Cannabis News
  Health Officials Say Marijuana is Harmful To Body
Posted by CN Staff on June 24, 2002 at 09:18:01 PT
By Lee Reinsch of The Reporter Staff  
Source: Fond Du Lac Reporter  

cannabis Marijuana is made of the crumbled leaves, stems, seeds and flowering tops of the hemp plant, according to the American Council for Drug Education. It contains more than 400 chemicals and when smoked produces more than 2,000 chemicals, all of them harmful, according to the ACDE.

The chemical that results in the “high” is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. According to the ACDE, smoking one joint “can leave traces in the body for three or four weeks.

A habitual user is never free of the chemicals and actually builds them up with continued use.”

Local health leaders say marijuana isn’t as innocent as some people think.

Fond du Lac County Public Health Nurse Darlene Hanke and psychotherapist/drug counselor Mary Arndt of St. Agnes Hospital Behavioral Outpatient Services say people who care about their health should think twice before smoking pot.

Here’s what they have to say about how marijuana can affect a person’s body and life:

Lungs: Marijuana smoke contains more tar, carbon monoxide and known cancer-causing agents than tobacco, according to the American Council for Drug Education.

Brain: “It will affect the brain chemistry; it interferes with learning and intellectual performance; it impairs thinking, reading comprehension, verbal and arithmetic problem-solving and can result in short-term memory loss with chronic use. It’s associated with distortion of reality, perception, thinking, mental confusion, lack of concentration, decreased attention span and difficulty forming ideas and completing thoughts. It adversely affects the ability to judge the passage of time, and interferes with depth perception,” said Arndt. “Those who use it heavily over long periods of time have difficulty distinguishing between abstract and concrete thinking.”

Liver: THC collects in the liver and other fatty organs.

Heart: It can dramatically increase the heartbeat and affect the blood pressure, even lowering it to unhealthy levels, Arndt said.

Social: Some negative aspects of long-term use include antisocial behavior, hostility, suspiciousness, impaired family relationships, and it can lead to a loss of inhibition, poor work adjustment, Arndt said.

“Amotivational syndrome”: “It’s very, very typical to long-term users and is characterized by apathy and severe lack of motivation, being unconcerned about the future, unable or unwilling to make long-term plans or tasks, introverted and isolated and unrealistic in their thinking,” Arndt said.

Hormones: “It can lower testosterone in males; there are some men who develop breasts as a result. In women, it may cause abnormalities in menstrual cycles,” Arndt said.

Driving performance: “People have told me they don’t believe it is as dangerous as alcohol. However it does affect a person’s driving abilities,” Arndt said. “The eyes of a marijuana user are slower to recover from oncoming headlight glare than someone who is not under the influence. The ability to follow a moving object with the eyes is diminished for up to eight hours beyond the feeling of intoxication. And it will also delay a driver’s response to sights and sounds. Consequently, a driver under the influence of marijuana is slower to react to a dangerous situation,” she said.

Arndt said she’s had clients tell her they drive better after smoking pot.

“They may think they are driving more carefully but they are not, so they are incorrectly perceiving the situation,” Arndt said. “But someone with altered perception probably would make that judgment.”

Source: Fond Du Lac Reporter (WI)
Author: Lee Reinsch of The Reporter Staff
Published: June 23, 2002
Copyright: 2002 Fond Du Lac Reporter

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Comment #47 posted by idbsne1 on June 25, 2002 at 22:57:39 PT
I'm with always....:)
EJ, we have a lot of similar beliefs....:)

I agree with EJ....a reporter does not have a responsibility to show "the other side" if it is lies. It just GIVES the other side credibility by acknowledging their "opinions/lies".

If it is an "opinion", then print it...with the truth right after it. In fact, we shouldn't use the word "opinion", "opinion" implies that there is no "fact".

'Idbsne1 says that, "the world is flat and the sun revolves around the earth." Although this is his opinion, scientific studies have shown that the world is indeed spherical in nature and that the earth orbits around the sun.'

Leaving that last bit fact, without the declaration of it being an opinion, the author gives credibility to my insane beliefs.

This is what is happening in our media. Why hasn't enough people called "bullshit" on this one?

ALL these anti-drug organizations get their material from the same place. THE SAME PLACE. Any antis out there? THE SAME PLACE!!!!

NIDA, the National Institute on Drug Abuse. And all these counselers/psychotherapists spewing this misinformation believe that the Government MUST be telling the truth. This is the root of the problem. THEY TRUST OUR GOVERNMENT UNCONDITIONALLY.

THE US GOVERNMENT LIES. You only have to check your HISTORY to see this.

As with DARE brainwashing our kids, NIDA brainwashes adults.

On another note, Amotivational syndrome = laziness...and EVERYONE is prone to laziness....just ask my 28 year old brother who has held a job for a TOTAL of 1 year in his WHOLE life, still hasn't transfered form 10 years of city college, never lived away from home, mooches off my parents....oh yeah, and is a 100% die hard prohibitionist. Never drinks, smokes, or takes any drugs.

To the prohibitionists/anti-drug people out there, I ask this:

Are countries like the UK, Canada, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Holland, Australia, Luxembourg, Jamaica, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Austria, and others who have decriminalized cannabis, legalized it's medical use, or both.... FULL OF SHIT?

Or is it more likely that THE US GOVERNMENT IS LYING?... and bullying other countries?


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Comment #46 posted by Industrial Strength on June 25, 2002 at 13:35:16 PT
You should have seen the can of worm's I opened by more or less saying the same thing you did, "I just think we need to keep in mind we are injesting a drug. To not recognize that they may be some at least mild long term effects will make us not credible." Anyway, I think hair and the amount of it you have is solely genetic. Im very nordic and have very little body hair. I do suffer from over competiveness and violent tendencies, but I think it's an age thing. You can effect the levels of testosterone in your body by your diet, but eating alot of steak wont make you grow any more chest hair. There are certain tribes in Africa that grow almost no hair besides what is on the top of their heads... I have heard before that smoking dope lowers your testosterone levels, so that may be true, but I dont think it has anything to do with hair. DDDD, im looking at you :P

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Comment #45 posted by TecHnoCult on June 25, 2002 at 06:42:37 PT
I am not sure it is quite that simple. There are many factors in agressive behavior, testosterone would be just one big factor.

I can say that body hair and testosterone are related to some degree, but I would not say they are directly proportional. Most of the agressive, competetive guys I know are not necessarily extaordinarilly hairy. (Strange conversation, huh?) But I know that testosterone in your body can be influenced by things you eat, by exercise, and probably other behavioral patterns.

As for "Amotivational Syndrome" let me qualify my statement. I believe that someone with symptoms great enough to call it a syndrome would be very rare. My theory is that MJ has a bit of a lasting "calming" effect, and I would not be suprised if this is due to some reduction in testosterone production. However, it is minor at best. Someone with the syndrome would be unusualy and would either have to be really heavy smokers, or have underlying conditions that are agrevated by heavy smoking. At any rate, some people react drastically to alcohol, but that does not mean it does that to all people.

I just think we need to keep in mind we are injesting a drug. To not recognize that they may be some at least mild long term effects will make us not credible. Of course there are some long term risks, though I believe, and evidence shows that the risks are relatively minor when compared to most legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, perscriptiong drugs) and perhaps they are minor in comparison to many of the foods we eat.


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Comment #44 posted by pppp on June 25, 2002 at 00:27:22 PT
...I really liked your commentary,and theories.I agree with most of what you say,,,,,,but.......I dont know if I'm convinced about;;;"..I believe that “Amotivational syndrome” and lower testosterone in males are related...". .... ...I started to think about this relationship..(let me qualify; I have never experimented with testosterone ,other than my own homegrown stuff....I guess it's pretty good,,but maybe I'm getting burned,and if I could score some testosterone,,then perhaps I could become motivated,and be less of a failure..?)).....Anyway,, I was thinking about your “Amotivational syndrome” and lower testosterone in males are related...",,,,and in my hillbilly logic,,I started to think about guys I know who are really hairy,,and if the hairier guys were more prone to enhanced motivation,,as opposed to non-hairy guys.....I am assuming,that alot of body hair is related to increased levels of testosterone.(?)..,,and if that's the case,,then it explains why I've never made anything of myself.....No wonder I've never succeeded,,..shit,,I can count the hairs on my chest!,,I didnt even grow pubic hair till my late teens.I remember some friends who could grow beards at the age of fourteen.......
..I developed my own little theory about the testosterone/hair thing...I dont think that people with high levels of testosterone tend to have the longevity that people with moderate,or low levels have......I mean,,the hillbilly logic goes like this;.;;If you have a beard when you're 13 years old,,,then you're already old!,,whereas a "late bloomer",may tend to age slower.................It seems like alot of really hairy guys go bald too....of course,,all this is rather abstract,,and miles from the topic..............I liked your comment THC.I guess you're probably right though,,,,,,alot of guys with not much testosterone,or hair,who smoke weed,are quite likely to end up as losers.....but then again,,,. there are probably alot of hairy losers out there too.....
......has anyone ever tried smoking testosterone?....what a rush..?..!

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Comment #43 posted by BGreen on June 24, 2002 at 21:35:18 PT
Maybe there's a reason
With the protective nature of cannabis on the brain and lungs, I think the long half-life, fat storage, and slow elimination of metabolites may be a beneficial part of the healing properties of the plant. The only drawback is with piss tests.

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Comment #42 posted by TecHnoCult on June 24, 2002 at 21:22:30 PT
krutch and Industrial Strength
I do not think I have any proof of my "theory." Nor do I think that MJ effects everyone the same. Each of us has our own body chemistry.

However, in my case, my level of agression seems to be linked to my consumption of MJ (or lack thereof.) Whether or not this has anything to do with testosterone levels, I don't know. It just seems to make sence, since over competitiveness, violent tendencies, and sexual agression seems to be caused by high levels of testosterone. These are the very things that seem to be controllable with MJ, to me. However, I concede that age and change of lifestyles are factors too.

I think the causal link between MJ consumption and testosterone levels would be difficult to be sure of anyway. It is just as easy to assume that someone already had decreasing levels of testosterone, which led to a lifestye change.

Anyway, this all assumes there really is any research showing any link anyway. I know many reports have some value but are often exagurated. I would like to see any evidence for or against.

Few would deny that agressive behavior is suppressed while under the influence. Few would deny that MJ stays in the body for at least days after cusumption at some level. It does not seem impossible that high rates of cusumption could leave enough in the body to have a somewhat lasting effect on aggressive behavior.


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Comment #41 posted by b4daylight on June 24, 2002 at 20:43:39 PT
one sided

In this day and age it is best to review both sides.

People in amsterdam can vaporize bud. i have seen it work! there is no smoke only thc. sounds veagan to me@ ohh with those leaves you can make hash! and you can eat hash which also sounds veagan to me@

here's my quote: "With out credible evidence that clearly shows what other reports and sources denounce. There will be no truth."

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Comment #40 posted by Sam Adams on June 24, 2002 at 19:33:42 PT
Found this in the life expectancy survey...Yikes! I'd rather face the absolute worst side effects of cannabis any day than this! Let me take a wild guess: our doctors are the only ones in the world that insist on doing this. Imagine....Medical Marijuana is too unsafe to use, now, bend over while I probe your cavities! it's almost medieval...

"If you are a male and over the age of 40. Do you have proctoscopic examinations every other year? Yes No"

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Comment #39 posted by qqqq on June 24, 2002 at 19:00:09 PT
...the two aunts..
..I had two aunts...They were on the French Canadian side of the family,and one of them was a strict health nut...Lots of exercise,,only wholesome foods..absolutely No liquor,,,and her sister,was exactly the opposite.Smoked cigarettes by the carton,,was pickled in booze,,never ate anything ,and when she did,it would have to be deep fat fried..She would always end up broke,and in jail.....anyway,,the health nut aunt kicked the bucket at the age of 59,,her sister smoked and drank ,,,as if she was trying to kill herself!...She died a few years back at the age of 88!,,and she didnt dies from here abusive lifestyle,,she got into a strange automobile accident,she was on the passsenger side,and the car got t-boned by some drunk......She was a misbehaved,and wretched auntie,,but for some grotesque reason,I was always fascinated by her...I think she had a stern constitution,and she refused to die,,where as her sister,the health nut,,worried here self into the grave!..I think the sheer stress of worrying about being healthy,caused her death.
........What does all this mean?................?....

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Comment #38 posted by SpaceCat on June 24, 2002 at 17:02:04 PT
Industrial Strength
Trim leaves from the good stuff will definitely get you high, but I find them harsh and disagreeable. Here's what should be done with trim leaves :)

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Comment #37 posted by freedom fighter on June 24, 2002 at 16:44:27 PT
I once knew
a nice lady. She never drank. She never smoked. She never did drugs. In short, she led a perfect life.

And she is DEAD! Quite young too..

So what's the point? Should we ought to criminalized everyone for being born? The Air we breathe everyday in major big cities are harmful to bodies. Should we ban the right to breathe the dirty smoggy air? The Food we eat everyday are harmful to bodies. Should we ban eating??

Heck, I know what! LET's BAN these so called health officials!


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Comment #36 posted by goneposthole on June 24, 2002 at 16:32:02 PT
whiskey a go-go
Drink a pint of whiskey, then go for a drive.

Go for a drive to smoke two joints.

My grandfather was a heckuva drunk, he would drink and drink and drink and drink... until it killed him.

I smoke some bud, and I always feel better.

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Comment #35 posted by observer on June 24, 2002 at 15:16:15 PT
''someone with altered perception''
“They may think they are driving more carefully but they are not, so they are incorrectly perceiving the situation,” Arndt said.

Australia: No Proof Cannabis Put Drivers At Risk (2001)

UK: Cannabis May Make You A Safer Driver (2000)

University Of Toronto Study Shows Marijuana Not A Factor In Driving Accidents (1999)\1999\03\990325110700.htm

Australia: Cannabis Crash Risk Less: Study (1998)

Australia: Study Goes to Pot (1998)

... “But someone with altered perception probably would make that judgment.”

Yeah, tis easy to see who's judgement is impaired. In Arndt's case, mostly likely impaired due to her career: for her to admit that cannabis isn't the bugaboo she has been telling people (and getting them thrown in jail over when they pee 'dirty'), is for her to admit she is a vicious liar. She can't face that one.


It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it. -- Upton Sinclair, "The Jungle"

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Comment #34 posted by Industrial Strength on June 24, 2002 at 15:12:36 PT
amotivational syndrome
I read that this is a very real thing in teen agers, but doesn't apply to adults. As for the breast thing, you think you would see it in people you knew if it was true, or it's so minimal that it's not really visible to the naked eye, in which case, who cares?

I know some agressive, dumb, immature pot heads, like I know dumb, agressive, immature people in any facet of life. While I think pot undeniably makes people under the influence less agressive, is that a sign that it reduces testosterone? By that logic, alcohol would increase testosterone levels. If marijuana is your catalyst for personal growth, great, but I dont think it has universal applications.

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Comment #33 posted by Industrial Strength on June 24, 2002 at 15:04:39 PT
space cat
As for mere leaves being not worth smoking...A friend brought back a giant sack of trimmings from BC and one joint between three heavy smokers did the trick. Big fan leaves arn't worth it, but the smaller, "sugar" leaf is damn near as potent as bud, in my opinion...And even the big leaves are good for baking. So if your going to just throw leaves away or something, send em my way! :) There is one comment posted here that should raise everyone's hackles, but I wont stir up that mean, illogical, quick tempered bee hive.

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Comment #32 posted by RavingDave on June 24, 2002 at 14:55:30 PT
Amotivational Syndrome
“It’s very, very typical to long-term users and is characterized by apathy and severe lack of motivation, being unconcerned about the future, unable or unwilling to make long-term plans or tasks, introverted and isolated and unrealistic in their thinking,” Arndt said.

This is obviously unacceptable in our culture. After all, anyone who exhibits these characteristics is a lazy slob who isn't likely to go out and consume his fair share of fast food, clothing, airline tickets, and other products which make our society functional.

Besides, it's self-evident that, in order to be a valuable member of society, we must spend as much time as possible making long-term plans, thinking realistically, and being concerned about the future. I mean, isn't this what we're taught from day one? Why, if we fail to spend at least half of our time thinking about the future, it's possible that we won't build up enough stress in our systems to warrant a prescription for Xanax, Prevacid, or even Zoloft. How in the world would we do our duty as Americans to support the pharmaceutical industry, if we don't even suffer from that most American of maladies - stress?!?

It's obvious to me that we must eradicate the scourge of marijuana, before this insidious relaxation of the mind should spread, perhaps bringing about the end of society as we know it!

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Comment #31 posted by krutch on June 24, 2002 at 14:46:36 PT:

Wait a Minute TecHnoCult
You say that

"I believe that “Amotivational syndrome” and lower testosterone in males are related. I do believe that it may help to reduce testosterone levels"

Why do you believe that MJ lowers testosterone levels? Why do you believe that Amotivational syndrome exists?

You personal experience of being less aggressive over last last 4 years does not qualify as evidence. You may have just matured over this time and learned to control your agression. Departing the USMC may have more to do with your diminished agression than smoking MJ.

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Comment #30 posted by ekim on June 24, 2002 at 14:04:52 PT
Just on NPR a dabate on how stress affects the bod
I came in late but heard enought waves that conected a line of truth. The callers and guests were telling of how both the Pal.people and the Isr. people are suffering from such shock that it is affecting the growing of both the young and old a like. It is showing up in the youth as retarding the growth of all of our cells. Being scared to death all of ones waking life and revisiting such in dreams not only are greatly damaging the mental but phy. health of all involved. Fast forward to what is being done to the sick and dying right here. Now today's show just reported what is happining right now in the Middle east struggle and how it affects the human body. Why won't more of our trained doctors speak the truth, of what the shock of the d\w is doing to our own people. Here is a site that one can go and reignite.

And if there are forces that can nurture peace they must first create an uproar, a vast breaking of silence, a refusal to stand by as the boot stomps down.

Copyright © Starhawk 2002

(This story carries my copyright to protect my rights to future publication. You have permission to send it on, post it on the Internet, reprint it in relevant newsletters, etc. If possible, please distribute it with my website, not my personal email address. I can be contacted through the website above, Starhawk

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Comment #29 posted by VitaminT on June 24, 2002 at 13:32:53 PT
And lets not forget
THE most distructive and unnecessary side effect to the use of the blessed herb is JAIL!

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Comment #28 posted by VitaminT on June 24, 2002 at 13:29:01 PT
Chapter and Verse: Drug War Factbook
Section: Marijuana Item #17 Amotivational Syndrome

Some claim that cannabis use leads to "adult amotivation." The World Health Organization report addresses the issue and states, "it is doubtful that cannabis use produces a well defined amotivational syndrome." The report also notes that the value of studies which support the "adult amotivation" theory are "limited by their small sample sizes" and lack of representative social/cultural groups.

Source: Hall, W., Room, R. & Bondy, S., WHO Project on Health Implications of Cannabis Use: A Comparative Appraisal of the Health and Psychological Consequences of Alcohol, Cannabis, Nicotine and Opiate Use, August 28, 1995 (Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, March 1998).

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Comment #27 posted by TecHnoCult on June 24, 2002 at 13:25:53 PT:

Some truth to the article
“A habitual user is never free of the chemicals and actually builds them up with continued use.”

This may be true, but it isn’t necessarily bad.

Brain: “It will affect the brain chemistry; it interferes with learning and intellectual performance; it impairs thinking, reading comprehension, verbal and arithmetic problem-solving and can result in short-term memory loss with chronic use. It’s associated with distortion of reality, perception, thinking, mental confusion, lack of concentration, decreased attention span and difficulty forming ideas and completing thoughts. It adversely affects the ability to judge the passage of time, and interferes with depth perception,” said Arndt. “Those who use it heavily over long periods of time have difficulty distinguishing between abstract and concrete thinking.”

Many of these effects are sought by those using MJ. Alcohol has intoxicating effects too, and we do not list these as bad, since they are the reason one consumes alcohol in the first place. Most of these effects ware off within hours. Those that do not, most studies have show that a short period of abstinence will relieve these symptoms. Also, perceiving and thinking in different ways is not always confusion or distortion.

Social: Some negative aspects of long-term use include antisocial behavior, hostility, suspiciousness, impaired family relationships, and it can lead to a loss of inhibition, poor work adjustment, Arndt said.

Many of these are more likely due to its illicit nature caused by prohibition rather than MJ itself.

“Amotivational syndrome”: “It’s very, very typical to long-term users and is characterized by apathy and severe lack of motivation, being unconcerned about the future, unable or unwilling to make long-term plans or tasks, introverted and isolated and unrealistic in their thinking,” Arndt said. Hormones: “It can lower testosterone in males; there are some men who develop breasts as a result. In women, it may cause abnormalities in menstrual cycles,” Arndt said.

I believe that “Amotivational syndrome” and lower testosterone in males are related. I do believe that it may help to reduce testosterone levels. This, however, is not necessarily a bad thing. First of all, it is probably not permanent, though I have not seen research on how long it lasts. But more importantly, this may be considered a benefit for some, such as ME. I believe I have high levels of testosterone naturally. This leads to aggressive behavior. I am naturally very competitive, prone to violence, and I have an overwhelming sex drive. As one can imagine, this can lead to many problems, and many of these are only further aggravated by alcohol. I have been a daily MJ smoker for about 4 years now (since I departed the USMC.) Since I started using MJ, my aggressive behavior is better under control. However, I would believe that someone with abnormally low levels of testosterone might not benefit from this.

Driving performance: “People have told me they don’t believe it is as dangerous as alcohol. However it does affect a person’s driving abilities,” Arndt said. “The eyes of a marijuana user are slower to recover from oncoming headlight glare than someone who is not under the influence. The ability to follow a moving object with the eyes is diminished for up to eight hours beyond the feeling of intoxication. And it will also delay a driver’s response to sights and sounds. Consequently, a driver under the influence of marijuana is slower to react to a dangerous situation,” she said.

Bottom line is, it is still less dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol. I have driven under both, and I was definitely more dangerous with just 3 drinks than I was high. I don’t think most of us advocate smoking and driving. What is important is that it is less dangerous than alcohol and many prescription drugs that are out there now.

There is some truth to this article, however, I believe most presented is exaggerated or very rare. Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and cholesterol also cause many of the listed health problems. Therefore, none if it justifies throwing people in jail for choosing MJ over other recreational or medicinal drugs.


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Comment #26 posted by E_Johnson on June 24, 2002 at 13:19:13 PT
Fact vs. opinion
Reporters should get opinions "on both sides" but studies on marijuana and driving are facts, not opinions, and any reporter who cites opinions on marijuana and driving without bothering to look up the facts is a discredit to the profession, such as it is these days...

AND I repeat -- any doctor who tells you that marijuana contains estrogen should be avoided as an ignorant hack whose lack of knowledge is potentially hazardous to your health.

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Comment #25 posted by Gary Storck on June 24, 2002 at 13:01:55 PT
More articles coming
I just spoke again with the reporter who had a few more questions for me. Another article tomorrow will touch on medical use and my story. I think she is really making a good attempt to be even-handed.

There is another article in today's paper I am still trying to find, Q & A with someone who uses cannabis for personal, non-medical reasons.


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Comment #24 posted by krutch on June 24, 2002 at 12:25:19 PT:

The Breast Thing
Thank you for leading me down this path Space Cat. I did the MJ breasts search. I have found that nearly 50% of men are supposedly affected by this condition. One web page tells us:

"Because heavy drinking and marijuana use predispose to gynecomastia, surgery is often not recommended for these men. Some surgeons feel that the breast tissue may return quickly unless these patients change their lifestyle." (

This doctor thinks that legal drugs can aggravate this condition too.

ABC's 20/20 did a report on this. They say:

"Steroid and marijuana use can sometimes worsen the condition." (

This is hardly a smoking gun. Sounds like a common condition that can be aggravated by several environmental factors.

Mary Arndt is over simplifing when she says that MJ lowers testosterone and that this is what causes breast to grow. I saw nothing in my research(it was brief) to support this cause and effect relationship. The lowers testosterone thing sounds alot like Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese's Pot will make you gay argument.

In summary I don't see anyone credible saying that MJ use causes this condition. Only that it aggravates the condition, or predisposes the user.

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Comment #23 posted by dimebag on June 24, 2002 at 12:25:00 PT
*sniff* sniff*
Do you smell bull shit! Well I sure as hell do. All of that Bull shit propaganda can be read in the 1932 issue of Marijuana Madness report by the Fedral Government.

Ok here are some facts. When I smoke marijuana I get stoned, I want to eat and I Play my guitar. Sure I dont feel Motivated to Go outside and Socialize with Right Wing Republicans that I have nothing in common with, but thats no reason to keep it Illegal, cuz I dont feel Social. If I want to socialize with people, I will do it with my friends that Smoke MJ and wont criticize me for who I am.

Second, I have been smoking MJ for 3 yrs now, almost every day. Im sure this Whole Male Breast Thing is from Lack of Excersize. But fuck you, if your going to criticize the MJ Smoker for Not Exercizing. Half of Americans Population is Over weight and already has Male Breasts, so Fuck Off. Personally I dont have Male Breasts, but I do have a Little Itty Bitty Gut from Eating Munchie Food and Not Exercizing. Again No reason to have it Illegal.

Third: Now that I have smoked Pot for Three Years Straight I have become slower to produce thoughts, but again If you make MJ illegal for Kids to Smoke then the Brain Processes with have fully matured by the time they can smoke it. Therefor Getting Rid of The Slow Proccessing Time.

Fourth: When I drive on MJ, I dont Drive 80 miles over the Speed Limit like someone under the influence of Alcohol. I tend to drive the Speed limit or slower, just cuz Im more relaxed or I just feel comfortable going that Speed. Sure you may have a slower reaction time if something dangerous was on the road, but that Isnt enough to Keep MJ illegal.

Fith: I have never hade a Psycotic Breakdown from smoking MJ. Its just not likely for a normal adult to go into sycosis from smoking pot. Dumbasses.

Any one who believes this Bullshit has got to be Religious, Republican, or just out right ignorant.

It should be Illegal For Republicans to Run for Public office, they just dont represent the Major Population. Mostly the Old shrivs that need to be put in homes.

Decriminalization of MJ would Take Money out of Terrorists Pockes and back into our Own Economy.

Dimebag for President.

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Comment #22 posted by FoM on June 24, 2002 at 12:05:29 PT
Part lll - Alcohol Versus Marijuana

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Comment #21 posted by kaptinemo on June 24, 2002 at 11:54:31 PT:

Thank you, Gary
My point exactly; it's obvious from the previous article that this will be a matter for further 'fleshing out' in the paper's later issues. But judging from the reporter's actions, an attempt at impartiality is being made here. Let's see where this goes...

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Comment #20 posted by Gary Storck on June 24, 2002 at 11:31:36 PT
Reporter trying to be objective - Read all the art
The reporter interviewed me and others, and did not seem biased. This is part of a multi-article series she is doing. So stay tuned and blame Arndt for the lies, not the reporter. This is a great series for a paper from a town of less than 45K population, and we should wait until all articles are published before trying to judge where she is coming from. I gave her a lot of great info, and she seemed very willing to listen and be objective.


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Comment #19 posted by Craiggoth on June 24, 2002 at 11:12:59 PT
What a load of exaggerated and biased load of shit
I use cannabis on a regular basis. I would agree that smoking it causes a lot of harm to the lungs, because I sometimes get chest pains. The thing is, I wish I didn't have to smoke it! I want a vaporiser, and I want to eat it more (I can't eat it too much nowadays because it lasts too long and my parents don't agree with it because it isnt legal, they wouldn't mind if it was legal.) If you get stoned, say, once a week, then you aren't going to do a lot of harm to your lungs. As for the intelligence thing, I have smoked it SO often (mostly to see how it affects my everday way of thinking and living)for the past few weeks, and I have just had exams...I came out of my exams with either good passes, or A's, the majority A's. I have smoked it pretty regulary before these few weeks too, so if it was going to do anything really negative to my brain, then it would have happened by now. I am more social, have more friends, I'm more mature, I think more before doing things, I reflect on myself all of the time, I care more about people and have became generally a much better person. I think that cannabis has had a very positive impact on my life, even in a spiritual way. Also...I have never came across ANYONE who has began growing breasts...just from dope, that MUST be a scare tactic of some stupid form, I know how anti-cannabis the american government and others are, and I think that it is rather ignorant. I wish for more, un-biased research to be done by the more open-minded English government on cannabis.

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Comment #18 posted by SpaceCat on June 24, 2002 at 11:12:42 PT
The Subtle Knife
The Internet cuts both ways. Put "Marijuana" and "Breasts" into a search engine and you will come up with many credible-seeming sites run by docs that cite Marijuana as a factor in Gynecomastia. I'm pretty sure this has been scientifically refuted, but can't find the source. Are you out there, Dr. Russo?

On another topic, can we lay this to rest?

"Marijuana is made of the crumbled leaves, stems, seeds and flowering tops of the hemp plant"

Marijuana is ONLY the flowering tops of the female plant! You can smoke that other stuff, and it might technically be called Marijuana, but it is bunk! It's the trichomes that contain the THC. No trichomes, no high. Some of the bud leaves have trichomes, but it's not worth smoking the leaf material to get it (Bubblebag it, baby!). You can see the trichomes with your eyes (that's what makes White Widow "White"). Although not an absolute guarantee of potency, it's a good start. Just say no to schwag!

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Comment #17 posted by krutch on June 24, 2002 at 11:06:52 PT:

Here We go Again
More nonsense by people who have done no actual research spouting outdated and refuted BS about the dangers of MJ. I must go wash my breasts now.

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Comment #16 posted by Windminstrel on June 24, 2002 at 11:04:28 PT
Don't blame the reporter
Internet Age removes excuses from reporters!

That's true. However, the reporter isn't at fault. He was probably told by his editor to find an anti-pot person for a different view. What would such a person say? No different than this propaganda-spewing cur.

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Comment #15 posted by E_Johnson on June 24, 2002 at 10:44:51 PT
Internet Age removes excuses from reporters!
Reinsch is only doing what any good reporter is doing: present both sides.

What about the part where the reporter bothers to search the Internet to see what the published studies on marijuana and driving have to say on the issue?

Before the Internet, one could forgive a small town reporter for not having access to published scientific studies. But today there is no excuse for not spending the five minutes it would take to annihilate that last ignorant opinion about marijuana and driving with some facts.

Back in the old days, reporters had to do leg work. Today it's been reduced to finger work but some of them just can't be bothered.

I am harsh on anyone who can't be bothered to do finger work in journalism!!!

Gee back in Watergate reporters actually had to leave the building to get a story.

Now they can't even leave their home page...

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Comment #14 posted by E_Johnson on June 24, 2002 at 10:35:51 PT
Then your doctor is a bleeding incompetent - run!!
I was told by each doctor that mj does indeed possess estrogen and that is why in some men this problem can occur. It may sound like science fiction propaganda, but each doctor did ask me!

Marijuana does not contain estrogen. Marijuana does not interact at the estrogen receptors, either. This last piece of science was done to make sure that breast cancer patients were safe to use marijuana during chemotherapy. The answer was yes, because cannabinoids don't interact with estrogen receptors at all.

If any doctor tells you marijuana contains estrogen -- RUN from this person immediately, because anyone who spouts anything this ridiculous is gullible and stupid enough to constitute an danger to the health of his or her patients.

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Comment #13 posted by westnyc on June 24, 2002 at 10:22:27 PT:

It may be true
Hello everyone. I just wanted to make a remark that while this article seems biased; the part about the male breast development may be based on some truth. However, it seems that male breast enlargement known as "gynecomastia" affects only a small percentage of male mj smokers.

How have I come to believe this.....?

I was born with a medical condition somewhat on the order of Klinefelter's Syndrome, which is a male possessing an extra x chromosome, usually known as 47xxy; the normal is 46xy. As with cannabis propaganda, the same exists with chromosomal anomylies. However, during my blood kariotype, a test that measures chromosomal order, I was asked by each doctor that interviewed me whether I smoked cannabis. True or not, each doctor seemed to believe it can cause some breast tissue enlargement in some men. I was told by each doctor that mj does indeed possess estrogen and that is why in some men this problem can occur. It may sound like science fiction propaganda, but each doctor did ask me!

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Comment #12 posted by kaptinemo on June 24, 2002 at 10:19:56 PT:

I wouldn't blame Reinsch
Reinsch is only doing what any good reporter is doing: present both sides. Look at the article that precedes this, written by Reinsch:

It's fairly even-handed. Reinsch is now showing us the prohib side...which, even though we know is purest bunkum, has to be provided nonetheless. It's not as if the anti's had the field all to themselves. Not this time...

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Comment #11 posted by The GCW on June 24, 2002 at 10:10:50 PT
If it is not what goes in the mouth but what comes out... that defiles the the man...

This is puke, exiting filth, is a defiler.

It is sullied only by abundant lack of Truth.

Their view, so long as it is profitable: No dought, the only way to treat the ones that smoke cannabis is to cage them.

Snakes do less harm.

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Comment #10 posted by Windminstrel on June 24, 2002 at 10:10:33 PT
cannabinoid-deficient prohibitionist bootlicker.

Heh, mind if I borrow that phrase? It's a keeper!

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Comment #9 posted by E_Johnson on June 24, 2002 at 10:08:03 PT
Open challenge to Lee Reinsch
1. Work out with me for one hour

2. Try to talk to me for one hour on any intellectual subject of your choosing

I'll wipe the floor with you, you cannabinoid-deficient prohibitionist bootlicker.

"They may think they are driving more carefully but they are not, so they are incorrectly perceiving the situation," Arndt said. "But someone with altered perception probably would make that judgment."

Like the scientists from five different countries who made that same judgment in their independent published peer-reviewed research?

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Comment #8 posted by SpaceCat on June 24, 2002 at 10:07:29 PT
Pink Elephants are funny
There's a Simpson's where Barney (the town drunk) accidentally ingests peyote (as does the whole town) and sees a rampaging demon. He swills some beer, and a pink elephant comes through the door and crushes the demon.

Barney says: "Thanks, Pinky! You've always been there for me!"

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Comment #7 posted by SpaceCat on June 24, 2002 at 10:02:43 PT
Life is long, but the years are short
Sorry, that was the MSN Money Central Life Expectancy calculator. It's all Microsoft. They already know how long you will live anyway :)

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Comment #6 posted by E_Johnson on June 24, 2002 at 10:02:42 PT
Hairy scarey ignorant pseudoscientific BS
According to the ACDE, smoking one joint ?can leave traces in the body for three or four weeks.

And a huge industry is founded upon this, it's called urine testing. Marijuana leaves traces of green cash MONEY in the urine for three or four weeks.

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Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on June 24, 2002 at 10:02:03 PT:

Anti "chain letters"
We've all gotten them....both in hard copy and in emails. Unfortunately, far more so in the latter realm than the former one...

In the very late 1970's when I was going to Cathloic Church, they would occaisionally hand out a chain letter against the US's foremost Atheist Madelain O'Hare or some such...about her protest that the Apollo 8 astronauts had read from the book of Genesis in their round the Moon 1968. (Remember, I said late 1970's...about something that happened in the late 1960's. Weird.

Old news, from times so long past it immediately raised a question in my mind as to the sanity of the Church.

It's like an outbreak of a virulent, short-lasting disease in a rural area; antis 'erupt' with easily countered bullsh*t as if it had never been presented before...and torn to ribbons. Sometimes it feels as if there were time capsules laying around full of anti nonsense that 10, 20 or thirty years later is dug up and reveal equally dated 'factual' information that was proven wrong at the time of it's burial.

This is just another anti 'chain letter' from another anti 'time capsule'. Too bad you can't prosecute them for it.....

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Comment #4 posted by FoM on June 24, 2002 at 09:58:09 PT
Awe Pink Elephants
SpaceCat, That made us really laugh. Pink Elephants!

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Comment #3 posted by SpaceCat on June 24, 2002 at 09:51:14 PT
Takes your breath away
The "male breasts" thing was the killer. I can't believe even the dumbest hick reporter from Fon Du Lac (Sorry Cheeseheads, I'm from Minnesota) would actually find that credible enough to publish.

“It’s very, very typical to long-term users and is characterized by apathy and severe lack of motivation, being unconcerned about the future, unable or unwilling to make long-term plans or tasks, introverted and isolated and unrealistic in their thinking”

Especially amusing to a long-term, daily smoker who was sealing an ap for long-term care insurance while reading this article! Heck, the Expedia life-expectancy calculator only knocks three years off for regular Marijuana use, I'd be better off dropping 40 pounds than giving up pot!

“Those who use it heavily over long periods of time have difficulty distinguishing between abstract and concrete thinking.”

What does that mean? The pink elephant sitting on my desk wants to know, too.

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Comment #2 posted by JSM on June 24, 2002 at 09:50:52 PT
Will these probihitionists never learn. Nothing in the above article justifies incarcerating users, stealing their property, denying us jobs, and treating us as second class citizens.

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Comment #1 posted by Windminstrel on June 24, 2002 at 09:47:15 PT
That's not all!
What's worse, it can make white women have sex with negroes! And it's used by those damned jazz musicians.

Why do these knee-jerk prohibitionists keep repeating the same tired lies? Couldn't they at least make up some new, more interesting lies?

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