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  Medical Pot Quagmire
Posted by FoM on August 23, 2001 at 08:41:35 PT
Source: Denver Post 

medical Former Arkansas Congressman Asa Hutchinson, the nation's new drug czar, struck exactly the right tone earlier this week on the issue of medical marijuana. Hutchinson, sworn in as the new head of the Drug Enforcement Administration, said his agency will take some time to develop an enforcement strategy for dealing with nine states, including Colorado, that allow the use of medical marijuana.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court held that there is no medical exemption to the federal controlled substances act, which prohibits the possession, use and distribution of marijuana.

Colorado joined the other states with medical marijuana laws last fall when voters approved a ballot initiative authorizing the program. The Supreme Court decision raises the question of what will happen when a user of the drug in Colorado or one of the other states is charged with a drug offense under federal law.

Hutchinson took note of the court decision and said currently the medical use of marijuana "violates federal law." He added that he has yet to see any research that suggests the drug has any "legitimate medical use," but his office will continue to monitor any scientific or medical studies on the subject.

Reading between the lines of Hutchinson's comments, it seems likely that there will soon be a federal case filed to determine if there is any way in which a state may operate a medical marijuana program without subjecting its participants to federal drug prosecutions.

The federal government really has only two ways to respond to the present situation in which states operate programs that plainly violate federal law. It can either enforce the federal statute or it can change it. The latter possibility seem utterly out of the question, since Congress has shown no interest in revising its statute. That means this is a question that is again headed for the courts. Because there is value in having laws that are clear and consistent, we think it can't happen soon enough.

Source: Denver Post (CO)
Author: Trent Seibert, Denver Post Capitol Bureau
Published: Thursday, August 23, 2001
Copyright: 2001 The Denver Post

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Comment #7 posted by Sam Adams on August 23, 2001 at 11:23:24 PT
today's balance of power
What's going on here is really quite simple. We sit here and ask, why do newpapers ignore the will of the people? Why to Congressman continually go out of their way to express their opposition to medical marijuana, when it is as plain as day that 75% of America supports it?

It's because they're speaking to the people who pay for their campaigns - the big corporations and individuals who represent the richest 1-2% of the U.S. Voters are too apathetic and dumbed-down to think about issues when they vote, and the media is only too complicit in focussing on character issues and sound bites during campaigns. Pols know they win with TV ads, so they shape their policy to please their donors. And I would wager that 80-90% of the richest 1-2% are Republicans over the age of 50, many of whom would be quite happy if we went back to slavery. So locking up a few minorities doesn't bother them one bit.

I would like to point out that this whole theory was brilliantly advanced and described by Queensryche in their 1990 album "Operation Mindcrime". It seemed extreme at the time, but as the years go by, it becomes more and more obvious they were onto something......

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Comment #6 posted by The GCW on August 23, 2001 at 10:15:57 PT
9 and counting!
It seems likely in 2002 that 9 will increase.

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Comment #5 posted by ekim on August 23, 2001 at 09:56:54 PT:

the difference between a policy and a crusade
US NY: OPED: America Headed Down Lonely Road In Its Drug Crusade
Pubdate: Thu, 23 Aug 2001
Source: Post-Standard, The (NY)
Copyright: 2001, Syracuse Post-Standard
Author: Nicolas Eyle, executive director of ReconsiDer: Forum on Drug
Policy in Syracuse


Canada's recent decision to permit the sick access to medical marijuana is just the latest in a long series of refutations by other countries of America's drug policies. It comes on the heels of Portugal's decriminalizing the personal possession of small quantities of all drugs.

It follows Mexican President Vicente Fox's call for drug legalization as the way to break the black market.

The Conservative Party in Great Britain is arguing heatedly about whether marijuana should be decriminalized, removing penalties for its use, or legalized, which would permit a legal distribution system to be set up, ending the contact marijuana users now have with sellers of harder drugs.

All over the world, countries are looking at the disastrous results of America's "War on Drugs" and shifting their drug policies to avoid making the same mistakes.

In fact, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Germany and nearly every other country in Western Europe have some form of decriminalization of personal possession of drugs in place, and the results are certainly encouraging others to move in this direction.

In the Netherlands, marijuana is sold in hundreds of "coffee shops" over-the-counter, and their teen-age marijuana use is half of what it is in the United States. In Switzerland, a program to supply hard-core heroin addicts with heroin has been so successful at lowering health-care costs and reducing the crime associated with that drug's use that its biggest and most vocal supporters are the police and the insurance companies.

Recently even the Ukraine, long one of Europe's toughest drug warriors, announced that it was going to release some 35,000 drug offenders from prison in September and make drug use "a non-arrestable offense."

In the United States, nine states have approved medical marijuana use. A recent conference of U.S./Mexico border-state governors organized by New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson agreed that the drug problem should be a public health issue more than a law-enforcement one. Individual counties have gone even farther.

Mendocino County in California made marijuana offenses the lowest priority possible for law enforcement. If you are a police officer looking into a possible marijuana crime and a little old lady calls because her cat is stuck in a tree, you have to forget the marijuana and help the cat.

America is in an increasingly difficult position internationally because of the drug war. We purport to be the leader of the free world, yet with five percent of the world's population, we have 25 percent of the world's prisoners, more than half serving sentences for drug-related offenses.

Our troops, arms and money fuel civil wars in Latin American countries like Colombia in the name of ridding the world of drugs.

Many of our cities are in turmoil, and minorities are targeted for drug offenses in painfully obvious, unjust proportions. And with all this, America's kids have better access to illegal drugs than to beer.

So who are our allies in our naive quest for a drug-free America through prohibition? Iran, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, China and a handful of other notoriously repressive nations.

These countries execute drug users regularly, and have for years.

These countries still have large and growing drug problems because, like America, they refuse to accept the fact that prohibition does not work.

If America is serious about protecting its children from the problems associated with drugs, then we had better start looking around us. Look at what other countries are doing and see what works and what doesn't. With adolescent drug use up and drugs purer, cheaper and more available than ever before, it should be obvious to us, as it seems to be to most of the rest of the world, that prohibition is not the way to solve the problem.

America has gone down the wrong road many times in its history.

There was a time when women were not allowed to vote, when it was quite permissible for white people to own black people, for segregation to exist.

A time when Americans were forbidden to drink alcohol.

Fortunately, we came to our senses about these things, changed our laws and became a stronger, better country for it.

Sociologist Thomas Sowell once said that the difference between a policy and a crusade is that a policy is judged by its results, but a crusade is judged by how good it makes the crusaders feel. It's becoming hard to refer to what we do with regard to drugs in America as a policy.

What we have is clearly a Jihad - a holy war with no basis in logic or sense.

No interest in results or costs.

No concern that the medicine may be far worse than the disease.

Why is it so hard for us to see this and reconsider how we handle these drugs in America?

Nicolas Eyle is executive director of ReconsiDer: Forum on Drug Policy in Syracuse.

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Comment #4 posted by rabblerouser on August 23, 2001 at 09:52:11 PT
e johnson
So far up it's sticking out their necks

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Comment #3 posted by Ethan Russo, MD on August 23, 2001 at 09:25:22 PT:

Pretty Strange
What do you call it when the editorial board is helping to wage war on the citizens of its own state who have expressed their wishes clearly and unequivocally twice at the ballot box?

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Comment #2 posted by Patrick on August 23, 2001 at 09:18:25 PT
Say it again.
Colorado joined the other states with medical marijuana laws last fall when voters approved a ballot initiative authorizing the program.

I'll say it again..., we no longer have a government for the people by the people. We have a government for the government by the government. And I would like to also add that the US has truly become a nation of sheep! No, I take that back sheep have a spine.

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Comment #1 posted by E. Johnson on August 23, 2001 at 09:10:12 PT
What is scarier to these people?
What scares these people more -- marijuana, or drug resistant HIV?

People who can't hold down their AIDS drugs without vomiting them back up not only have the problem of the virus multiplying in their bodies -- they also have the problem that the virus as it multplies becomes resistant to the drugs the patient was taking.

Isn't drug resistant HIV a scary thing to our society?

Why doesn't this scare people more?

Maybe people like Hutchinson really think that AIDS is only spread through homosexuality. I guess he can't ever imagine that America could end up like South Africa.

But if the HIV in America all turned drug resistant, well, where would we be?

If the federal government WANTS drug resistant HIV to become a major problem in America -- then rigidly enforcing the federal ban on medical marijuana would be a way to help that along.

Eventually they have to pull their heads out of their asses and see the light here.

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