Cannabis News
  Mendocino Offers Marijuana ID!
Posted by FoM on June 26, 1999 at 12:48:58 PT
BY Andrew Lamar - Santa Rosa Press Democrat!  
Source: Californian's For Compassionate Use 

medical UKIAH
Following in the footsteps of Arcata, Mendocino County authorities launched a program Thursday to protect people who use marijuana under doctor's orders from being arrested.

The voluntary program provides participants with a photo identification card to show police if they are stopped. They will be allowed to possess two pounds of processed marijuana or up to a dozen small plants.

"These are just guidelines," Mendocino County District Attorney Norman Vroman said. "They are not cast in stone. We had to start some place, and this is where we started."

Although the program will protect participants from arrest by Mendocino County authorities, it isn't recognized by federal drug agents, and the U.S. Justice Department has refused to recognize California's medical marijuana law.

Appearing at a news conference Thursday afternoon with Vroman, Sheriff Tony Craver unveiled the application forms and the laminated cards, which have space for a photo, an expiration date and the patient's name, date of birth and identification number.

Application forms are available at offices of the district attorney, sheriff and public health department.

A dozen people already have requested the forms, Craver said.

Mendocino County modeled its policy on a program used for nearly two years in Arcata, but it is considered novel in at least two regards.

First, it requires the public health department to check on doctors' recommendations and to keep the physicians' names confidential. In Arcata, police check with the doctors.

Second, applicants must provide basic information on their appearance, address, where their marijuana is grown and a few other details that the sheriff will keep on file to allow dispatchers to verify whether a person is covered by the program.

The approach is markedly different than in Sonoma County, where medicinal users must forward their doctors' recommendations to a Sonoma County Medical Association peer review committee for a decision. Once approval is granted, it's up to the individual to contact the district attorney, who decides how much marijuana the person can have.

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Comment #2 posted by Laurence D'Alberti on February 20, 2001 at 09:52:21 PT:

Dear Anyone in Mendocino County:
I need a good supply of high grade Marijuana. I don't feel I should even have to have a doctor's prescription - that is just another level of regulation - isn't it good enough to say it helps me a lot with stress and anxiety, that I am a 40 year old adult, that I am willing to take the responsibility to keep my weed smoking to myself? Even if I had some disease it isn't anyone's business and who wants to put up with the gossip and discrimination? If I have to, how and where do I get a prescription and what good is it if the CA Sherriffs don't recognize the thing? Anyway, I don't want to sell the stuff or anything like that - I just want to buy some for personal use. I live in Red Bluff and have to drive all the way to Redding and pay $20 for about 3 joints for Christ's Sake. With all the high grade weed I hear about growing around Northern California, why is it so expensive and why is it so hard to find a decent supply without going to some seedy, dangerous motel and dealing with jailbird strangers? Could the Mendocino suppliers improve their marketing via the Internet perhaps? Anyone able to supply, e-mail me at

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Comment #1 posted by steve on January 30, 2001 at 19:33:34 PT:

medicinal marijuana card
To whom I speak...

I am a massachusetts resident who is considering moving to Mendicino County in the future , but I was wondering if a out of state person can aquire a I.D. Thank you for your time.


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