? The person collecting for the beer has no alcohol license and is not paying tax on what is a resale. Now maybe agency says it is not resale, but resales occur.

The only thing bad about the arrest is that it might upset his public speaking that will educate the college students on how effed-up thinks are and how their elders have some bad ways and many blind spots in their own knowledge.

Emery defines himself with what he does for reform and he will tell you legalization will kill his weedseed business. But there is one thing Marc Emery lacks in his arsenal and that is a seed shooter. If he is doing the Patton thing where he fits the role of mythological perfect general, he needs a seed shooter.

Now here I am thinking of hempseeds. Imaging an air compressor hooked to a tube to fling seeds like machine gun.

Now this is a show-me-the movie thought or maybe a show-me-the commercial thought. Imagine a person sitting at the Canadian- Imperialist US border with a tube that shoot legal seeds up into the air on the Canadian side. It would be determined by the wind whether they came down legal or violated US law. Now what if a person with terminal cancer took on the task as his last act. What would that mean? What would it do for breaking the silence?

What if an American on his last breaths got a water tanker and germinated some non-sterile seeds inside it and took to projecting seeds with a water hose mounted like a tank turret across miles of soggy bottomland in Alabama or Mississippi. It would redefine the Overgrow the Government concept that is now monopolized with thoughts of potent laughing grass.

That is the thing about the injustice of CP setting in on people. Some people really will attack it strongly with a dying act in pursuit of a contribution to mankind.

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Comment #16 posted by westnyc on March 25, 2004 at 08:03:32 PT
I see it differently!
I totally disagree! I think it is time for someone who has a verbal gift and a high intelligence to stand-up proudly and dignified to these powers of repression. This entire "cannabis issue" is about freedom. It is about "living and let living;" and, if Mr. Emery volunteers himself as a sacrificial lamb to end what amounts to human rights violations imposed by his government, history will remember him most favorably. Personally, I don't see him as a self-promoter as he has the guts to do what I don't - that makes him a martyr in my book.

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Comment #15 posted by kaptinemo on March 25, 2004 at 07:52:44 PT:

I've only met Mr. Emery briefly
so I can't say I know him personally.

But one things stands out: his committment to the movement has cost him plenty. And not just jail time, but hundreds of thousands of dollars in setting up MMJ refugees, sponsoring symposiums, the Iboga Treament house, etc. He's done what few other cannabists with equal or greater resources at their disposal have. He's paid his dues, again and again.

But for all the crap he's taken, even from some on 'our' side, he hasn't bitched much about it, just kept on keepin' on.

Nobody's perfect, and I am sure Mr. Emery possess the same feet of clay I do. But he's more than made up for it with his actions.

Which is more than I can say for some in our camp...

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Comment #14 posted by ekim on March 25, 2004 at 07:37:19 PT
Dankdude i can not believe you posted over this

C. SANTANA: "It's easier for me not to get so caught up with guilt, shame, judgment, condemn and fear cage. Because that's exactly what it is, man. Guilt, shame, judgment, condemn and fear, get rid of that skin, man. That's an old skin.

"The new skin is beauty, elegance excellence, grace, dignity. I salute you and invite you to discover your own new skin. Peace."

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Comment #13 posted by Dankdude on March 25, 2004 at 06:57:00 PT:

Marc Emmery has set the movement back 10 years.
Think about it folks. Canada was letting the Canadians get away with small scale cannabis grows and possession. The parliament was just about to give full decriminalization, but Marc Emmery had to grand stand and taunt the police and public officials. What has he gained? Getting arrested over and over for sheer disrespect. I don't see him as an activist, I see him as a shameless self-promoter.

Also if you go to his Website, he has the out yourself forum that ends up in his magazine.... Real smart! At this point we still need to stay under the radar.

Then when it comes to ordering his seeds. He has a bad habit of switching seeds on you, so half the time you don't get what you order. I know of a few cases where when someone complains, he threatens to turn over your information over to the authorities.

Yeah he's a real activist. Shameless Self-Promoter, He'll do anything to increase seed sales.

Looks like Kahrma is coming back to bite you in the but Marc.

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Comment #12 posted by afterburner on March 25, 2004 at 05:11:07 PT:

Humble Beginnings and Cosmic Vision
C. SANTANA: "I started with a hat in the floor, a guitar, a harmonica player and a conga. We say 50 cents a song, mister, 50 cents a song, mister. I'm the same person. The hat just got really, really, really big."

PHILLIPS: "The hat's gotten bigger thanks to Santana's distinct sound, a style still infused with his characteristically cosmic, spiritual views."

C. SANTANA: "It's easier for me not to get so caught up with guilt, shame, judgment, condemn and fear cage. Because that's exactly what it is, man. Guilt, shame, judgment, condemn and fear, get rid of that skin, man. That's an old skin.

"The new skin is beauty, elegance excellence, grace, dignity. I salute you and invite you to discover your own new skin. Peace."

Wise advice from cannabis guidance.

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Comment #11 posted by BGreen on March 25, 2004 at 04:35:17 PT
SANTANA: Cannabis is *Sacred Sacrament*
C. SANTANA: I got to see there was a lot of people like myself who were smoking pot. "Sacred Sacrament" as Bob Marley would say and we opposed the Vietnam War. And it felt really encouraging to know that I wasn't alone, that a lot of people, kindred souls like myself, you know, we didn't have to hide in alleys anymore to do the sacrament. Just like they drink wine at church every Sunday, you know, it's the same thing when you smoke a joint. It's no different, man.


The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #10 posted by kaptinemo on March 25, 2004 at 04:03:38 PT:

I hope that people are noticing something
Particularly, noticing that the police Up There are attempting to engage in the same kind of behavior - padding reports with obvioulsy false information in order to have 'probable cause' for actions of questionable legality - that the cops do down here. They've tried to pull similar stunts on Mr. Emery before, and he's been able to prove the cops liars for doing so in the past. This is just one more example of how far the antis are willing to stretch to squash reform.

Right out of the US prohibitionist playbook. Somebody is reviewing Uncle's 'dirty tricks for cops' manual very studiously. But the judges aren't all on the side of the cops Up There as far too many are down here.

It's great that the judge didn't take too kindly to having his court time taken up by this, and made his displeasure plain.

It's even better with a whole courtroom full of media types following this matter so closely. The whole world may not be watching, but a sizable section of the worldwide cannabis community is. And they are becoming more politically active every day. The antis have really put their foot in it this time.

Mr. Emery has become the sort of media magnet that cannot be ignored as easily as reformers are down here. Because of his prominence, and the articulate way he makes his points, he has given the lie to so much of the anti position. The Canuck antis are trying to ape the (unfortunately, successful) methods that their counterparts in the States can use in trying to harrass him and silence him.

But Canada is most definitely NOT the US, and Canucks are NOT just 'unarmed Americans' as I heard one Torontonian described himself as being. They haven't had the 50 years of regimentation that US society experienced during the Cold War, acclimating people to overly centralized and powerful, unaccountable government, hence their more progressive outlook, so they are less likely to put up with this kind of thing.

The Canuck cops should stop listening to the sweet nothings being poured into their ears by Uncle's minions; it's genuinely bad advice that's bound to get them in trouble with their own legal system; the 'sauce' of the American DrugWar goose could turn out to be cyanide for the Canadian gander.

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Comment #9 posted by BGreen on March 25, 2004 at 00:33:55 PT
*Marc coerced people into joining him to smoke*?
Somebody's reading their D.A.R.E. propaganda pamphlet again but the court should be ashamed of itself.

co·erce tr.v. co·erced, co·erc·ing, co·erc·es. 1. To force to act or think in a certain way by use of pressure, threats, or intimidation; compel. 2. To dominate, restrain, or control forcibly. 3. To bring about by force or threat.

How desperate are these cops and prosecutor to lie about coercing children when no kids were involved? Nobody was anything but a willing participant in a cannabis sacrament.

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #8 posted by mayan on March 24, 2004 at 17:25:19 PT
Consenting Adults
Thanks, FoM and escapegoat!

From escapegoat's post...

"Marc's duty counsel made it clear to the judge that Marc was not selling cannabis, not making any profit, and that everyone participating was a consenting adult. On one occasion, the judge chastised the Crown for implying that underage children were particpating, and the Crown reluctantly admitted that all were adults."

It's ironic how the supposed "law-breaker" has been totally honest and the Crown has been downright misleading. It speaks volumes as to who is right and wrong in this case!

We are not the criminals! The prohibitionists are the criminals!!!

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Comment #7 posted by escapegoat on March 24, 2004 at 14:20:38 PT
Emery still in jail
March 24, 2004 - 1720 EST



Marc Emery is still in custody, on the charge of trafficking less than 3kg of marihuana. When arrested, it is alleged Marc had 2.3 grams (2 joints) in his pocket.

According to Justin McGowan, the Crown proprosecutor is arguing that Marc coerced people into joining him to smoke, that he will re-offend, and that he should be held until trial on that basis

Marc's partner Cheryl, as well as local activists and a large contingient of local media was present in the courtoom. Marc looked tired, but in good spirits, at many times smiling. The only statement Marc made to the court was after being asked if he would like to sit or stand. His reply: "I've been standing through much of this so far, and I'll continue to stand, thank you."

Marc's duty counsel made it clear to the judge that Marc was not selling cannabis not making any profit, and that everyone participating was a consenting adults. On one occasion, the judge chastised the Crown for implying that underage children were particpating, and the Crown reluctantly admitted that all were adults.

During the hearing, the Crown read excerpts from Justin McGowan's arrest statement. The judge was concerned about the Crown's selective use of the statement and will review the entire record overnight. Justin also noticed that there were 3 other people present in court for show cause hearings on cannabis possession at the same time as Marc for unrelated matters.

The judge seemed cautious and didn't express any opinion, but according to Justin was conscious of the number of reporters and the high profile of the case. He didn't seem too happy at the Crown for bringing such a trivial case before him. He has reserved decision and will reconviene tomorrow at 2pm. While an amount of bail was not mentioned, the amount of $2,000 was mentioned.

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Comment #6 posted by Druid on March 24, 2004 at 12:38:54 PT
"traffic" means, in respect of a substance included in any of Schedules I to IV,

(a) to sell, administer, give, transfer, transport, send or deliver the substance,

(b) to sell an authorization to obtain the substance, or

(c) to offer to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b),

otherwise than under the authority of the regulations.

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Comment #5 posted by JHarshaw on March 24, 2004 at 11:51:28 PT
Canadian law
All you have to do is pass a joint and you can be popped for trafficking!

Just a thought, Peace and Pot.

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Comment #4 posted by Virgil on March 24, 2004 at 11:02:48 PT
He's a bad man in the Ali sense
Don't they have laws for being an evil-doer in Canada. This guy is trying to change things and we have politicians for that kind of stuff. He should seek higher education for all the jobs in the new economy that will elevate the standard of living for all in Western civilization. End this evil-doing and let Parliament do that.

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Comment #3 posted by FoM on March 24, 2004 at 11:01:51 PT
420eh a Question
What constitutes trafficking in Canadian Law? Does anyone know?

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Comment #2 posted by 420eh on March 24, 2004 at 10:48:47 PT
by passing joints around how does that make it trafficking. does one not have to sell it to the person first? i was at one of marc's stops at this tour and i can say for sure marc never sold and marijuana to anyone


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Comment #1 posted by E_Johnson on March 24, 2004 at 10:30:03 PT
The police are afraid he's not famous enough yet
They want him to get as much press as possible, I guess.

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